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  • № 69

    bible study

    what you are doing is great

    • luckie tambo
    • Zimbabwe
    • 05/03/202113
  • № 68


    Praise be to God our Father & our Lord Jesus Christ for saving us according to Word of promise.  The gospel of the Water and the Spirit is what every soul must return to in their hearts inorder to live according to the will God & bear the fruit of righteousness by faith. The original gospel of being born again of Water and the Spirit is the justice & love of God, which made all of us who were born in the darkness of sin, be able to stand before God with a sinless heart by faith. By believing that all our sins were passed onto the body of Jesus through His baptism from John the baptist (Leviticus 16-21-Matthew 3:15), we can now praise God, rejoice & live to the glory of His Name. Thanks be to God for our Return to the gospel of the Water and the Spirit ! ‘Return to the gospel of the Water and the Spirit’ brings to light, the pseudo christians & heretics within christanity who have sin in their heart while believing in Jesus.  Jesus took away all sin through his baptism but heretics refuse to believe in the true gospel that brings salvation to sinners & thus condemn themselves to join the ranks of sinners. All have to know & believe  in the gospel of the Water and the Spirit to avoid commiting heresy before God. The baptism of Jesus makes all sinners, righteous by cutting off our sins, which the Bible tells us is the true spiritual circumcision. (Romans 2:29) ‘Return to the gospel of the Water and the Spirit’ also reveals how to make a true & correct confession of sin which leads us to the correct starting point of our salvation. All those who believe in Jesus but are not yet born again should confess before God, ‘Lord,  I was born a sinner from birth & I cannot help but sin till the day I die. I should be thrown into hell. For this reason I want to believe in Jesus who came by Water, blood & the Spirit & became my Savior’.  The righteous must also confess, ‘I cannot help but sin all my life. I believe the wages of sin is death and nothing except the baptism of Jesus & His blood could wash away all my sins. I believe that Jesus washed away all my sins 2000 years ago’. If people are not obedient to Gods will, then they are nothing more than the beasts which are destined to perish. But God chose all sinners in Jesus to save us, so that those who know their sinful nature, deny their own thoughts & believe in Gods righteousness, can be saved. ‘Their sins & their lawless deeds I will remember no more. Now where there is remission of these, there is no longer an offering for sin’ (Hebrews 10:17,18) The truth is always simple once we understand it. To obtain redemption is easier than breathing all you have to do is believe the Word as it is. Deny your own thoughts & return to the gospel of the Water & the Spirit by faith. Praise, glory & thanks to God.

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/03/20217
  • № 67

    The Fail-Safe Way for You to Receive the Holy Spirit.

    I want to bring the review of this series to conclusion so as to move on.The series on the Holy Spirit is one of the best series,I have read which gave me clear understanding of how to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.Now I understand that,the Holy Spirit reside in the heart of only the sait who received the remission of their sins.He does not dwell in the heart of sinners.Acts 1:4-8 "And being assembled together with them,He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem,but to wait for the promise of the father,which',He said,'you have heard from Me;for John  truly baptized with water,but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now;Therefore.when they had come together,they asked Him,saying,'Lord,will You at this time restore the Kingdom to Israel?And He said to them,'It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem,and in all Judea and Samaria,and to the ends of the earth.'''I relized that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit also enable you to preach the true beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit.Once He comes into a saint,He resides in you forever and gives you strengthen to overcome all your temptation and dificulties inherent in this life.In the past when I was not born again of the gospel of the water and Spirit,I thought that, to receive the Holy Spirit is to speak in tongues as an evidence but that's not the right way to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a gift from God and He dwells in the heart of only the born again who recieved the remision of their sins by believing in the beatiful gospel of the water and Spirit Acts 2:38;Then Peter said to them;Repent,and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins;and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.Before I believed in the gospel of the water and the I prayed and fasted with a loud voice crying to God day and night hopping that the holy will do miracles through me but all was in vain.Hosea 4:6,My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge,I also will reject you from being prist for Me.Because you have forgotten the law of your God I also will forgot your children.The indwelling of the Holy Spirit gives you conviction,and lead you to understand God's will in the bible and He never leaves you forever,He sealed your redemption and also bring you closer to God.I realy thank God for this great mission,and I pray that God will bless this ministry financially and strengthen them in all areas to continue to preach this beautiful gospel to all people inthe world.I share this wonderful testimony to encourage my brothers and sisters in the kingdom of God and others who will have chance to read it,We give glory to God.

    • Adu Akosua Elizabeth
    • Italy
    • 05/03/20217
  • № 66

    The Tabernacle: A Detailed Portrait of Jesus Christ I

    I absolutely love studying the Tabernacle of Moses. I think that it is one of the most beautiful pieces in the Bible. But I loved how Paul C. Jong put together something that seemed so old and so ancient into contemporary words where normal people without theology and seminary degrees can understand it. I loved it and I agree totally with it. I am loving the second one and I cannot wait until I receive the third one. Glory to God!!

    • Joshua T. Sadler
    • United States of America
    • 05/03/20218
  • № 65

    Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?

    Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?   Praise be to God, for letting there be light in the hearts of sinners, who were inherently without form and void, covered by the darkness of sin & deception.   I thank God, through Jesus Christ for revealing the true knowledge of salvation through the gospel of the Water and the Spirit.  The book, ‘Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit?’ Reveals the righteousness of God, that permits grave sinners to be saved, by faith. This love of God was given to us, completly void of our own will. The gospel of the Water and the Spirit is the fulfilled promise of God for us, that we ‘might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life’. (Luke 1:75)   ‘For the Law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ’ (John 1:17). God gave us the law to make us realize our sins and return to Him & be redeemed.  ‘By the law is the knowledge of sin’ (Romans 3:20). God gave us the law to make us realize that we are grave sinners before Him who are too weak to obey His law. We should all end up in hell according to His law.  God does not want us struggle against His Holy law in arrogance. He wants us to admit our sinful state that is void of ‘goodness’ and be redeemed through His true goodness, the salvation of the Water and the Spirit, ‘grace and truth came through Jesus christ’.  Though the Word, God made us ‘know ourselves’ (Mark 7:8-9, 20-23.)  Only through knowing ourselves, do we see the need to be completly covered by Gods righteousness, which saved us. The book, ‘Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Sprit?’ Reveals exaclty how Jesus saved us, who were incapable of saving ourselves. The Spiritual knowledge in this book reveals how ‘Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures’, how the shadow of our salvation in the Old Testament was fulfilled, once & for all, in the New Testament. ‘Search from the book of the Lord and read; not one of these shall fail’ not one shall lack her mate. For my mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them’. (Isaiah 34:16)   The Son of God came in the flesh of man to fulfill the righteousness of God, in taking away the sin of the world. Jesus recieved baptism from the high Priest, John the baptist ( in the form of the laying on of hands- Leviticus 16:21) in order to bear upon His body the sin of the world, as the sacrifical lamb of atonement. Having borne all our sins through His baptism, Jesus died on the cross shedding His precious blood to pay the wages for all our sins (Past, present & future). Having resurected on the third day, God brought to life, sinners, ‘who were dead in trespasses and sins’. Jesus saved us by ‘Water, blood and the Spirit’ ( 1 John 5:6-8) Just as it was prophesized, so was it fulfilled!   Praise be to God our Father & the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/03/20219