
کتابی جائزے

جنہاں لوکاں نیں ساڈیاں کتاباں پڑھیاں نیں اوھناں نیں ھیٹھاں لکھے ھوئے جائزے گھلے نیں ۔ ایہہ ساڈی آس ھیگی اے پئی ایہناں دے راھیں ، تُسیں سارے خُدا دے فضل نوں اک دوجے نال ونڈو گے جنہے سانوں پانی تے رُوح نال نویں سریوں جمن دے لائق بنایا اے۔ تہاڈی گھلیاں شیواں صرف ساڈی منظوری دے بعد ای دسن گئیاں ۔

سندیس پوسٹ کرو
کُل 289
  • نمبر 249

    The Best Gift I Have Ever Received in My Life

    The book "Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?" gifted to me by a friend, is the best gift I have ever received in my life. This book has profoundly impacted my understanding of sin and true redemption. For many years, I lived in fear of death due to the weight of my sin, feeling unworthy of God`s kingdom. Disappointed by church routines focused on money rather than addressing sin, I discovered a revelatory truth within this book.Upon reading it, I realized my profound ignorance of my own sinfulness. The book lucidly defines sin, whose dire consequences lead to hell. It unravels the purpose of the law and articulates salvation through the God-given pattern of Jesus`s sacrificial death as the Lamb of God. This pattern includes His baptism by John the Baptist to take all my sins and His death on the cross to pay for them. Now I am sinless and righteous before God because of the baptism, death and resurrection of Jesus and not because of my good deeds. Importantly, everything the book discusses is grounded in the Bible.Unlike my church experiences, this book offered genuine guidance. It clarifies the pathway to salvation and helped me recognize my sinful nature. Grateful for its impact, I recommend this enlightening read to all seeking to understand being born again and become heirs of God`s kingdom.Charles Mwangi, Kenya

    • Charles Githaiga Charles Githaiga
    • Kenya
    • 01/04/202417
  • نمبر 248


    JUST AS ONE MINUS ONE IS EQUAL TO ZERO(1-1=0) SO IS FAITH IN THE GOSPEL OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT IS EQUAL TO A SINLESS HEART.Before I came to believe in the gospel truth of the water and Spirit(John3:5), I was actually a Christian sinner, who had believed in Jesus but yet still had sin in my heart, even though I had believed in the blood of Jesus fervently, I still had sin intact in my heart. What a confused and contradictory belief I had!But After reading REV. PAUL C. JONG’S Book called RETURN TO THE GOSPEL OF THE WATER AND SPIRIT, I have come to believe in Jesus correctly, as this book RETURN TO THE GOSPEL OF THE WATER AND SPIRIT. By Rev. Paul C. Jong as now turned my false faith into a correct and pure faith in the righteous Acts of Jesus Christ which is His only way by which He has saved us from all my sins, or the sins of world as John testified in (John1:29) even, through His baptism, death and resurrection that has permitted my heart to become sinless and holy. Thus am no longer a Christian sinner, neither a pseudo believer like before. Now my false faith of believing in Jesus as my savior but yet still having sin in my heart has completely disappeared all because of the gospel of the water and Spirit, contained in this book. Now I live to give thanks to God for His Servant Rev. Paul C. Jong for writing such a special book even, RETURN TO THE GOSPEL OF THE WATER AND SPIRIT for it has truly made me to turn into a sinless child of God, without my efforts, works nor my prayers of repentance. Hallelujah!!I have now come to completely understand that JESUS’ BAPTISM AND BLOOD MINUS SIN IN MY HEART IS EQUAL TO A SINLESS HEART, JUST AS ONE MINUS ONE IS INDEED EQUAL TO ZERO.HALLELUJAH!! GOD BLESS HIS WORK OF RIGHTEOUSNESS OF HIS BAPTISM, DEATH AND RESURRECTION.Brenda Tembo, Zambia

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 01/03/20248
  • نمبر 247


    OH INDE! NDINALI OCHIMWA KOMA TSOPANO NDINE MWANA WA MULUNGU OPANDA UCHIMO POKHULUPILIRA MU UTHENGA WABWINO WA MADZI, MWAZI NDI MZIMUNdikuthokoza Mulungu posindikiza buku lapadera lotchedwa KODI MWABADWADI MWATSOPANO MWA MADZI NDI MZIMU? Kudzera mwa mtumiki Wake REV PAUL C.JONG.Kudzera mu kuwerenga buku limeneli, KODI MWABADWADI MWATSOPANO MWA MADZI NDI MZIMU? la REV PAUL C. JONG, ndamvetsetsa motheratu kuti ndinedi ndani monga munthu kupatula Yesu Kristu. Kuti ndinabadwa wa uchimo kwambiri, ndipo ndinaikidwira ku gahena zonse chifukwa cha machimo anga. Koma mathokozo akhale kwa Mwana Obadwa Yekha wa Mulungu, Yesu Kristu amene anadza ku dziko lino lapansi kusandulika m’thupi la munthu, ndipo pa zaka za 30 kupita ku Mtsinje wa Yordano kukakumana ndi Yohane Mbatizi amene anaimilira monga woimirira wa mtundu wa anthu komanso mkulu wa nsembe wotsiriza pa dziko lapansi pamene Iye anabatiza Yesu Kristu kuti apereke machimo anga onse otengera, akale, atsopano ndi a mtsogolo pa thupi la Yesu Kristu kudzera mu njira ya kuika kwa manja monga yodzodzedwa ndi Mulungu Atate M`chipangano Chakale mu (Levitiko 1:1-4, 16 ndime ya 21) yomwe imafanana ndi ubatizo wa Yesu kudzera mwa Yohane Mbatizi mu (Mateyu 3:13-17). Chifukwa chakuti tsopano ndimakhulupilira mu Choonadi chimenechi kuti Yesu Kristu anabatizidwa ndi Yohane Mbatizi kuti atenge machimo anga onse komanso machimo a aliyense padziko lapansi ndi kupita pa mtanda kuti alipire mphotho ya machimo anga, ndipo pa tsiku lachitatu kuukitsidwa kuti apereke moyo watsopano, ndakhala tsopano mwana wa Mulungu wopanda uchimo komanso olungama. Aleluya!! Ulemelero wonse ndi Ulemu ziperekedwe kwa Yesu Kristu. Ndikupereka mathokozo anga kwa Mtumiki woona wa Mulungu, Rev. Paul C. Jong, pondidalitsa ine komanso dziko lonse lapansi ndi buku lapadera limeneli lokhala ndi mau enieni a chipulumutso omwe tsopano andipatsa ine mwayi wolowa Kumwamba monga ulendo wanga. Amen.Brenda Tembo, Zambia.

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 01/03/20242
  • نمبر 246

    Thank You Jesus for saving me through the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

    Rev. Paul C. Jong`s book (1) "Have you truly been born again of the water and the Spirit?" enabled me to know how sinful I`m. Through one man, sin entered, and we became all sinners (Romans 5:12). There is no prayer of repentance that can remove the sins in man`s Heart. Through reading Book 1, I learned the truth that Jesus took away all the sins of the world by His baptism; He paid for them by dying on the Cross, just like the way it was in the Old Testament in the book of (Leviticus 4:2-4). Hence salvation came with one Man, Jesus, the second Adam. The true faith is to believe that Jesus, who is God, Himself came in the flesh of man by the Spirit. He took away all the sins of the world through His baptism He received from John the Baptist who is the representative of mankind, He paid for them by vicariously dying on the Cross. No one can be saved without believing in this. Thank you Paul C Jong for disclosing this truth to me.Saint Francis Phiri from Zambia

    • Francis Phiri
    • Zambia
    • 01/02/20245
  • نمبر 245

    The message in this book washed away all my lifelong sins.

    Before meeting the coworker of The New Life Mission, I had lived a religious but miserable life, accompanied by pain and tears. Until that time, I had ambitions of becoming a great Evangelist and thought of joining Christian theology to promote my knowledge of the work of God. Of which I joined. But there was something else which could torment me, that`s the lust in my mind.I started long prayers and fasting with repentance but couldn`t get relief! At that time, I asked one Evangelist, who told me to maybe write my sins in the paper, then burn and smoke with them, raise to heaven, and God maybe wash my heart and mind from all sins, which I did, but nothing worked out. I was about to give up on my religious life!When I joined college, I was still with my superstitious life, trusting in dreams and visions for comfort, but still sin could torment my heart! I remember one day, a coworker of the New Life Mission met me and gave me a book, but I couldn`t read it because I thought to myself that I knew everything!Until the next semester when I was shifted to his resident hall. That`s the time he preached the Gospel of Water and the Spirit to me. He completely exposed my sins According to God`s word. Whenever I could resist him through the bible, I could find myself corrected through the same verse!After some time of discussion, I decided to give time to proofreading the New Life Mission book "Have you truly been born again of Water and the Spirit?" By Paul C Jong. The book had wonderful words from God about how my heart is sinful, how God established His sacrificial offerings in the Old Testament to foretell Jesus` coming, why Lord Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist to take away all our lifelong sins, why He died on the cross and why He had to be resurrected. How blessed was the writer to reveal all the secrets written in the bible about my heart!From there on, I believed in the Gospel of Water and the Spirit and joined myself with that coworker!I thank the Lord who took away my sins by the message written in this book.Onyege Emmanuel, Uganda

    • Onyege Emmanuel
    • Uganda
    • 01/02/20249