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Всього 289
  • № 189

    Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?

    Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?This book is a wonderful spiritual textbook. To those who want to learn how to be born again of the water and the Spirit as taught by Jesus in John 3:5, I recommend it to them. To be saved, one should know about his sins. He should know also about his sinful nature which the bible explains in Mark 7:20-23. Mankind is a pile of sins and "a seed of evildoers" (Isa. 1:4) Unless one admits that he is a pile of sins, he can't get the true salvation from his sins. The so called philosophy of the world that says man is good by nature is far from the truth. The only thrust worthy explanation about the nature of man is found in the bible.The book teaches what modern Christianity overlooked and ignored, that is, the great truths of the bible. Starting from the mechanism of salvation and how one attains it, it explorers the OT sacrificial system and how they are fulfilled in the New Testament through the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. (John 1:29) The heavenly truths of the laying of hands and passing of the sins of the people onto the unblemished sacrificial animals are revealed and fulfilled by the baptism of Jesus through the laying of hands of John the Baptist is indeed great. Jesus 'fulfilled all righteousness' (Matthew 3:15) by taking all the sins of the world through the NT earthly high priest, that is, John the Baptist at the Jordan river. The book explains in detail about the law of God and the purpose of it. The law was given to show us our sin. When we learn our sin through the law, our desire will be to be cleansed from our sin. The only One who can clean us from our sins is the lamb of God-- Jesus Christ. When we know and admit our sins as is written in Psalms 51:5, we will be saved. Salvation from sin is attained only by believing the righteous work of Jesus-- His baptism, crucifixion and resurrection. The fallacy of the so called prayer of repentance and incremental sanctification is addressed in this book in the most convincing way with biblical evidences. Modern Christianity ignores the earthly high priesthood of John the Baptist. This book explains the truth with accuracy, using the bible as a measuring rod. In Like 1:5, we are told that the parents of John the Baptist were from the family Aaron. John the Baptist has every right to be the earthly High priest to pass the sins of the world to Jesus by laying his hands on Him just as in the day of atonement the High priest Aaron laid his hands on the scape goat and passed a year's worth of sins of the Israelites.I recommend this book to those who want to get the salvation of their souls. Kassahun Ayele, Ethiopia

    • Kassahun Ayele
    • Ethiopia
    • 03/14/2022108
  • № 188

    According to the instruction of the Holy Spirit, I share my reading report of the book 1.

    According to the instruction of the Holy Spirit, I share my reading report of the book 1 ''HAVE YOU TRULY BEEN BORN AGAIN OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT?''.   It is obvious, after going through all sorts of denominations, to see that the book 'HAVE YOU TRULY BEEN BORN AGAIN OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT?' is the first book in the contemporary world to preach the gospel of  the water and the Spirit in strict accordance with the Bible.We can only be amazed by the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the Servant of God which brings us back to the deep and initial thought of God which was lost after the time of the Fathers of the Earlier Church.  Nowhere could we find the definition of sin, the truth about human nature, the purpose of the Law, and eternal redemption.  Even though theology addresses these topics, it is only from a carnal perspective that takes us further away from the Word of God.I was particularly amazed to know that the "sin of the world" means the sins of time (past, present and future) and space.  I always tell myself that even if God gives theology a million years, it will never be able to arrive at this profound truth.The second point is the exact correspondence between the Old and New Testaments.  Before encountering the gospel of the water and the Spirit, there was really a lot of confusion in my heart between the two Testaments.  And this has created enormous unrest in the Christian faith and a lot of divisions.  But now, through this book, we can discover the synchronized relationship between the Old and New Testaments at every point.The third point is the emphasis on the remission of sin.  Generally, we used to tend to believe in God when our finances and materials of the flesh were short, but here we realize that faith in God is to be washed away from our sins.The fourth point is the discovery of John The Baptist.  Even though the four gospels testify of John The Baptist, we were not even aware of the importance of his ministry.  We can now discover the importance of books such as 1 and 2 Chronicles.Finally, the icing on the cake.  The baptism of Jesus.  Wow!I slept nearly 6 months, day for day in a revival church in which pastors and evangelists from foreign countries were invited.  But none of them ever mentioned the baptism of Jesus as an indispensable process for the remission of sins.  None of them spoke of the passing on of our sins through Jesus' baptism in the Jordan.  It is ineffable to listen to the truth of Jesus' baptism and His death on the Cross as the truth of the remission of our sins.I also pray that every soul in the world may be blessed with faith in Jesus' baptism and His death on the Cross.I give thanks to God for His work in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen! Brother Cédric Patrick, Douala-Cameroon

    • Cédric Patrick Tchako
    • Cameroon
    • 03/03/2022103
  • № 187

    The Lord's Prayer

    The book reveals to me the true meaning of the Lord's Prayer. Before I met the gospel of the water and the Spirit I used to say the Lord's as a religious creed in my former church without knowing the real meaning of the Lord's words. But after reading this book I came to learn the meaning of the Lord's Prayer I details.I came to realize that the Lord's Prayer is not meant for just anyone but for the true children of God who have no sins because only the righteous children of God can call Him "Our Father". And the only way we can become the children of God is by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. And thereafter we will be able to call God Our Father. This book is indeed a handbook for everyone especially for the truly born again who have received the remission of sins. Many pastors said we should pray for forgiveness everyday, some of them used the Lord words as basis for their doctrine of prayer of repentance. The Lord's Prayer said "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" Even shortly after believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, I found it hard to understand this line of the Lord's Prayer although I believed that all my sins have been blotted out when John the Baptist laid his two hands on the head of Jesus Christ and passed all my sins on His head through the laying on of hands just as it was done in the Old Testament, that I needed not to offer prayer of repentance. But after reading this book I understood that what Jesus Christ really meant. He told us to forgive one another as God the Father has forgiven us all our sins through the baptism and blood of Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son who is fundamentally God the Almighty. So we must forgive our fellow brothers and sisters, and we must preach this gospel so that many people will be forgiven by God. If we do not forgive our fellow brothers and sisters, we are turning ourselves into wicked people. But the book also reveals the kinds of sins we must not forgive. Such sin is the sin of corrupting the gospel of the water and the Spirit, rejecting and standing against it. As long as we do not cause harm to the gospel of the water and the Spirit, all our sins can be forgiven. But those who cause damage to the gospel cannot be forgiven by us, they have to repent appropriately before God.As well I learned from this book that the saints fall into evil when they follow the desires of their flesh rather than doing the work of God. We fall into the hand of the evil one when we follow our carnal desires unabated. Therefore the Lord tells us through His prayer that we should pray that we do not turn evil before His presence. When we follow our fleshy desires, we fall into temptation. Here, temptation means extreme hardship. If we face extreme hardship we can give up our lives of faith and fall apart from the Church of God. Therefore, we must pray to our Father to deliver us from temptation and to never allow us to turn evil and wicked before Him.Ndubuisi Okorie, Nigeria

    • Ndubuisi Okorie
    • Nigeria
    • 02/25/2022110
  • № 186

    Have you truly been born again of water and the Spirit?

    This book Is the book that unmasked my evil nature according to the Word of God.It did not stop there, but went ahead and showed me the way out, that is, to be born again of water and Spirit. Telling me step by step what water means, what blood means and what to be born of Spirit is. And I believed the message written here for it is according to the Word of God, as written in the Holy Scriptures.What a happy man I am today! Standing on safe ground, that is, the Word of God. I read it, heard and I believed.  I believed that is why I speak. And what am speaking is that: There is no other way to enter the Kingdom of heaven, for Jesus said "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit."JOSEPH NDUNG'U W. JOSE, Kenya

    • Kenya
    • 01/05/2022146
  • № 185

    This book is truly magnificent.

    I have finally found out after reviewing that this book is truly magnificent, will bring great impact in the lives of both believers and unbelievers need to read this book Pastor Jong explains very clearly, in easy an understandable English language with scripture references of how person become born again in water and the spirit. If you don’t believe, teach about Baptism of Jesus, water baptism, spirit and the blood of Jesus you are than against Christ. I never knew how important the baptism of water and the spirit was before reading this book. I praised God this book has come to me at the right time to correct my mistakes to preach the gospel of salvation and of grace, I never knew about the exact and accurate knowledge of the beautiful of the gospel of the water and spirit. While I was busy reviewing this book, I started to do scripture references then I found book of (John 4:14, Mathew 26: 27-28) if you are thirsty come to me and drink, through him living waters will overflow, salvation and freedom from sins one believe that it was in His baptism by John that Jesus washed away and took on Himself the world sins (Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3: 21-23). Christ witnesses to king Nicodemus concerning the significance aspect of been born of the water and the spirit, while I was reading the book, I discover that many of times we mislead people with the gospel of prosperity rather than preaching about the gospel of water and of the Spirit of God. It was a very difficult concept even for the king Nicodemus to understand about what Jesus was mean by been born again by the water and the Spirit (John 3:1-21). There is no proper preaching of the gospel if the gospel of water and spirit is denied. I was challenge by this book, personally I have to return to the real gospel of water and spirit. We must come to the point of crucifying our evil motives as the gospel of the water and Spirit is concerned. Jesus was also baptized in water and Spirit for laying the foundation for us to do the same. To be born again of water and Spirit is the only way we can enter the eternal kingdom of God. I have learned a lot through this book and my spirit is uplifted and I trust that my life will never be the same again. I am built in my faith and will pass on this teaching to my brothers in the Lord.To God be the glory!!!!!Pastor Gert Tjambiru, South Africa

    • Pastor Gert Tjambiru
    • South Africa
    • 06/19/2021187