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  • № 54

    tebaranacle series

    ooks. Do you have a contact in Nairobi, Kenya, where i could get the books? Neither have i read any of your articles on 'the tabernacle' except the 'tebarnacle 11'. kindly, guide me on how to access any teachings on 'the tebarnacle'. i'm convinced, if christians fully understand the significance of access to the tebarnacle, then their SOULS would trully be OPERATED. Hype and manipulation would be a thing of the past. blessing. wish y'd set up a branch of your ministry in kenya. we trully need proper teachings.

    • sarah wanyama
    • Kenya
    • 05/02/20215
  • № 53

    are you now living as the object of God's affection

    I have been reading the books on the gospel of the water, blood and spirit, and they have been a help and showed me that its not just about knowing the gospel and keeping it under my bed, i have to let the light shine. this book has helped me as have the other books, when despair and hardships cloud my heart, the books remind me of the gospel washing my problems inside the true KING and GOD. receiving his blessing, peace and grace.I had a situation a while back, but the advice that i got from the gospel books really saved my neck. God has also been faithful to my country kenya, the saints are springing up like fresh grass after a good rainfall, now its our chance to feed africa.keep up the good work no matter what the enemies of the gospel say.

    • william ojal
    • Kenya
    • 05/02/20216
  • № 52

    The true gospel

     Greetings to my fellow believers in the genuine gospel given by our Lord Jesus Christ.   This gospel of water and spirit is a great blessing indeed.What a treasure which is hidden in a field. If anyone realizes its worth,he would sell everything for it.He would sell all his property and use the proceeds to buy that field containing this treasure.   I would like to say that prior to encountering this beautiful gospel, I was steeped in religious,spiritual quagmire trying to find the righteousness of God but all in vain in the wrong places.Such predicament consisted of following false doctrines such as,flawed faith(faith in the blood of Jesus only), deliverance, sanctification and reformation and religious rituals such as prayers of repentance, church attendance and activities, keeping the law,and fasting;to fill the emptiness of my spiritual life.I n the process of all these, I was moving from one religious outfit(denomination) to another in such of this elusive righteousness.   This quagmire climaxed when I made an accidental discovery when I saw a certain book called. "Return to the gospel of water and spirit" at first at my kin's residence and later on the first volume,"Have you been born of water and spirit" given by a certain  friend. When I finished reading these volumes, I was fully delivered from following the law and my clarity of salvation was attained and I was born again of water and spirit.I then knew that the purpose of the law was to point out our sins and that Jesus assumed the responsibility of our sins by being baptized by John the baptist.I  used to have such a nagging question in my heart concerning how He became sin for me, even though He was sinless and died for my sins.I am now grateful to God that I found the answer.I have received the Holy Spirit as evidenced by the peace,tranquil and joy that I have and ultimately the righteousness of God I was so desperately seeking.   I have since rooted out, pulled down,destroyed and thrown down the flawed faith with its doctrines and practices.I am now building and planting the flawless, perfect, complete,clear and strong faith in this genuine gospel through the continuous study of the publications and their distribution with encouraging comments from readers.There can be no effective kingdom living or advancement without complete remission of sin and no ministry or minister is legitimate without the gospel of water and spirit.Let us build our faith not on the sand of time but on the unshakable rock of the gospel of water and spirit, the righteousness of God.There is no other way to obtain redemption;I know not one.   It is unfortunate that many are trying to achieve or establish their righteousness of filthy rags with their own strength rather than relying on the finished work of our Lord Jesus.Today professing believers in Jesus need to know what the gospel of water and spirit is and cast away fables, tales and doctrines of demons and other gospels, which have no capacity or power to address the problem of sin.Grace and peace to you all.Amen     

    • Gilbert Kithinji
    • Kenya
    • 05/02/20218
  • № 51

    About the Holy Spirit

    Your teaching is very torching keep up and God will bless you.I have a ministry which needs your teaching.Thanks.

    • Francis Kirimi Miriti
    • Kenya
    • 05/02/20217
  • № 50

    The Tabernacle: A dettailed portrait Of Jesus Christ (II)

    I want to begin this review by giving a Testimony of my experience during our last evangelism in Sidcup in Kent, England. A roman Catholic Priest came up to wish me well whilst I was ministering to a young lady who attends a very large congregation here in Britain. He claimed that he believed in Jesus Christ. In response I asked him "How do you believe in Jesus for the gift of Salvation to the Humanity." He repplied " I believe and eat the body of Jesus, and drink His blood - 'the Sacrament'. I was a little puzzled by his word "eat and drink His blood", so I asked him to explain what he meant. Again he repeated "eat His body and drink His blood." In response I saked him " do you mean literally eat the flesh and drink His blood." He replied "yes, I belie4ve in Jesus." I then told him that this would infer Canibalism, and that our Lord did not teach us Canibalism, but the ingredients of the Communnion were emblems of faith - to remind true believers that the body of Jesus was broken for us because of our sins and inequities, and  His blood was for the remission of our sins that are past. He paused and iterated " eat the body and drink His blood - I believe in Jesus" I told him that the bible says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." I went on to tell him "without proper teaching and understanding, it is impossible to believe anything." He replied " I believe the Eucharist." The young Lady whom I was ministering to iterated " you may not know how to drive a car, so you can get into a car and drive it ?" He said " I believe in Jesus because I eat His flesh and drink His blood." and he left.   From this experience I can see the teaching has error, and there may be a great many people in this world who beleive this kind of teaching, and I believe it is the resposibility of true believers who walk by the faith of the righteousness of God - the faith of the Baptism of Jesus, His blood on the cross, the Holy Spirit, and His resurrection to have sound understanding of the works of Jesus Christ our Lord to be able to correct errors propagated by the evil one through his servants. That Roman Catholic Priest stil does not know that Jesus Christ washed away all the sins of the intire world in His Baptism and poured out His blood on the Cross of Calvary for the remission of the sins of all believers of His righteous works. This experience I had with this Priest is a very good example of misbelieving in Jesus and as a consequence, the missing out of the Kingdom of God on this earth even before the physical death. This situation is very sad, however, the scripture says "No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." Jn.6:44. But for us who walk by faith in the righteousness of God-the Water and the Spirit: We are not of those who draw back to perdition Because of Our sins.   In looking at the series (II) of this book we note that before the priest could enter the Holy Place he must have to visit the Brazen Laver to perform act of washing his hands and feet. This Brazen Laver was pointing to the Baptism of Jesus. This was the faith to enter the Holy place. Like wise Our Lord before His death demonstrated this faith to the disciples by the washing of their feet after the last supper. The question is why did Jesus wash the disciples feet, and why was the Brazen laver placed between the Alter of Sacrfice and the Holy place. I believe that the Brazen Laver was their to remind the priest that they were all clean, and that they only neede to confess their actual sins and to have a good conscience to perform the services they were called to minister. If the priest did not abide by this faith he would consumed by the Holiness of God.   But before seeing the reason why the Lord washed the discipes feet, let us see the words of God spoken by Jesus in Mtt.7:21-23. These kind of people who professed to have been serving Jesus will not enter the Kingdom of heavaen because the Lord did not know them whilst they claim to have been serving the Lord on the earth. The Lord also says that they practiced lawlessness - unrighteousness. What does the Lord mean by saying they "practsed unrighteousness". This means they did not walk by the faith of the righteousness of God; so all they did was to misbelieve the gospels by rejecting Jn.3:5, and not understanding Mtt.3:13-15. They did not believe that Jesus came by water and Blood but preached only the blood of Jesus and not all the works of Jesus cantained in the gospel of the water and the Spirit; henc they subtract from the word of God and add their human thinking to the word of truth. We know what the word of God says about people who preach such errors. Gal.1;6-10.   Mtt.13:1-11 is the account of our Lord washing the disciples' feet after the passover feast. However, Peter did not want the Lord to wash his feet because he believed Jesus was the son of God, and he could not imagine himself who should be performing this service for the Lord to even think of the Lord to wash his feet. However, when the Lord told him "If I do not wash you, you have no part with" Jn.13:8. I believe Peter was so struck by the fearful thought of not having anything to do with the son of God from that moment and throughout his life on the earth and in the eternity, before he allowed the Lord to wash him. I believe that our Lord wanted Peter and the rest of the disciples to know and understand the kind of faith needed to be Gopd's children and servants throughout the lives of believers on this earth. The Lord of cause told them that they would not understant why He was washing their feet, but that they will understand after this. Of cause this understanding was to come after the Lord ascended to heavaen and sat at the right hand of the Throne of God. The revelation of this truth came to the disciples after they received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. This revelation is none other than to know that the faith of the baptism of our Lord washed our sins away once and for all times. However, our actual sins throughout our lives on this earth are  remitted by puting our faith on the Baptism of Jesus and His blood on the cross, for the scripture says "without the shedding of Blood there is no remission. The reason being that because of the weaknessess inherant in the humanity the disciples and even all of us who are born of the faith of the water and the Spirit would continue to sin daily throughout our lives on this earth; the Lord wants us to walk by the faith that he has washed all our trasngretions and inequities away in His Baptism and paid the wages of sins with His life by dying on the cross after His Baptism. If we do not walk by this faith we shall be spiritually killed and will not be able to preach the gospel to save those that are perishing.   What therefore is the first lesson we gain from the Taberncle. It is that at the gate of the court of the Tabernacle, if we approach the gate of the court of God with sin in our heart, we face condemnation. However, our Lord came and was baptised by John the Baptist by the laying on of hands and made all our sins to disappear all at once. What was the benefit the baptism of Jesus and His blood on the cross? We know that Peter denied the Lord tree times and this was actual sin that Peter committed; but he was already washed becaused he believed according to the righteousness of God enshrined in the water and the spirit and unlike Judas Iscariot Peter did  not draw back to perdition like Judas who did not believe in the water and the Spirit. The question is are we not like Peter, who denied the Lord three times but came to realise why the Lord had to wash his feet and did not draw back to perdition because his faith was strengthen by the Lord through the Helper and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit and continued powerfully in the work of the Ministry strenghtening the churches despite the harship and persecutions and endurance until he was matyred. Do we due to our weaknesses not sin daily even without realising we are sinning and committing inequities? Let us continue to abide in Christ by the faith of the Water and the Spirit for the Lord to use us powerfully in the Ministry of the Holy Ghost. A-men

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/02/20219