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    I BELONG TO THE TRUE CHURCH OF GOD BY MY FAITH IN HIS BAPTISM AND DEATH.Glory be to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who was, is and is to come forever and ever Amen.It is such a blessing for me to belong to God’s true Church; The New Life Mission(, which is the only Church that holds true Salvation for all mankind’ sins as it Proclaims the righteousness of God which was fulfilled by His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ when He received His baptism from John the Baptist He took away all the sins of the world, He died on the Cross of Cavalry and paid all the wages of all mankind’ Sins and He rose again from death and has thereby given the Justification of Newness of Life filled with the Holy Spirit to everyone who believes in this truth, for once and for all. Am so much grateful before God to learn this true gospel of the Water and the Spirit(John3:5) for now I have entered into God’s Kingdom here on this earth His very own Church(The New Life Mission) which He has consecrated when He humbly gave up Himself to suffer for all mankind sins as He received that baptism from John the Baptist, then vicariously shedding His precious blood to pay for the wages of all sins of mankind which He received from John the Baptist on His baptism, thus He rose again from death on the third day and justified everyone who believes in this Gospel truth of Power to remit all sins from our hearts when we believe, of the Holy Spirit who seals our hearts as the very chosen Sons and Daughters of God, and it is the gospel of much Assurance for it has granted everyone of us who believes in it the eternal hope of entering into the Kingdom of God as His Children.This is to why I am so grateful to learn the only precious Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit, to believe in it with my heart and to belong to the only true Church of God that is living for none other than to Preach this truth to all the nations until to the end of the World. For surely without the true Church of God; The New Life Mission on this earth none of us could be able to attain the privilege to learn our true Salvation for our sins nor enter the Kingdom of God.May God continue to bless His Church all the Time to Preach His righteousness to all the lost souls of the world in this last age Amen.Coworker, Zambia

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 04/14/2024110
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    IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE GOSPEL OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT, YOU CANNOT PLEASE GOD.Romans chapter 8:8-9 has given a clear demarcation between those who please God and those who does not.So then,Who cannot please God?Anyone who is in the flesh cannot and will never please God. In short whoever does not believe in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit(John3:5) constituting Jesus’ baptism, death and His resurrection, cannot and will never please God. Because such people have not attained the qualification for pleasing God, which is the gift of the Holy Spirit due to their ignorance and failure to believe in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit. Therefore, such souls who do not believe in the gospel of God’s righteousness compromising of Jesus Baptism, death and resurrection do not have the Spirit of God in them. Thus, Unless they come to know their true nature and learn about their own sins and wickedness then can they come to have a genuine understanding of the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit with their minds and accept it with their hearts when proclaimed to them. So when God permit their hearts to accept the gospel of His Son Jesus’ baptism, death and resurrection then can they receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in their hearts. Nonetheless, whosever does not believe in this precious Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit can never receive the Holy Spirit of God and are the very people in the Flesh who cannot please God.In conclusion, I Pray to God that every born again soul of the Water and the Spirit to always recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit in their hearts and continue being sensitive to His desires. For it is the Holy Spirit who has given us the hope for eternity. May your weaknesses and shortcomings not prevent you from recognizing the Spirit of God in you who bears witness to the great work of our salvation of Jesus’s baptism, death and resurrection.Now, May the Grace and Peace of God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit continue to be with His Church now and forever Amen.Coworker, Zambia

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 04/06/2024118
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    Before I believed in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit, how uneasy it was for my heart to accept that I had truthfully believed in Jesus. Even though my mouth could easily confess it that Jesus was the savior, my heart could reject it in silence because of my heart still had sin intact in it, even though I could confess to believe in the blood of Jesus alone my heart could still reject in silence as guilty sprung out of it. Yes, I also believed much in the blood of Jesus alone as the means to be freed from my sins. But no matter how ardently I believed in Jesus’s blood on the cross alone, still my intact sins never dared to stop the guilt from springing out of it, simply because my heart was like a stained mirror to which I couldn’t see myself clearly, for sin had engulfed my heart and the guilty ceased not to overflow from it, I tried to depend upon the blood of Jesus so many times but the more I did, shortly I would feel at ease but after the passing of time I could find myself in more serious guilty than before, and this could mostly happened whenever I remembered my past sins or transgressions. But now that I have believed in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit (John3:5) which constitutes Jesus’s baptism, death and His resurrection, I have received the complete forgiveness of my sins and the guilt has disappeared. I have now come to understand well, why my sins were still intact in my heart in my past life before I believed in this truth of Jesus’s baptism received from John the Baptist, His death on the cross and His resurrection. I have come to understand that before meeting the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit, I had believed in an incomplete gospel of Jesus’ blood shed alone, Oh yes! It was because I did not believe in the baptism of Jesus Christ received from John the Baptist that my belief in His blood could not manifest it’s power. Yes! I had left out His baptism in my belief so I couldn’t be what I had believed to be the truth, because I believed incorrectly. Not knowing that I was walking in a path leading to destruction, my past belief of the cross of Jesus Christ alone is the very broad way that is leading to eternal destruction. That is why I couldn’t be a saved soul, for my belief was totally incorrect. Because we are what we believe, I am hereby therefore, to inform you that, if you are still holding on to the cross of Jesus Christ alone, you should know that such a faith in the blood of Jesus alone is an incorrect and incomplete faith that is leading you to eternal destruction. Thus, unless you accept and believe in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit, which constitutes Jesus’s baptism, death, and resurrection, you can never enter by the narrow way, which is the very way leading into the everlasting Kingdom of God. The narrow way is none other than the precious Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit. This Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit is Jesus Christ Himself and the Narrow Way by which all mankind must believe and attain the privilege to enter into the Heavenly Kingdom. Myself I have entered the Narrow gated way by believing in this Gospel truth of the Water, Blood, and the Spirit which clearly testifies that Jesus Christ came into this world incarnated in the flesh of a man, received His baptism by the laying on of hands from John the Baptist to take away all the sins of the world upon His own righteous body, He died on the cross vicariously shedding His precious blood and paid for the wages of all the sins of the world He took on His baptism from John and received Judgement on our behalf as mankind, Thus on the third day He was resurrected from death to justify and give a newness of life to everyone who comes to believe in this truth of His baptism and death. This is the gospel truth of God’s righteousness, which the entire Bible is based, in both Testament, Old and New Testament alike.Believe in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit and enter by this Narrow Way and be set free from your sins and escape from the broad way which is leading to hell. May the Living God bless you to enter by the Narrow gated way.Coworker, Zambia.

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 03/27/2024130
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    I thank Jesus Christ, who has become my righteousness.

    Book review on book two "Return to be the Gospel of the water and the Spirit" I thank The God of my salvation, through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, the TRUE God and the Son of God, for bringing me to the knowledge of His righteousness to the edification of my young Faith through the words in this book. I read book one, received the remission of my sins, and began my new journey of TRUE Faith; as a baby in the faith, my faith was in dire need of the knowledge in this book in order to grow and take the crucial step of completely letting go of my past corrupt faith to Which I was very attached. I really needed to see the faith I was coming from for what it really is so that I could despise it and completely move on from it. I thank God it happened because the words in this book opened my eyes to know of the pseudo Christianity and the heresy I was bound in; according to this book which is biblically TRUE, a heretic is one who has sin in his heart even though he believes in Jesus Christ whose end is hell if he dies as one ` that indeed was who I was and so was my cursed end, I was enlightened about this Truth when I read this book. This book made me understand that not anyone can become a priest; they have to receive the remission of their sins. That`s the ultimate qualification. I totally agree with this Truth as it is only acceptable if the blind wants to heal his fellows from their blindness, himself must be healed first. The words of this book take on the corrupt so-called ways of the salvation of the heretics and completely expose them according to the illumination of the Spirit of Truth. Heretics say they are born again of vision, dreams, and various kinds of spiritual experiences, but that`s not biblically so; I agree; having experienced both sides, I completely agree with the take of this book 100%. The fallacy that lies in predestination theory and divine election: "Did God, in fact, elect only some of us? No, He elected all of us in Jesus Christ. this topic is one that got my soul completely when I got Born again heretically, we were taught a blatantly destructive lie of unconditional predestination, and each time I thought about it, I never saw myself among the chosen ones, I just couldn`t picture myself there;  this got me so frustrated and confused, more than words can express. The words in this book gave me clear and breathtaking biblically based Truth which made me understand the unconditional love of the Father for the whole world.  Today I still thank God because, through the biblical words of this book, I no longer envy the corrupt demonic faith I came from; I see it for what it is. Simultaneously, I also appreciate the Gospel of water and the Spirit, which is more precious than fine gold, the incoparable treasure that has made me sell all my possessions just to have it. I thank Jesus Christ, who has become my righteousness. Amen. The words of this book made me understand the fact that the Gospel of water and the Spirit is not a new Gospel, nor a strange One, but the original Gospel which The Father prepared even before the foundation of the earth as the one and only means of man`s salvation redemption; therefore, being born again of water and the Spirit isn`t switching to a new faith but rather RETURNING TO OUR FIRST LOVE, it`s God The Father Himself reconciling us back to Himself. Amen. Charles Masatunya, Zambia

    • Charles Masatunya
    • Zambia
    • 03/27/2024113
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    Book review on book one "have you truly been Born again of water and the Spirit?"

    Like all the human beings that are born into this world, I too was dead in my own sins and iniquities; but to my ignorance, I didn`t realize this, as I only believed that so long I believe in Jesus and try to be/do  good to others, then I`m saved. In this way, I believed I would enter heaven. However, deep within me was a thirst that was never quenched, a void that was never filled, and biggest of all, a guilty conscience that was never purged no matter how well I tried to behave; this self condemning conscious made my heart restless till I met the righteous content if this book. This book expounds the perfect salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ clearly and orderly, and how one can attain it. The words in this book made me know God`s intentions for giving His holy law to human beings, which is not to live by it but to make us knowledgeable of our nature. Prior to this, I was deceived into believing that God wanted me to live according to the law, and so lived I in pursuit of the same but it was all IMPOSSIBLE each day that I lived by. But I now thank God that I`m free from that bondage. This book made me realize who I truly am; a mass of sin who spills out sin each time, it made know that I`m someone in whom there`s no good but evil and wickedness only and can therefore never save myself.  Before meeting the message in this book, my knowledge of salvation was a corrupt one! I only believed in the cross which in reality was to me foolishness since I was perishing, I didn`t know that it`s Christ`s baptism of repentance and remission of sin that gives the cross its validity. This book explains that Christ is God Himself; the true God and the Son of God who incarnated in the flesh man, born if the virgin Mary, at age 30 was baptised to take upon Himself the sin of the whole world, died to pay for the very SINS, and rose again to justify us. I believe This is the very TRUTH of salvation.Praises to the God of my salvation that I now have the pure knowledge of salvation; which is salvation by the Baptism, death, and resurrection of Christ! Thanks to Our Lord, I now understand that this message of water and the Spirit was even before the earth was founded, this is the very gospel that Jesus, the apostles as well as the early church believed in, preached, and we`re martyred for. I now understand how these other false gospels came about, how this gospel was lost and why not so many people are aware of it as they`re of the false gospels. The message in this book quenched my thirst, filled the void, and purged my evil conscious; I now answer with a good conscious towards my Creator. The message of this book is the absolute TRUTH of God`s salvation in which all men should believe to get saved from their sins. The law can never make anyone perfect; not because the law is bad but because man is too insufficient live by God`s Holy law. Therefore, the message in this book is the word`s greatest need; man`s greatest need. Charles Masatunya, Zambia

    • Charles Masatunya
    • Zambia
    • 03/26/202491
The New Life Mission

