
הודעות מהשותפים

אם אתה שותף שלנו וברצונך לפרסם הודעה ותמונות ב "הודעות מהשותפים", הקלק על כפתור "פרסם הודעה". ההודעה שלך תיראה רק לאחר שאנו נאשר אותה.

פרסם הודעה
סה"כ 268
  • מספר 183


    We were able to make the missionary trip to distribute the books to Bafia, a town close to the capital of our country. We were able to experience the Faithfulness of the Lord, who prepared the hearts of the souls that we gave the books. 15 boxes of books were distributed in two days of distribution. We give thanks to God for your prayers and are infinitely grateful to be workers of the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit.Cédric Patrick Tchako, Cameroon

    • Cédric Patrick Tchako
    • Cameroon
    • 08/30/2022885
  • מספר 182

    Good news from Ethiopia

    Yesterday a friend of mine gave me a call and asked me to record a video for him. Then we went together to the guy whom he wanted to interview. I was a cameraman. When  they’re done, it started raining cats and dogs. We went to a restaurant and ordered something to eat. After having meal, they’re just talking and I was posting on social media. I wasn’t paying attention to them. They’re talking in Tigrinya language,which I don’t know. Both of them are refugees from Eritrea. They actually speak a little Amharic, Ethiopian national language. All of a sudden, I put my phone down on the table and asked the interviewee a question. How long have you been a Christian? He answered, 4 years. Another question.  I kept on asking. He told me about the ups and downs of his life and how he encountered Jesus. I was patiently listening to his testimony even though I know he hasn’t encountered Jesus in reality.  When he finished his testimony, I asked him a question again. Had you been a sinner or a righteous before your conversion? seems foolish question, right? He answered he had been a sinner. How about now? He said that he’s righteous now. What do you do when you commit sins? He answered me that he asks God for forgiveness. Is forgiveness for a sinner or for righteous? He answered it’s for a sinner. So, that means you’re a sinner. Didn’t you say that you’re righteous a moment ago? He was confused. After showing that he’s still a sinner though he claims to have met Jesus, I started sharing the gospel of the water and the Spirit with him. My friend was also listening to our dialogue. He isn’t born again either. They’re listening to me wholeheartedly. By the way all conversations were recorded on my phone. I’ll upload it on telegram channel and YouTube.  Finally, they’ve told me that they’ve never heard such an amazing gospel in their entire lives. They’re very excited about receiving the knowledge of truth that has blotted our their lifetime sins.  I’m so thankful that God used me as His instrument to share the good news with these Eritrean brothers. I hope these brothers will share the good news with Eritrean refugees in Ethiopia. The good news of the gospel of the water and the spirit will be spread in Eritrean too.  Dear brothers and sisters, remember theses newly brothers in your prayers. God bless! Brother Yohannes (John)Ethiopia, Addis Ababa

    • Yohannes Make Mara
    • Ethiopia
    • 08/25/2022894
  • מספר 181


    -BOOK 7 REVIEW- -IS THE AGE OF ANTICHRIST, MARTYRDOM, RAPTURE AND THE MILLENNIAL KINGDOM COMING? (I)- Brothers and sisters, No other gospel is true except that of the water and the Spirit, the gospel of the remission of sin and the reception of the Holy Spirit.  Filled with sins, I could not understand the meaning of the book of Revelation written by the apostle John.  Even as I tried to decipher it, the haze and confusion were the results of my futile research leading me to believe in the pre-tribulation rapture theory.  This false theory has wreaked serious havoc in my life.  I could not be stable in my life deeply believing in a sudden rapture of Christian believers.  Interpreting the thunders and storms of nature, I had fallen prey to this false theory.  I was living in a lot of illusions fueled by the testimonies of those who claim to have visited heaven and hell.Now I see clearly!  Yes, I now believe in the entire word of Revelation prophecy because of this book.  It is true that at the first reading, I did not totally agree, but after re-reading I now have the firm conviction that the Holy Spirit speaks to me personally through this book.  You see dear believers, I understood that the false doctrines originate from the fact that the false prophets are interested in money and popularity.  Thus by their thirst for power and money, they make Christians fanatical, emotional and full of material envy.  I cannot deny this truth of having been that Balaam and disciple of the Nicolaitans of whom he is mentioned in this book.  But how could I have known if the Holy Spirit did not bear witness to this truth so clearly.  I give thanks to God for His long-suffering.  I am more and more certain that what God really wants from us is our holiness, that is to say our faith in the remission of our sins accomplished by His Only Son Jesus Christ who came into this world in the flesh of human being, received water baptism by which He took all our sins into His Body and died on the Cross shedding His blood.  This is the faith that God expects of us to shower us with all kinds of spiritual blessings and the blessing of being kept during the martyrdom of the saints.  I also had the thought of building a bunker by myself when I was dreading the end times.  But through understanding this book, it is more apparent that God blesses and protects those who believe and preach the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit.  God fills with all His care, His own children.  It was planned by God before the foundation of the world.  God's care for His redeemed children does not depend on their abilities or inabilities, but only on His elaborate Providence. This book is by far rich in blessings.  I highly recommend it.  May God bless you all with faith in the words of Revelation prophecy. Cédric Patrick, Douala-Cameroon

    • Cédric Patrick Tchako
    • Cameroon
    • 08/03/20224450
  • מספר 180


      VERSE 1  Have you heard of it.a desease that has surpassed covid 19, its different from it.death and distraction is what it has killed everyone you and me it has no one has been able to find the cure not even those best scientists. CHORUS it only has one cure that is Grace.indeed this desease of Sin has put tears on our face.but we shall face it by water blood snd the spirit i mean God's mercy. VERSE 2 this desease started long ago in the garden of Eden.just when they had sinned the bound between them and God was brocken.and when we were born we inherited everything including that burden.fulfilling the scripture that saysbehold i was iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me this is true my brethren.Have tested the waste of it beforeit took me showed me painand I cried more and moreday in day out tears could flowwe are waste sinner this is wat we can't ingore no not anymore  CHORUS remember it only has one cure tht is Grace indeed this desease of Sin has put tears on our facebut we shall face it by water blood snd the spirit i mean God's mercy.... VERSE 3 the only cure we have is to belive in the baptism of jesus which is the water were all our sins were transferred blood his death on the cross which he had suffered it started with the shadow in the old testamentyes i mean that old agreement were they used to take lambs at the meeting tentand lay thier hands and confess  transferring thier sins on the animal and later killed it as it was a cure for themand last it  died as a replacementBELIVE in this medicine. that makes your heart clean.cuase it works like chlorine or let me say vaccine.killing every sin in your soul.

    • SAINT KENNEDY Sinkala
    • Zambia
    • 07/14/202210025
  • מספר 179


    I am Lungamani perez Joel from Malawi, southern Africa.I did report here that i have received mission books from Korea. Yesterday was my first day to do book distribution and i managed 10 boxes. The good this was that some asked for my number for questioning and comments and some i asked them to give me.Today one of the recipient who happens to be a police officer has asked me for more books to be distributed at the his office for his workmates. To me this is  so encouraging.Lungamani Joel, Malawi

    • Lungamani Joel
    • Malawi
    • 06/21/202214660