
הודעות מהשותפים

אם אתה שותף שלנו וברצונך לפרסם הודעה ותמונות ב "הודעות מהשותפים", הקלק על כפתור "פרסם הודעה". ההודעה שלך תיראה רק לאחר שאנו נאשר אותה.

פרסם הודעה
סה"כ 268
  • מספר 88


    “It is the Lord’s invitation and it is our invitation to those lost in sin. When you receive these books you had no great expectations about what the book hold and when you read them you begin to understand your surprise when you were introduced to the Gospel of Water and Spirit you expected so little and found so much. This is a true sequential learning of Jesus Christ- (Come and See; Follow Me; Be with Me; Remain in Me). With those good news of the true word of God we will stay with you.”. This is the messages from those who read the first and the second book of Rev P. C. Jong in Botswana. God bless.  Like Nathanael and Samaritan women, today, we are invited to “come and see” Jesus of Nazareth through the pages of God’s Holy word. If one will just take an honest look at the eyewitness account of this life and teaching, His death, burial, and resurrection, they will come face to face with the son of God.  God knows all things. He knows everything about me and He knows everything about you. In fact there is nothing that we can conceal from Him. “You know it altogether.... where I can flee from your presence” Psalms 139:1-4, 7) “Where are you staying?” They asked JesusJesus responded simply by saying “come and see”. Thank you New Life Mission to invite us to come and see the true and complete gospel of God.To become the light of the world (disciples) we should receive the light of life. There is no how we can receive the light of life expect by Jesus Christ who explained to us that He is the way, the truth and the life and again He said they is no one who can go to the Father expect by Him. Before anything we should make covenant with the Kingdom of God by being born again of water and the spirit and that where Jesus could give that light. Have we received this kind of life? No because it is true the light still shines in the darkness, but the darkness refuses to receive it. Sometimes we take things light though there create a big pit to us, just imagine wasting time as hypocrisies, interpreting and systematizing the word of God according to our thoughts and the motivation of our flesh but deeply from our heart thinking we are Christians. If we do not act today, like just now when we hear good news we will be like those five foolish bridegrooms. Just picture the scenario; ‘you were full member and committed to the church and all the time practising the law of God and obeying Sabbath day and you have experience in your church and claim you are a Christian. Because you believe in the death of Jesus you know you are saved.  At the end of the day you are being told go back I don’t know you and it is late to call me Father.’  To us it is not yet late because New Life Mission is inviting us to be saved and is the right time to receive the invitation and reach the knowledge of the truth and stop wallowing in a mire of a hypocritical life of religion and our hearts in ignorance and chaos.  Once we take the step of born again of water and the spirit we will no longer motivate our flesh since we received the light of life. Are we saying I will or later? Beware if these are your words because it is all waste and delay. It is a hard time for some to be truly born again of water and the spirit or to return to the gospel of water and the spirit. May God bless. The true Gospel is “Gospel of the Water and the Spirit” and anyone who does not have “the Faith of being born again of the salvation of the Water and Spirit” is heretic in the eyes of God. Let demonstrate this word “Come now and let us reason together the written words of God”. Beside He even says though your sins are liked scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. How far are we to hear this lovely and mercy words of God emphasised by the Shepherd, Rev Paul? Are we all away that there is no reverse and back doors? But there is still time to count the cost and decide on the cost. If you are willing and obedient, you shall be devoured by the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.  ‘Where there is carcass, there the vultures will gather’. This bird's keenness of sight is almost incredible; it will discern a prey at an enormous distance, and its movements being watched by others, all eager to secure food, a carcass is very quickly surrounded by a multitude of these rapacious birds, flocking from all quarters.In a spiritual sense, the gnome would imply that moral corruption calls for heavenly chastisement. But neither of these interpretations would satisfy the context, which speaks of Christ's Second Advent. When these things should be? Christ gave them no answer to that; but they had also asked, What shall be the sign? This question he answers fully. The prophecy first respects events near at hand, the destruction of Jerusalem, the end of the Jewish church and state, the calling of the Gentiles, and the setting up of Christ's kingdom in the world; but it also looks to the general judgment; and toward the close, points more particularly to the latter.  See what comes of refusing the gospel of water and the spirit. Will we say no if somebody says those who will not hear the messengers of peace shall be made to hear the messengers of war? But where the heart is fixed, trusting in God, it is kept in peace, and is not afraid. It is against the mind of Christ, that his people should have troubled hearts, even in troublous times. When we looked forward to the eternity of misery that is before the obstinate refuse’s of Christ and his gospel, we may truly say, the greatest earthly judgments are but the beginning of sorrows. If God opens a door of escape, we ought to make our escape, otherwise we do not trust God, but tempt him. Though we must take what God sends, we must test the spirits to see whether they are of God in order to remain in Him rather than getting lost.  And the person who keeps his commandments resides in God, and God in him. Now by this we know that God resides in us: by the Spirit he has given us. Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins." And “Every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God"Like John 3:16 says it is or choice to accept the two special blessing that God bestowed on us; One is the general blessing which includes   all things of nature and the other is being born again (to become a disciple) of water and spirit which saves all sinners from death for their sins. We thank the Shepherd of God to reveal the truth of the word of God and may our lovely Mighty Lord be with Him all the time and cover him with the blood of Jesus and to you New Life Mission stay blessed all the time and God feed you with wisdom. God bless.

    • Lebogang Rasesigo
    • Botswana
    • 05/06/202160888
  • מספר 87

    When I first met the gospel of water and the spirit, my thoughts were very stubborn.

    When I first met the gospel of water and the spirit, my thoughts were very stubborn. I liked some parts and ignored others. I reluctantly read the books, I kept some under my bed for several months. Yet in my heart I knew something was wrong with my faith. My heart was never filled even after attending numerous church sermons. Several pastors prayed for me to receive the holy spirit, took me to deep waters but my heart still remained empty. I had to search for the truth. I joined one WBS but the same doctrines!. I then joined another institution online, again the same teachings!. As I searched on google, I saw the banner : Free Christian books. I placed a request for book 3. The question of the in dwelling of the holy spirit was my greatest to unearth. But even after receiving this book, I read it, but my thoughts were still way stubborn!. As I continued to hunger for the truth, I came across several other books written by other pastors and read and easily accepted their teaching, but again I was still void and empty. Even though the NLM bk 3 clearly taught me sin, my thoughts still became an enemy. No wonder Jesus said that a man's enemy is a member of his own household!Pastor John Shin tested my faith by asking some questions, but I answered as was pleasing to my thoughts!. I felt embarrassed by such questions!. Eventually he sent me book 1 & 2. Going through book 2 after book 1 opened my eyes and I had to separate from my church, me and my wife. As I read Moses' story in Acts 7:20-32, I came to realize how Moses thoughts were killed by God. Moses had learned about the Egyptians teachings while in Pharaoh's palace for 40 yrs. However, after defending his fellow Hebrew, he fled to Midian where he stayed for another 40yrs. During this time, God killed the thoughts of Moses that he had learnt in Egypt. He had forgotten his native language, and the teachings of Pharaoh and now could be used by God to save the Israelites..The Ethiopian eunach had to deny his thoughts and political ego and easily accepted that he didn't understand what he read from the book of Isaiah; he accepted the explanation as given by apostle Phillip. If general Naaman had stuck to his thoughts, he could have died of leprosy.Human thoughts are their greatest enemy, it is here that Satan works most to stand against God, His Word and his servants.Had I not forsaken my thoughts, I would have missed this glorious blessings from God, destined to hell. In my thoughts, the teachings from the NLM books were biblical, but they seemed not to march with what I had learnt and heard for ages!. But glory be to God! He still kept plowing my heart with the Gospel of water and the spirit, declaring that whoever the Father has brought me will never get lost!. Ohhh! How I praise God in my soul today!Again when I read about Jesus' birth, I came to realize how evil human thoughts is. People rejected Mary's spiritual conception simply because it has never been heard in their history!.Dear brethren, our thoughts remains our greatest enemy, a member of our own household!. Trusting in His word even if it doesn't fit our thoughts and situations is the best we can do!BlessingsPastor George Obare, Kenya

    • George Obare
    • Kenya
    • 05/06/202159210
  • מספר 86


     It is written In I John 5:1 onwards that whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born  of God. And Whatever is  born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has over overcomes the world - our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the son of God. This is He who come by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who  bears witness, because the Spirit is truth. For there are three who bear witness in heaven: the Father, the word, and the Holy Spirit. And these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and these three, agrees as one. People  cannot overcome the world unless they are born again. The reason why the faithful can overcome the world is that they have faith in the water, the blood, and Spirit. The power to overcome the world cannot spring from a person's will, endeavor or passion. We must believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit for us to overcome the world.

    • Benard Ogweno Nyandiwa
    • Kenya
    • 05/06/202157520
  • מספר 85

    Gospel of the water, spirit and blood

    I am from Zone 2 Bonbon, Opol, Misamis Oriental, Philippines.I would thank the Lord for leading me to this site of Pastor Paul Jong "The New Life Mission". Way back early 2012 when I first visited the site of The New Life Mission, I read how Jesus saved us and the true salvation by believing the Gospel of the water and the Spirit...At first I was puzzled by what I had read and compared to what commonly preached in churches, it's lacking. Then, i kept reading about the Gospel of the water, spirit and the blood.Indeed it changed my faith and I am very blessed by believing in the Gospel of the water, spirit and the blood to be a genuine born again christian not physically but SPIRITUALLY I AM! Thank you Lord Jesus for the Salvation....A drastic change in my spiritual life, indeed my family had STOP attending church because its useless to sit down and listen they absolutely teaches wrong about salvation and more on doctrines.What we are doing with my family now, is we discuss on what we read on the books and at the same time we continueously distributing the free books to everybody we met along. You know, it's different feeling of joy from within when you can share about the Gospel of the water and the Spirit ( a feeling of security/ spiritually assured when we die we surely go to the Kingdom of God)... What I noticed being a born again, I never worry about problems we encounter in our lives now, we just simply thank HIM no matter bad or good for we believe everything He has a reason. We rely on Him all the way. It's just a call away God is in rescue might be YES or NO...Everyday for us is a surprise with His mercy and grace... More instances, we prayed to HIM we need finances and never in our own effort we can produce for it hahahaha what surprised us a long lost friend of mine had a call and wants to settle her credit...We prayed for food provision, cashless at that time no where to run, after an hour we called a friend then he replied "get the 1 sack of rice here now" , then later another friend sent 5 kilos of pork meat for credit WOWWWWWWW God is good all the time HE is FAITHFUL!Never I worry things small or huge problems I entrust it all up to HIM! Always had a sound sleep with peace of mind and joyful heart and a happy soul! I am asking the LORD JESUS to bless all the coworkers so we can spread the Good News! Happy Born Again Christian Hygeia Levy "Jingjing" G. Salvan

    • Philippines
    • 05/06/202156549
  • מספר 84


     God through His Arm(Jesus Christ) has sanctified all things and has made what is impure to be pure by grace,so that nothing is to be refused if received in thanks giving by faith.for the law brought condemnation, it clearly  brought division about things made by God so that some things are clean others not.but the Bible clearly says no one living by the law is justified(Galatians 3 vs 11),but it was said by our fathers"walk by the law and live..but the law is not base by faith.."(Galatians 3 vs 12) for it is not by our works that makes us righteous,but by faith in the word of God through believe.see, any one who try to justified himself to be righteous by obeying the law makes God a lair of his grace. for one does nothing to be righteous else you boast by your works but only through believe in the beautiful gospel of the water and the spirit found in Jesus.For in Him we have receive GRACE upon the grace already given.(John 1:16). it is said in the Holy scriptures.."believe and have eternal life"(John 3:16). For the words you hear from us through Jesus is life..the life is spirit and light which sanctified your body,mind and soul to be Holy and righteous before God which is the Holy where the spirit of God dwell,sin CANNOT abide.The GRACE of God found in Jesus makes all things clean.Hallelujah!

    • Killian Afedoh
    • Ghana
    • 05/06/202157317