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  • № 23

    I am grateful to God that I can give this books to my friends and family.

    I am grateful to God that I can give this books to my friends and family, so that they too can belief and receive the remission of sins and be born again.Before this wonderful Gospel of Water and Spirit, I was always confused and doubtful about my salvation. I believed that at the cross Christ took my sins and I have to walk righteously everyday, then only I can go to heaven. I was law based and felt guilty each time I did wrong, whenever I loose my temper, I felt so condemned and would plead God to forgive me with much tears. I was never at peace, my life was in shambles. Always looking for ways to please God, thinking that will off set my wrongdoings. It was all about me and nothing about God. I realize now that I was working for my salvation. BUT NOW! What peace and joy my life is! THE GOSPEL OF WATER AND SPIRIT has liberated me to worship my LORD GOD in spirit and in truth. I am nothing HE IS EVERYTHING! I place my faith in the perfect finished work of CHRIST. From His Baptism to His Resurrection! I am forever clean even when I make mistakes, for I know now my Lord Jesus Christ took my sins once for all at His baptism, walked 3 years for me and paid the penalty for me at the cross, rose and is seated in the heavenly realms. by believing His Word I too share in His baptism and death. I died with Him and rose with Him and am seated with Him. I am forever sanctified in Christ. Father God sees Christ in me and I in Him. I no longer feel guilty or condemned, whenever I walk in the flesh, I thank the Lord that even that has been laid on the body of Christ.I don't struggle to live right because He lives in me. I just keep my eyes on Him. I love to talk about His goodness and faithfulness all the time. The word of God is always bringing me to the gospel of water and spirit. How good God is to have kept me to receive this truth, now when I am 60 years old. And I know He will use me to spread this true GOSPEL.I can go on and on Pastor John because our God is so GOOD.Bless you.getha patrick, Malaysia

    • getha patrick
    • Malaysia
    • 05/04/202148522
  • № 22

    May many more souls be raised up to preach the Gospel in these end times.

    I am Loren Simons (NLM co-worker) from Manchester, UK. My mum is Sarah Nartey and Aneka Simons is my Sister. We are a Born Again Family. I praise God for Awais being accepted today as a co-worker. I met him a few years ago. He has read the first 3 books and truly believes in the Gospel of the water and the Spirit. He is currently distributing NLM leaflets and cards. And he is about to start reading book 4. He suffers from paranoia schizophrenia so he is afraid of being seen in public doing the ministry work. And so for now he is leaving leaflets on buses and in his college, which is what he is comfortable doing. He put my address on his co-worker application, because he is paranoid about being contacted.  I meet with him every month and bring him the next book to read. And also give him more leaflets and cards, when he asks for them. I just wanted to share some of his journey with you. Thank you and greetings from us here in the UK. God bless the New Life Mission and may many more souls be raised up to preach the Gospel in these end times.Loren Simons, UK

    • Loren Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/04/202148267
  • № 21


    Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,I write to appeal for working in partnership as all of us are serving in His vine yard after accepting the baptism and spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ as the only way to God's Kingdom.I have a passion to expand networking with other coworkers as I have just been recruited that I can learn from you all.I am pastor Mac Donald Kanawe serving as a church planter under my ministry known as Power of His Resurrection international Ministry ,operating in Malawi,Zambia,Mozambique and Tanzania.All interested co workers can be sharing with me their experience through my personal contact which are as follows;Ps.Mac Donald KanawePower for His Resurrection International MinistriesP.O BOX 2175,Blantyre,Malawi C.ACell:+265 881620474E-mail:mkanaweayidoayido@gmail.comI look forward to partner with all co workers around the globe     

    • Ps.Mac Donald Kanawe
    • Malawi
    • 05/04/202148898
  • № 20

    I would like to update you over my ministry.

    I would like to update you over my ministry. The ministry is doing well and most of the lost souls have come to Jesus Christ through receiving the Gospel of Water and the Spirit. I can confirm to you my Pastor that the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit has been strengthen my ministry a lot. For the six months from now my ministry will target on preaching the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit in all Hospital through out the entire Eastern province of Zambia. My Pastor I have come to realize that I need to preach this important Gospel to sick people, because most of the time I spend on only preaching to the streets and the Churches.I have come to know that its very important to preach the Gospel of the Water and Spirit in Hospitals, because there is people who have over stayed in Hospitals and the condition of their sickness is not improving any more. As a result they do not have hope in their lives that its only Our Lord Jesus Christ who can heal them, since most of them they do not have receive the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives and they do not believe that their sickness can be healed. So when they receive the Gospel of Water and Spirit their hope is being restored and are being healed, because now they come to know their Lord Jesus Christ in their lives and believes the Jesus Christ was carry out their sins on the Cross of Calvary. Finally may I thank the Staff s and management of the New Life Mission for the Great worker the organization is doing. May Almighty God Bless You all.Lackson Mbewe, Zambia

    • Lackson Mbewe
    • Zambia
    • 05/04/202148444
  • № 19

    Human beings are born sinners.

    Human beings are born sinners and he who thinks that himself is the worst sinners will be saved because he/she admits to have committed countless sins. There are those who do not know themselves they live hypocritical lives trying to hide their sinful selves. They will go to hell because they themselves. Therefore it is only those who gratefully receive Jesus and admits that they have committed many wrongs will have Jesus love. Therefore if we do things by the law we will still do evil. God gave the righteousness of faith from the beginning. We are sinners who can never keep the law. We have seen that Jesus blot out all the sins of the world and that all the people in the world commit adultery.The unworthy receives God’s Grace the love is greater than his justice because of this he redeemed us all. The atonement was accomplished in the old Testament through the laying of hands on the head of sin offering. So we have known that Jesus is the savior who will save his people from the sins. So righteousness was all fulfilled through the baptism of Jesus. Jesus was judged on the cross because he took away all our sins. We have most blessed people those who believe in the redemption of Jesus Christ are sinless in their hearts one who believes in the salvation of Jesus is the happiest person. Those who are delivered from all their sins are the most blessed. In other words they are now righteous in Jesus. The bondage to sin has ended, when Jesus redeemed as with his baptism and blood, all over ended.John the Baptist is the last high priest and representative of all mankind. He passed all the sins of the world onto Jesus thus he ministered the high priesthood of the Old Testament. John baptized people to lead them to repentance of all their sins and to believe in the baptism of Jesus for salvation.Jesus washed the disciples feet because he wanted them to understand perfect salvation. He needed to teach them that all their iniquities had already been washed away that was the reason he washed his disciples feet.Pastor B. Kamtsokwe, Malawi

    • B Kamtsokwe
    • Malawi
    • 05/04/202149051