
הודעות מהשותפים

אם אתה שותף שלנו וברצונך לפרסם הודעה ותמונות ב "הודעות מהשותפים", הקלק על כפתור "פרסם הודעה". ההודעה שלך תיראה רק לאחר שאנו נאשר אותה.

פרסם הודעה
סה"כ 268
  • מספר 128


    Yesterday I and some colleague coworkers went to a place called Kokofu to do street evangelism by distributing our Mission Books. As we all know, the Literature Ministry has become one of the effective ways in our times to preach snd spread the true gospel of the water and the Spirit to the lost souls who have been deceived by the false doctrines in Christianity which cannot salvage them from their sins. Whiles we were doing the distribution, some pastors who were interested in our Books approached us, and one of them told us that he works at the Rainbow FM station. And that he he will invite us to come and speak on the radio station. So let us pray for this pastor because even though they have such good intentions, sometimes Satan prevents them from doing so since he doesn't want many people to come to knowledge of the TRUTH. Let us also pray for recipients of the Books, that God will enlighten the eyes and minds of the readers to comprehend the unilateral "LOVE" of Jesus Christ as revealed in His gospel of the water and the Spirit. Praise be to His Holy Name! Eric Aboadwe Primitive Gospel Mission (Ghana)A Division of The New Life Mission (South Korean) Below are some pictures/photos                      

    • Eric Aboadwe
    • Ghana
    • 08/09/202168037
  • מספר 127

    [Gospel Song] Christ our Saviour

    Christ our Saviour (C) Sequence: (V1 V2)2x C2x V3 C2xChords: C G Am, Dm C G, C Dm Am, C G C  (Verse 1)When I look upon this world No one but You Christ You came down to this earth To redeem us from our sins (Verse 2)You took our sins In the river Jordan You died on the cross To pay the wages of sins  (chorus) 3 days You rose again, 3days You rose again, 3days You rose again For us to have eternal life   (verse 3) I’m now the child of God I call God my Father I’m now in thy Kingdom and I will live for ever more     (verse 4)For what shall w render  Unto Jesus Lord For His benefit for me, I’ll take the cup of salvation   The New Life Mission · Christ Our Saviour - Charity Lupeshi, Zambia   The New Life Mission · Christ Our Saviour - Ern Huang

    • Ern Huang
    • Malaysia
    • 08/07/202173509
  • מספר 126

    Thank you for amazing truth

    I hope this finds you well and prosperous in Jesus Christ, our Lord! Firstly, let me assure you that translation work is going very well and it comes out with a very good quality, by the inspiration, guidance and blessings of the Spirit of Christ Himself. I just had a very striking revelation when reading Reverent Paul C. Jong's book today, and I just wanted to share with you in love these thoughts, which I believe would benefit people who can hear them, and fellow especially believers, who already know some scripture. It was about the chapter where Rev. Paul C. Jong spoke about the dead sin of the outer man. ("...Our outer selves were already crucified with Christ. Those who have the remission of sins also go on sinning through their physical bodies. But isn’t that a sin? Yes it is, but it is a dead sin. It’s dead because the sins were taken to the Cross with the Lord.").  And it made me immediately recall the OT image of Moses' brass serpent on the rod.  The same way, when you look at the dead sin, you are freed from the venom of the sin forever! The brass serpent on Moses' staff in the Old Testament was a symbol of this dead sin, which was to be revealed in the New Testament. Just as the Israelites bitten by venomous serpents were instantly healed when they looked up at the brass serpent with their physical eyes, now we too are completely healed from all our sins when we look with the eyes of faith at the dead sin nailed to the cross in Jesus Christ! Formerly I used to be taught that the brass serpent symbolized crucified Christ, and there is of course a truth to it. But no one had told me that the whole point of this brass serpent symbol was that it represented the actual DEAD sin, not just the crucified Messiah! Then I realized as well, that the reason why so many Christians can't receive complete forgiveness of their sins is that they don't understand this symbolism of a brass serpent. If they had realized that the serpent on the staff was actually not real, but DEAD, e.g. made of brass, - they would have realized that in the same way, all sins of our external carnal man that have been taken up by Jesus Christ, and nailed and killed at the cross, - so they are just as dead as the dead brass serpent on the Moses' staff!  When Christians would see the complete death of the sin by this example, they would immediately understand what had been actually done by Jesus and would immediately receive complete salvation from all sins! The constant "carrying Christ's death within ourselves" would be just this constant reminder of faith about the fate of the dead sin eliminated forever on the cross!  I thank Rev. Paul C. Jong so much, as well as you and other coworkers, who helped these books to be published and spread throughout the world, to free people's consciousness.  God bless, George Gogolashvili, Georgia

    • George Gogolashvili
    • Georgia
    • 08/05/202168747
  • מספר 125

    Gospel song titled [ONLY Christ can save us from our sin] by Charity Lupeshi

    ONLY Christ can save us from our sin   (verse1) When I look upon this world no one but you Christ you came down to this earth to redeem us from sin,you took our sins in the river Jordan you died on the cross to pay the wages of sins *2.(chorus) 3days you rose again,3days you rose again, 3days you rose again for us to have eternal life*2  (verse2) Am now the child of God I call God my father am now in thy kingdom and I will live for ever more  (chorus) 3days you rose again, 3days you rose again, 3days you rose again for us to have eternal life*2 (verse3)For what shall will render  unto Jesus Lord for his benefit for me, I will take the cup of salvation*2 (chorus) 3days you rose again, 3days you rose again, 3days you rose again for us to have eternal life*2.   The New Life Mission · Charity Lupeshi, Zambia

    • Charity Lupeshi
    • Zambia
    • 08/02/202175945
  • מספר 124

    Gospel song titled [The Right Praise] by Jude Ezugwu

    IntroFreedom ……..Freedom………YOU HAVE SAVED MY SOUL I WILL PRAISE YOU I WILL CLAP AND DANCE FOR YOU  I AM SAVED ALLELUIA WHEN I BOAST, I BOAST IN HIMWHEN HE DIED, HE DIED FOR MEWITH HIS BAPTISM HE TOOK MY GUILTON THE CROSS HE PAID THE PRICE X2   VERSE 1 When you sleep and wake up in the morning you thank the lordWhen you find what to eat and drink you thank the lordWhen you go out and come back safely you thank the lordWhen you fall sick and come out of sickness you thank the lordAfter 365 days of the year you thank the lordWhen you marry and have children yes you thank the lordIt is very important to thank God in every situation we find ourselves But what is the meaning of life and thanks that perish with timeEscaping death today, tomorrow you are liable to die againWhy do you limit his praise to things that perish with time?Everything found under the sun perish with time Until Christ, is revealed to you Your own identity is never in viewEvery action of a man is a product of his own wordsHis own words, begets his thoughtHis thought forms his belief Every belief, comes from the heart The heart of my pain Is within my veinSeeing people roaming on chainsThanking God in vainLeaving out the gainWasting their fameInside the rain This is insaneWhat a shame As if he died in vain Who can praise you?Who can truly praise you?It is that man whose sins are forgivenIt is that man whose sins are remittedIt is that man who has eternal lifeIt is that man whose heart has no guilt at all    YOU HAVE SAVED MY SOUL FOREVERI WILL PRAISE YOU FOREVERI WILL CLAP AND DANCE FOR YOU I AM SAVED ALLELUIA X2 WHEN I BOAST, I BOAST IN HIMWHEN HE DIED, HE DIED FOR MEWITH HIS BAPTISM HE TOOK MY GUILTON THE CROSS HE PAID THE PRICE X2   VERSE 2Jesus my sin bearerJesus my sin offeringHe who knew no sin made to become sin ehThat I who was with sin may be without sin ehIt can only be God who has done this for ehOh what a saviorWhat a savior Alleluia I’m savedI give thanks for eternal lifeWhich God, who never lie,Fulfilled in file of timeI have the receipt The ticket that indicatesEvery believer liveth forever without a judgment fever That everyone else is blind Doesn’t mean I don’t have the lightMy job on earth is to restore your sight I don’t struggle to score point with GodI’m found in GraceThe grace of God appeared to menBringing salvation to allBut many play it like ballNeglecting his callThat is why am standing tallRe-writing the wrong This is a confessionI call it my redemptionI have my vindicationFrom several tribulationsIn all my situationsHe championed my salvation Without my contributionHe took my place and changed my stateFrom death to life from Grace to Grace I became a son God blessed me beyond the courseAnd gave me his cupI had a call I am the saltAnd not the sugarI can’t shiver Tell you all to stop taking panadol Because of my call I cannot be dull anymore He’s my inner bores in every duress I have eternal bullet Eternal Life is within my soul, from the valley low to the mountain top I can testify   YOU HAVE SAVED MY SOUL FOREVERI WILL PRAISE YOU FOREVERI WILL CLAP AND DANCE FOR YOU I AM SAVED ALLELUIA WHEN I BOAST, I BOAST IN HIMWHEN HE DIED, HE DIED FOR MEWITH HIS BAPTISM HE TOOK MY GUILTON THE CROSS HE PAID THE PRICE X2     The New Life Mission · THE RIGHT PRAISE By Jude Ezugwu - Nigeria

    • Jude Ezugwu
    • Nigeria
    • 07/10/202179797