
کتابی جائزے

جنہاں لوکاں نیں ساڈیاں کتاباں پڑھیاں نیں اوھناں نیں ھیٹھاں لکھے ھوئے جائزے گھلے نیں ۔ ایہہ ساڈی آس ھیگی اے پئی ایہناں دے راھیں ، تُسیں سارے خُدا دے فضل نوں اک دوجے نال ونڈو گے جنہے سانوں پانی تے رُوح نال نویں سریوں جمن دے لائق بنایا اے۔ تہاڈی گھلیاں شیواں صرف ساڈی منظوری دے بعد ای دسن گئیاں ۔

سندیس پوسٹ کرو
کُل 289
  • نمبر 109

    our LORD who becomes the righteousness of God (ii)

    thank you for sending me the part 1 of the above mention book.

    • k.s vinme kasar
    • India
    • 05/04/20219
  • نمبر 108

    want to take this opportunity to God for this far he has taken me.

    I want to take this opportunity to God for this far he has taken me.  I believed in Jesus somehow in the past though in my heart i believed i had sin, that is before i got to know about true gospel of water and Spirit this took many years but when I read the the first book entitled "Are you truly born again of water and spirit" bY Rev Paul, my mind was open and i felt toughed in my heart. i believed in true gospel of water and spirit my faith was completely changed i realized that when Christs baptism and dead on the cross wiped all my sins. my past sin, my current sin and my future sin. am now sinless!! my faith is now based on true gospel of water and Spirit and now am separated from worldly christianity. Am sharing this gospel to youths in Kenya and am proud that they are receptive to this true gospel of Water and Spirit. God bless you. phillip Mwangale Wanyama, Kenya

    • phillip Mwangale Wanyama
    • Kenya
    • 05/04/20217
  • نمبر 107

    what did we believ to receiv the remissiomn of sins?

    Absolute majority of christians have not been born again by the gospel of the water and the Spirit even as they believ in Jesus somehow.They are still trying to receive the Holy Spirit after a few and more years since they first believed in Jesus.But you must realise it is wrong to try to receive the remission of sin and the Holy Spirit separately after believing in Jesus.Trying to receive the Holy Spirit separately after believing in Jesus ,they climb up some mountains and pray,and all kinds of crazy things in church,crying and wailing.THESE ARE ALL SYMPTOMS OF THE DEMON-POSSESSED....People misunderstand the gospel of the water and Spirit,and just believe that Jesus has blotted out their sins only with the blood of the cross.what would have happened had Jesus died on the cross without first accepting all our sins passed onto him through his baptism?

    • christopher chibale
    • Zambia
    • 05/04/20214
  • نمبر 106

    The remission of sin once and for all!

    Nimrod become the mighty hunter before the Lord(Genesis10v8-10),like nimrod today many soul hunters they are raised all over the world in the name of Jesus killing souls and make them twofold more the child of than yourself...Praise the lord Jesus who came by the water,blood and the Spirit to open our spiritual eyes that we may discern the false prophets!

    • christopher chibale
    • Zambia
    • 05/04/20213
  • نمبر 105

    The water,blood & the Spirit

    The forgiveness of sins of mankind came by Jesus Christ once & for all by the water&blood,i thank God for his salvation!

    • christopher chibale
    • Zambia
    • 05/04/20213