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合計 303
  • 序列 13

    Have you truly been born of water and spirit

    this was the book that i read: from this book i realise the real meaning of Jesus's baptism. this book also provides and paves a way for many believers to know the real meaning of water and spirit baptism; this book is indeed worthy of reading

    • Hovika Assumi
    • India
    • 05/01/202187
  • 序列 12

    Is The Age Of The Antichrist,Martyrdom,Rapture And The Millennial Kingdom Coming

    We have come to believe that Jesus Christ our Lord is THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORD. We also believe according to the scriptures that our Lord has been given all Power by the Father to fulfil all the plan of God through the Ages.   The series II of this book from chapter 8 begins with plagues of the seven trumpets. The truth here is this, whilst many Theologians are propagating the doctrine of Pre-tribulation, Post-tribulation and Ammillennialism, the Bible makes it quite clear that the Plagues of the seven Trumpets shall be brought about by the prayers of the Saints. This means that at the revelation of the Antichrist in Era 4, shall be accompanied by the sounding of the Trumpets of the wrath of God because of the prayers of the Saints due to the tyranny of the Antichrist against the Saints. This of course is telling the believers that they will be on the Earth during the first 3 and a half years of the last 7 years of the completion of the God's Plan of Salvation by our Lord. Our Lord who is enthroned to reveal this plan of God through the seven seals was showing Apostle John in the Spirit all that will come to pass in this world to deliver the Saints and to punish all unbelievers. The plagues of the seven trumpets began with the opening of the seventh seal. This beginning of the outpouring of the plagues of the wrath of God is in line with the signs of time to help believers to know the time-table of God's Plan. Also I believe as believers continue to peach the gospel of the water and the Spirit during this period those who wake up from their sleep should be able to open themselves to the mercy of our God and open their hearts to believe the gospel of the righteousness of God and be saved; because whosoever,shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. However, all believers will be on this Earth for the first six of the seven plagues that shall come upon the Earth.   THE PLAGUES OF THE TRUMPETS AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES:-  First trumpet: hail and fire, mingled with blood thrown on the Earth. and a third of the trees burned up, and all green grass was burned up.  Second Trumpet: a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. A third of the living creatures in the sea died and a third of the ships were destroyed. Third Trumpet: a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch , it fell in a third of the rivers and on springs of water: The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became Wormwood, and many died from the water, because it was made bitter. Fourth Trumpet: a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon , and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night.   When we meditate on all these things that shall come upon the Earth we begin to realise that for those who are not walking by faith in the righteousness of God, for them life will be very turbulent with no peace in the heart. We the righteous however, will be protected divinely because of our Faith in the righteousness of God by Jesus Christ. The four Plague are passed and three more to come which are worst than the first four.   The believers ought to be glad for the faith of the righteousness of God that battles. Believers will be here up to the sixth Plagues, and at the sounding of the seventh trumpet in Era 5, the resurrected Saints shall be ruptured to meet the Lord in the Air. However, it is possible that those who have not the faith of the righteousness of God in their hearts will not be strong enough spiritually to resist the Antichrist when the persecution of the Saints and the servants of God begin. It is possible that some brethren might even be betrayed by close friends or family members. It is so important to know that it shall be by the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit that the Holy Spirit will help us to truly defend the Faith of the righteousness of God by Jesus Christ.   After the first four plagues will come the last three plagues:-    Fifth Plague following the sounding of the fifth trumpet, an Angel with key to bottomless Pit, opened the bottomless Pit, and the smoke from the Pit darkened the Sun; also scorpions from the bottomless Pit whose king is Abaddon to torment all men for five months who did not have who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. However, these scorpions were commanded not to harm the grass of the Earth, or any green thing, or any tree. Men shall seek death from the torment of the scorpions, but will not die.    Sixth Trumpet sounded, authority was given to the Angel to release the four Angel bound at the great River Euphrates to kill men for a period of one year, one month, one day and one hour. The bible tells us that the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million. This number and the fall out from this war refers to the electronic war that will take place in the end times. This war will kill a third of mankind because of the fall out from modern weaponry. The rest of mankind will not repent from their murders, sorceries, sexual immorality or their thefts.   However, the Bible tells us that the Lord will seal 144000 Jews so that the are not hurt by the plagues. Does this leave the gentiles who are no different to the believing Jews? The believers of the gospel of the water and the Spirit are sealed with Holy Ghost, and are protected from the plagues because the Holy Ghost lives in our hearts. The believers of the gospel of the water and the Spirit walk in the bold faith that battles; the 144000 Jews are sealed because of God's promise to Abraham.   Why then will the Lord bring about the plagues of the seven. We sometimes do not meditate on the love and the mercy of God towards the mankind. I believe the reason for this righteous acts of God is to save and have a great reaping of souls on the earth. The Lord I believe is to give men the last chance to hear the gospel of the water and the Spirit, to repent and turn from their unbelief. I believe that the fulfilment of all the gifts of God is in His Power. It is my believe all those who would have heard the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and living during the great tribulation shall be greatly helped by the Holy Ghost to lead them to call upon the name of the Lord through faith in the righteousness of God by Jesus Christ who came by water and blood, not water only but water and blood.   Our duty now is to do all that the Lord by His Spirit will help us to do to spread this beautiful gospel to the ends of the earth in line with the great commission given by our Lord. Let us therefore be continually praying for the Lord by His Power to give us the boldness and to guide us to do the will of the Father. A-men.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/2021105
  • 序列 11

    Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: Don't accept the Laven of the Pharisis

    In this Age of the Black Horse: physical and spiritual famine, all believers of the gospel of the righteousness of God that came by the faith of the water and the Spirit, must scrutinze the E-mails that they receive from those who claim to believe in the gospel truth of the water and the Spirit. The reason is this: unless we submit our entire being to the Holy Ghost through the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit, we shall be deceived by the heretics and the Apostates. This can only be done in the Fear of the Lord (Pr.1:7). There are many Websites out there that the enemy is using to transmit false doctrine through E-mails, especially twitter and Face-book, we need to keep our hearts tuned to the Holy Ghost through solid groundings in the understanding of the doctrine of the gospel of the water and the Spirit and allow the Holy Ghost to explode in us so that we be very sensitive to the move of the Helper and Comforter in us.   Last week I received in my In-box, a message from someone who claims to believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. However, this person was claiming that the doctrine of Re-incarnation was a biblical doctrine, and  that The Only True God was " an evolving God". His message was concentrated about Mother Earth.    My faith in the righteousness of God does not permit me to dwell on this topic because I believe it is totally untrue. However, I responded to the person to point him to the following scriptures:- 1Jn.5:4-9; Rev.19:10; Jn.1:1; Jn.1:14; Mt.3:13-17; 1Pet.3:17-21; Jn.3:1-8; Heb.9:27; Jn.10:7-18; Rom.1:16-17; Rom.3:22. I explained all these scriptures in great detail. However, he responded by insisting that, and I quote " I am revealing this to those who will accept it."   Looking at this last quote above, true believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit can never accept such quotation. As I am writing these few lines to encourage fellow believers to defend the faith of the righteousness of God , the Lord by the Holy Ghost spoke to me by 2Cor.3:3-4: the Epistle of Paul the Apostle " But if our gospel be hid, it is to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."   I am convicted to believe that we the believers of the faith of the righteousness of God ought to defend the faith. We ought to respond to these lies according to the scriptures. We need to practice all that our Lord had taught us, especially when are led by our Lord through the Holy Ghost. We thank God for raising the New life Mission to the task of spreading the true gospel of the water and the Spirit. We also give glory to our God for providing the the offices for scrutinizing all the publications on  our Website to rid all kinds of lies. It is difficult for them to penetrate our circle because of the Holy Ghost. However, we know that the enemy of the gospel walks to an fro on the earth seeking whom he may devour; and he does  so through the various media to get his lies across (Jn.8:44). This he does so through the various devices now available via the airways to try to destroy the faith of the believers. Please my brethren be vigilant according to 1Pet.5:8 to defend the Faith and be victorious in Christ Jesus. A-men.  

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/202184
  • 序列 10

    Water and the spirit

    Dear Brothers and sisters, I have read almost all of the books of the water ad the spirit and have found them to be such a blessing. I use to think of why the bible was so hard to understand and why my heart was so empty? I came to find that i had been filled so much with what others had to say that i did not read it with an open mind and heart. As i founde out if you listen to some pastors as well as others they will tell you that a certain word in the bible has so many differant means. I am sure that this is why there are so many religions now. It was not the belief of what the bible really had to say, it was want others wanted it to say   Once i started to read Rev,Jong's book,i started to read the bible for what it was saying to me. Once i through out what the theologines and other pastors had to say, everything was coming clear to me. If you read the gospel of the water and  spirit, it becomes clear to us just what our Lord Jesus Christ did for us. The water and the spirit has given us a new life that is filled with joy and Love for God and Jesus that we have never had before, I was to confused before because i did not know what to believe. But it is as theLord said, he did not want us to be confused and that is why he made i so plain to us. I feel sorry for people who refuse to let go of their past beliefs because not only are then going to be condemed but they are going to miss out on the love of God that is more than the love we can have for someone here. I myself will continue to spread the word of the ospel of he water and the Spirit because i kow that this is a very special gift that God has given us. I have made a lot of enemies now but it does not make me want to quit because there ar the ones tha i have changed to really understand what the gospel of the water and the Spirit is. I pray for all the brothers and sisters as we go into the world and spread the word of the water and the spirit. May the Lord watch over yo and protect you always

    • Terry kopec
    • United States of America
    • 05/01/2021102
  • 序列 9

    Is The Age Of The Antichrist,Martyrdom,Rapture And The Millennial Kingdom Coming

    In order to conclude this first series of the book, the things I have learnt has enabled me to see the absolute plan of the Father through Jesus our Lord to give Salvation to the mankind, deliver us from sins and condemnation, because of His Love and mercies towards us.   The warnings to the churches in Asia Minor, and the corrections that needed to be made for the Candlestick not to be removed applies to the present day churches. This has enabled me to see in a different light that the gospel of the water and the Spirit is indispensable if believers are to walk in the faith of the righteousness of God, and in the Spirit to be able to take this gospel to those who have not yet heard this wonderful gospel.   This series has enabled me to know without any shadow of doubt that Jesus is God who is enthroned as the Representative of God the Father to carry out the Plan of Redemption according to the time-table that the Godhead have approved. This plan of God has been set in seven Eras or Ages as follows:- 1 White Horse: The era of the beginning and continuation of the gospel of the Water and the Spirit. 2  Red Horse:  The shattering of peace and the advent of Satan's era. 3  Black Horse:  The era of physical and spiritual famine. The present era. 4  Pale Horse:  The era of Saints' martyrdom with the emergence of the Antichrist. 5  The era of Saints' resurrection and Rapture, and of the marriage supper of the Lamb. 6  The era of the destruction of the first world. 7  The era of the Millennial Kingdom and  the New Heaven and Earth reigned by the Lord and His Saints.   This series has cleared up the confusion that has plagued me for years with regards to the 144,000 Israelites that God has promised to save from the twelve tribes of Israel. Many religious schools for years have claimed that the total number of people that would be saved in the end time would be as above.Well that is not so according to Revelation.   I am so thankful to the Lord for the Newlife Mission, to have raised His servants and Saints to bring about the understanding of Jn.3:5. The teaching of the revelation contained in the above scripture through the various scriptures  has given believers the faith that battles. I have come to experience the power of the word of God. You know the bible in Pr.1:7 states " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction." The knowledge that I have gained through the Newlife Mission has helped me to receive the understanding of the Lord. The faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit - the faith of the righteousness of God has enabled me to receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to reject all the false teachings that has been propagated by the religionists of this world. I have now been able to reject the doctrines of pre and post tribulation rapture, and the doctrine of Ammillennialism.   There are so much to learn from this series. I have come to realize that without the help of the Holy Spirit in the Heart, it is very difficult to understand the structure of Revelation, and basically I believe this is why the confusion has arisen. It is quite clear that the gospel must continue to be preached throughout the world now and in the time of the revelation of the Antichrist in the midst of the persecution and martyrdom of those christians born of the faith of the water the and of the Spirit. I believe that there will be an unprecedented  increase in the number of believers born of the faith of the water and of the Spirit in the first three and a half years of the seven years. This increase will greatly anger the Antichrist such that his atrocities will be at its peak at the midpoint of the seven years period. This means that the Holy Spirit will work so mightily in the hearts of those who have heard the gospel of the water and the Spirit before, and those who have hear it in a short period to build them very rapidly in the faith to face their martyrdom and be resurrected to be lifted to meet the Lord in the air.   We who are now walking by faith in the righteousness of God are expected by the Lord to participate in the propagating of the gospel of the water and the Spirit to the ends of the earth in accordance with the commission He gave in Mt.28:18-20. because we have the faith that battles. I want to conclude my preview on this first series. However, must show the wisdom of God in this time of the famine of the word and physical famine.   There is a desert plant which must grow and blossom in one week when it receives water in a very short period. This means that this plant by will of God is able to adapt over a period of time to the hazardous desert conditions due to shortage of water. This also means that this plant has been able to adapt to the signs of times, and as a result is able to develop in a tremendous speed to grow and to blossom as it is helped by the natural law of nature imparted to it by God the creator. The creator Jesus has given us this plant for us to gain understanding and wisdom from it.   We have collected knowledge from Daniel's 70 weeks of years revelation of the work of Salvation of God and the end-time prophecy to know that there is one week of years of work to be done by the Lord to bring to conclusion the mystery of creation. This one week of years is of course the seven years left for the fulfilment of the promised Millennial Kingdom and the new heaven and earth. This wisdom given to us by God is telling us that we must discern the signs of time in the calender of God to be able awake from sleep and believe God's word concerning the end-time so that the Holy Spirit can work in us to grow us in the faith that we need to withstand the Antichrist and accept our martyrdom with rejoicing.   I pray that the Almighty God will continue to lead the Newlife Mission and all the workers and Co- workers to rise to the call of our Lord according to the scriptures, to spread this gospel throughout the world. I believe the LORD WILL CONTINUE TO PROVIDE ALL OUR NEEDS TO GET THIS WORK DONE SO THAT HIM ALONE RECEIVES GLORY, HONOUR, PRAISE WORSHIP. Amen. 

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/202189
The New Life Mission

