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發佈消息I had spent several years attending different churches in an attempt to experience peace of heart through the word. I was made free from the teachings that came by man's wisdom when I was introduced to the teachings of the Newlife Mission. The difficulty I had was misbelieve of the born again life given to us because of the grace of Jesus Christ due to incorrect teaching by many denominations. However, it was the teaching contained in the two series "The Tabernacle: A detailed portrait of Jesus Christ" that completed the picture for me and gave me freedom from convenient teachings on the subject of the born again experience. These two series of the book has shown me that we cannot benefit from the faith of the work of the cross of Jesus without the faith of the work of the baptism of Jesus, because Baptism was the means by which Jesus Bore our Sins. The word of God in Rom.6:23 clearly tells us, "For the wages of sin is death". This is shown by the construction of the Fence of the Tabernacle: the pillars were made of acacia woods. The Bronze sockets placed at the bottom of these pillars, and the Silver Capitals capped on on top of them; all these tell us that sinners must be judged once for their sins. Believers of the grace of the Baptism of Jesus are clothed in the Faith of the work of the Baptism of Jesus where the sins of the world wre passed onto Jesus' body. This the faith that saves and make believers free from the condemnation of Rom.6:23. This is the faith of the born again experience. The faith of the Blue thread is the faith of the Baptism of Jesus, and tells us that Jesus took all our sins upon Himself through baptism. The fine woven linen seen on the gate of the Tabernacle stands for the intrcate Word of God that shows how eaborate God has saved us through the works of righteousness which Jesus fulfilled for all of the mankind. For our Lord to save us and put us in the church of God, the word of Salvation has been revealed through all the items that are seen in the Tabernacle. All the Utensils outside the Sanctuary, and their materials were all necessary to turn sinners into righteous followers of Jesus. All these uyensils were necessary for sinners to enter and live in the Kingdom of God, but the most important among them was the blue thread (Jesus' baptism). The colours of the Gate of the tabernacle, blue, purple and scarlet stand for the three works of Jesus that are needed by us when believing in God. Then how do we believe in God to be saved from our sins? The answer is this:- 1 Jesus came to this earth in the form of a man and took all our sins upon Himself in His Baptism; 2 Jesus is God(Spirit); and 3 Jesus died on the cross to bear the condemnation of all the sins accepted on to Himself through John the baptist at the Jordan River. This the true faith that is revealed by the Tabernacle's construction, and is needed for sinners to be saved and become the righteous. What then is the meaning of the hangings of the fine white linen over the pillars of the court of the Tabernacle? This manifests God's holiness, and means that sinners cannot approach the house of God (Sanctuary)except saved through believing in the three ministries of Jesus Christ manifested in the blue (baptism of Jesus), purple (Spirit - Jesus is God), and scarlet (death on the cross. This the way God has shown the whole mankind (sinners) to know that Jesus Christ has blotted out all their sins and saved them through the Water, the Blood and the Holy Spirit. We can see from the Tabernacle that all the materials, the utensils, the colours even to the construction of the Gate and all the hangings of the fenc were all necessary to show the completeness of the word of God that turn sinners to righteous if they belive correctly. From the Gate of the Tabernacle it is clear that God has saved us, who were like acacia wood, from sins through the blue thread (Jesus' Baptism), the purole (Jesus is God), and scarlet thread ( the blood of the cross) Therefore, God has clearly shown that only those who believe in this can enter the Sactuary, the House of God or the true church of God.
Paul C. Jong's books are all sincerely the 'MEAT' of God's Word that only those who are ready to get off the "MILK" should partake of!! These particular titles,"Heretics, Who Followed Sins of Jeroboam" (1 & 2) are most definitely much food for thought! In my past I have been to many churches, while at the same time reading the Bible often for myself, and have asked God so many times, "Why doesn't any of the churches I have ever been to even preach what is actually in the Bible, they do in part, but not all?" I would ask God this time and again! These 2 books correspond with my question to God, and answer many of my questions! If anyone is not ready for the meat though they are not ready to hear and know the truth! One should actually read, "Are You Truly Born Again of The Water and The Spirit" and receive the remission of sins by believing the 'The Gospel of The Water and the Spirit' before even touching any of the other books! If one doesn't believe in this, then you will never be able to grasp "the rest of the story"!
Thanks be to God and to Paul C Jong and his co-workers. I have been living with the notion of only believing in the death of Christ at the cross but I learnt that if I don't believe in his Baptism, I still have sins in my heart and so I am a sinner.Thanks for saving my soul from perishing!
The Tabernacle as all true believers know was given to Moses by God on Mount Sainai. It was not the invention of man, and since the Bible is the word of God we ought to believe that God gave us the Tabernacle to teach us his righteousness. The source of the content of this series is from Exodus 35 and 25. In studying the Tabernacle, we must understand there is the nature of faith that God wants us to have to be saved from the wrath of God that is hanging over the entire world. Therefore, the materials used in the Tabernacle are there to teach us how the Lord Jesus has completely saved us. This book explains that the golden and brilliant faith captured inside the Sanctuary points to the type of faith that God wants all believers to have to enter into the Kingdom of God (Jn.3:5). To begin this journey, we must start by carefully understanding the reason for the Laver, the alter of burnt offering and the Fence placed in the outer court of the Tabernacle, and all the materials used for them. In this way we can find out the the kind of Faith required by God to enter into the brilliantly golden and radiant Sanctuary; because this Sanctuary represents the true church and Family of God to be presented to the Father by Jesus Christ our Lord at the conclusion the mystery of the Salvation of man. We can see that the outer court was sorrounded by 60 pillars with hangings of white linen. The height of this fence was 7.5ft which made it impossible to peep into the Tabernacle with any aid. The height of the fence is telling us that we cnnot use human effort to gain access into the Kingdom of God. We have seen that firstly all who want to enter into the Kingdom of God must have the kind of faith which God requires. Secondly we have seen that to enter into the Kingdom of God is not by any Human effort but by the perfect faith depicted by the golden and the brilliant interior of the Sanctuary. Therefore God commanded Moses to speak to the congrgation of the Israelite for voluntary offering of the materials of the Tabernacle. The materials used for the gate of the court of the Tabernacle were :- blue,purple, and scarlet thread and fine woven linen. The height of the gate was 30ft. The gate was ascreen woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread and fine woven linen hung on four pillars; this was to enable locating the gate of the Tabernacle with ease. This series is telling us that God used these colours to show us the works of Jesus Christ to save man from sins. In the scripture the number 6 stands for man. Therefore all of the 60 wooden pillars made of Acacia wood and the fine linen of the fence of the court of the Tabernacle was to show clearly t6he method God would use to save us from our sins through His son Jesus. Through the Gate of the Tabernacle God was revealing the mystery of Salvation to us. These four threads were the very revelation of God's perfect Salvation. What then are the meanings of the Blue, Purple, and Scarlet Thead and the Fine Woven Linen? From the Scripture the blue thread refers to the water Baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. Here God is telling us the importance of our faith in the Baptism of Jesus. Let us see this from the robe worn by the high priest when giving offering, that it was blue. A plate of Gold was hung on the Turban worn on the head by the High preist; and the cordthat tied the plate of Gold to the turban was blue. And opn the Gold plate, the phrase, " Holiness to the Lord," was engraved. This arrangement is showing us that it is the baptism of Jesus that gives Holiness to the Lord. This clearly telling us that our faith in the Baptism of Jesus that passed the sins of the world onto Jesus and gives believers Holiness to the Lord in their hearts because it is the human spirit that is made born again and not the flesh. We can see the pictorial language of God here with the blue cord that tied the plate of Gold to the Turban, that God is speaking to us of our true Salvation. I believe here God is telling us that the linchpin or the solid foundation of our salvation is that of the faith of the baptism of Jesus that gives Holiness to the Lord in our hearts. This is what the blue thread in the Tabernacle was indicating to believers. The blue thread is telling believers that Jesus took the sins of the whole world by being baptised (Mtt.3:15), we the believers would not be able to give holiness to the Lord were it not for the baptism which Jesus received, we could never be clothed in holiness before God. To summarize, The Gate of the court refers to Jesus, and was woven blue, purple,and scarlet thread and fine woven linen, because God wanted to reveal the truth that leads us to our Salvation. The purple thread refers to the Holy Spirit, telling us Jesus is King of Kings. The scalet thread refers to the blood that Jesus shed on the cross. The blue thread refers to the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist. Therefore, the blue, purple,and scalet threads tell us of Jesus' Baptism, God's incarnation, and His death on the cross.These tree emblems reveals the works of Jesus and give us the faith that enables us to go before Jehovah in holiness. They tell us that Jesus, God Himself, came to this earth in the flesh of a man, took the inequities of sinners upon His own body by being baptised, and vicariously bore the condemnationof all sins and curses by shedding His blood - this is the very spiritual mystery of the blue purple and scarlet thread. I believe that if all these threads and colours including all the materials in the Tabernacle were not necessary then the Lord would not have shown them to Moses so that there would been no need for them to be given in the bible in such great details. It is therefore good for men to humble themselves to the word of God to receive understanding from the Lord to enable all men to be born again in their spirit.
It is important to believe that the construction of the Tabernacle was given to Moses on mount Sinai. We must believe that this was the dwelling place of God among the people of Israel as they traveled to the prtomise Land - Cannan. Its construction is as given by the Lord in Exodus 27:9-21. The Tabernacle consisted of the Outer Court surrounded White Linen hangings suported by 60 Pillars in Bronze sockets and Capitas and tent Pegs; the Holy Place and the Holy of Hollies with the Mercy Seat. The Holy Place and the Holy of Hollies were seperated by a Curtain. Into this Holy of Hollies went the High Priest once a year to offer the blood of the Sacrifice on the Mercy Seat for the remission of the sins of Israel observing all the requirements of the offering according to the Law of faith. The fence of the Tabernacle measured 100 Cubits in length: about 45m (150 ft.) The width of it was about 50 Cubits : approx. 22.5m (75 ft). The gate of the Tabernacle was woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread and the fine woven linen. Now entering the gate we would find the Altar of burnt offering, then the Laver and then the Sanctuary ( Tabernacle ). The tebernacle ( Sanctuary ) was built with 48 boards all over laden with Gold and 9 Pillars. God dwelt inside the Tabernacle built with 48 boards, and manifested His presence to the people of Israel with the pillar of cloud by day and that of Fire by night above the Tabernacle. Inside the Sanctuary wher God dwelt, the glory of God filled the place. Inside the Holy place, there were the Table of showbread, the lampstand, and the alter of incense. Inside the Holy of Hollies were the Ark of the Testimony and the Mercy Seat. These places were out of bounds to the common man; only the priest and the High priest could enter the places according to their ministries in the Tabernacle. This is telling us only those who have the faith of Gold in today's age in the gospel of the water and the Spirit can live their lives with God while serving Him. What then is the spiritual message about the Sanctuary to the true church of God? The brilliance of the inside of the sanctuary and all the utensils overlaid with Gold point to the nature of the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit we give back to God in return for the faith of His righteousness for the remission of sins. The sanctuary is the true church of God, and believers of the gospel the water and the Spirit are found in such church because of the remission of sins from the heart of such believers. In beginning this series I have reached the point of realising that to walk with the Lord in righteousness, we must belong to the church that teaches the truth of the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit, for this is the righteousness of God to forgive the sins of mankind and to give the remission of sins committed throughout believers lives on this earth due to the weaknesses of man ( see Rom.8:1-4). The Sanctuary is the true church of God: the church or the family that believes and walk by the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. As we get to follow the significance of the materials and the colours used in the construction of the Tabernacle we could understand the righteousness, Holiness and the Power of God to save mankind because of His love and mercy. Above all, we get to grasp the gospel of Jesus Christ as in Jn.3:5; " Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
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