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合計 300
  • 序列 20

    Is The Age of The Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture and The Millennial Kingdom Coming?

    I was reading the book of Daniel this morning and came across this in Dan12:11-12: " And from the time the daily sacrfices shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the tousand three hundred and five and thirty days". When we add up all these figures it totals 1335 days, which is just over three and a halve years. I believe this is the time that the dead in christ and the two Prophets sent to minister the gospel of the righteousness of God to the Jews will be resurrected, and with those that remain and are alive shall be lifted to meet the Lord in the air.   There is no doubt here that this Revelation given to Daniel by the Lord  agrees with that of Revelation to disprove the claims by religionist who propagate the false doctrine of Pre and Post tribulation rapture, and those who claim that there is no rapture to come for the church of Jesus Christ. I believe that just before the sounding of the seventh Trumpet the mystery of God would have been completed for the church to be lifted up at the sounding of the trump, after which the plagues of the seven bowls shall be poured out upon the earth for the destruction of the ntire earth.   Now in series 2 chapter thirteen is the coming of the Antchrist and his false prophet. This of course shall be in the age of the pale horse. But before going through this, let us see where we are in the Christian calender.   In Daniel chapter 10 and 11 the Lord talk about the Kimg of the North, and the King of the South. Without going through all the history at the time, the major then world empires were the Assyrians and Egypt. After this first two wold empires, the Lord brought Nebuccadnezzar of the Kingdom of Babylon, and made him the most powerful King to rule over the entire then world. After this came the Persians and the Medes, and then Greece, the Roman and now the revised Roman empire which is a mixture of the world government which we have now. In the book of Daniel chapter nine, this the feet mixed with iron and clay. The bible tells us that there shall not be unity among them, and it is the last world empire in this age of the black horse. The bible tells us that Daniel in his vision saw a large stone without hands that was cast at the feet of the stature of Nebuccadnezzar, and it broke the stature in piece and the four winds of heaven carried them and was no more.   Before my review of Rev. 13, I perceive in my spirit that people do not take seriously the Age of the black horse to know that it is the Age the one for preparation and the strengthening the heart in the faith of the water and the Spirit. it seems as though this world does not recognise that it is in this last empire that the world is facing the wrath of God for rejecting the love of God. We have to get across to people that the world must come to the Lord for the remission of their sins according to the scripture.   I have spent the last two years working with a church that calimed to believe in the righteousness of God. However, in the end the Lord glorified Himself by showing me that there was no inity of the faith in the church. In the circumstances events in the church caused him to return all the books given to the church. The Lord rewarded my faith in His righteousness by speaking to me by Ps.133:1. There are many out there who claim to believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. We must be very sensitive to the Holy Spirit for guidance so that we do not expose ourselves to be hindered by Satan. 

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/202161
  • 序列 19

    Is The Age of The Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture and The Millennial Kingdom Coming?

    In Revelation 12 we find that God's Church will be greatly harmed in the future: Martyrdom of those who walk by faith in the righteousness of God because of the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit in believers who will enable believers to defeat the Antichrist through their martyrdom.   The Lord showed John the following mysteries: 1 a Woman clothed with the sun; 2 the Moon under her feet; 3 a garland of twelve stars on her head; 4 labour with child; 5 the cry of labour pain to give birth; 6 a great fiery dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on her heads.   The Woman is the Church of God; To be clothed with the sun refers to the church of God in this world; with moon under her feet tells us that the church is still under the rule of this world system; a garland of twelve stars, tells us that the church of God will triumph over Satan's persecution and threats by the saints going through the martyrdom. However, to face martyrdom shall be by the faith of the water and the Spirit. The truth is that Satan will adopt this last act to try to cause believers to deny their faith in the righteousness of God, and hence to defeat christians and destroy the church of God.   Those who deny this faith by capitulating under the Antichrist shall face condemnation in hell of Hades along with Satan. Again because of the degree of the great tribulation there shall be much suffering bythe church. The saints because of the tribulation shall be praying for the Lord to see them through it without denying their faith.   The book eabled us to know that when Satan makes his appearance in this world, he will act as God, and will gather all the nations of the world and use them as his instruments to fulfil his purpose. The book of Revelation tells us that as peace breaker, Satan will rule over ten nations, and will have seven world  leaders at his disposal, and that fundamentally, Satanstands against God.   The book tells us that Satan moved one third of the angels in Heaven against God, thus driving himself with the angels to destruction. Therefore, he was driven out of heaven; but he sits in the air, and walks on the earth stll working against God by persecuting those who believe in God.   In v.5, the book tells us that although the saints shall be martyred, they shall be resurrected with Christ and raptured to the kingdom of heaven. The book also tells us that the church shall be fed and prtected by God for the first three and halve (1260 days) years before the full scale tribulation when it comes.   The book also tells us that Satan shall be completely driven out of the heavenly places: v.7. He shall no longer be able to have the power of the air, but shall be completely thrown out to the earth. Therefore, on the earth, he will persecute the saints and overcome them; but he shall be bound and thrown into the bottomless pit and hell prepared by God. This means that as Satan and his angels are driven out of the heavenly places to the earth, they will persecute and killed the saints for the last time.   However, the book tells us that only believers who walk by the faith ofthe righteousness of God: the faith of the water and the Spirit shall give our God glory through their martyrdom. The book also tells us for 1260 days God shall feed and protect us. The gospel of the water and the Spirit is our spiritual food. The Lord expects us to preach this Gospel to all even till the seventh trumpet of the saints being lifted up before the outpouring of the plagues of the seven bowls that will destroy the enire earth.   However,this is the time of growing in the faith of the gospel of the water and the spirit. Even now that we are preaching thisgospel, Satan is pouring sins upon this worl; and many are falling out of faith and are taken. However, true believers in this gospel are helped because they have been sealed with the Holy Ghost: the zeal of the promised blessing. However, Satan will come up with another method to kill believers off completely.   However, as believers of the gospel of the water and the Spirit, we need to embrace our martyrdom with bold faith. This is the time for preparation: it is the Holy Spirit that empowers the church of God according to the will of God. Let us ecourage ourselves with the words of Apostle paul in Rom.8:18. The bible states that the Lord wants to save all men 1Tim.2:4. However, many have mortgaged their souls to Satan, and many are too proud to humble themselves to the word of God. The truth is as Co- workers together with the Lord, we must preach the gospel till the end. 

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/202161
  • 序列 18

    Is The Age Of The Antichrist,Martyrdom, Rapture and The Millennial Kingdom Coming?

    To follow on the last review, we looked at the periods of the seven trumpets, and the plagues that follows. we saw that from the first to the sixth trumpets, and the sealing of the 144,000 Jews, that the plagues will be for the destruction of one third of the earth's resources, the mankind, and the torment of ungodly sinners.   We must understand that the plagues of the six trumpets, are distinct from the plagues of the seven bowls which shall be poured out after the rapture at the sounding of the seven trumpets. These plagues shall be poured out in successions without further sounding of trumpets. Revelation is now so real to believers of the gospel of the water and the Spirit because we are walking with the Lord with our faith united with Jesus Christ our Lord in His baptism, blood on the cross and His resurrection. Therefore, the Lord by His Holy Ghost is helping us to understand this plan of God to conclude His mystery. However, we have a great task to preach the truth that saves lives.   We have been given the the understanding of the mystery of the Salvation of our God because of the abundance of His grace towards us who have believed, and we should always be thankful to the Lord for openning this mystery to believers.   The problem with the wider world is that they have not grasp and understand the time of the Rapture. This series from chapter 10 has helped me to understand that there can never be Pre and Post tribulation rapture. Therefore, we have to grasp this revelation and teach it to the people. It is quite clear that the believers will still be here until the sounding of the seventh trumpet. Why must this be so; it is because the Lord will use the believers to reach out to the world before the final judgement of the ungodly sinners. Knowing that the rapture shall take place at the sounding of the seventh angel, let us look at Rev.10:7: " But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants the prophets. " This scripture quite clearly is telling us that the mystery of the Salvation of God shall be finished as the angel is about to sound the seventh trumpets. this to me means that as the mystery of God's Salvation is finished, at the sounding of the seventh trumpet, the Saints shal be raised from the dead and those that are alive and remain shall be lifted up to meet the Lord in the air by the Power of God.   Let us see the letter of Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17: " For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not orevent them which are asleep.) ( Here the word " prevent " in greek:phthano is translated to come first. It means that the saints who are alive and remain shall not by any means precede those who died in Jesus. It means that they which died in Christ shall rise first, and be raptured together with those who are alive and remain.) For the Lord Himself shall descent from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the cloud, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."   Again let us read the letter of Jude 1:14-15: " And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, behold, the Lord commeth with ten thousands of His saints, To execute judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him."   I believe,the prophecy of Enoch was revealing to the true church of Jesus Christ, that after the rapture, the Lord would return with saints to the to execute judgement on the ungodly sinners who will still be on the Earth. Therefore, this means that after the saints are ruptured, they will remain in the air for a short time before reurning with the host of Heaven to execute judgement upon the earth.    Therefore if anyone needs the proof that there shall be no Pre or Post tribulation rapture, then the above scriptures are sufficient to silence the propagators of their false doctrine on Revalation. The following bible passages will help to consolidate the truth about the end time: Rev.11:15-18; 1Cor.15:51-52. Now anyone who believes that the bible is the word of God ought to believe His words, and come to God in righteousness through the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It is the righteousness of God, and His manifold wisdom to hide this truth from the wise of this world and to make them known to the humble in heart. (Pr.25:2 and Lk.10:21) 

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/202174
  • 序列 17

    Bible studis

    It is so good. It makes my spiritual life grow.

    • PL. Singzirlian
    • India
    • 05/01/202169
  • 序列 16

    "Oh how I love your law!" (Psalm 119:97-104)

    Peace upon all His Righteous children. A few year's have passed since I last posted a review. I am not to be consider as highly educated, although I was raised with the privilage beyond many to achieve the limits, and I could easily use such reasoning as the fact for why I have not posted in such a long time - the perfect reason is my flesh had been given value beyond the value of my Lords' flesh, hence I have suffered to come unto the fullness of Christ. However by faith I have always known since the writing of the Gospel 'Water and The Spirit' upon my heart which has remitted all my sin, that His will would be done always. His Words, in Psalm above mentioned, vocalize the way He has loved me so much in bringing me down to naught,to raise Him up in the Glory of His Father, and without the faith of a mustard seed in His righteousness, His Love for me would never have been realised in my heart. My reading of the 'New Life Mission' books has given me an understanding beyond the teachers of this world,so as to enable me in laying down my life for His ministry. The books are the staff by which I am to walk sure footed in the way of His Righteousness in this wilderness, providing His water of life from Heaven to all the souls who truly thirst upon this earth. Through the precepts of God retained in the writing's of Rev Paul C. Jong One is able to get Heavenly understanding which aids the soul in hating every false way. Read, read, read and then read some more and one will have little hunger for this world. Our Lords' blessing upon all who hunger for His Righteousness. 

    • Brother Hansen
    • 05/01/202168
The New Life Mission

