
পুস্তক সমলোচনা

যেসব মানুষেরা আমাদের বই পড়েছেন তারা নিম্নলিখিত সমলোচনাগুলি পাঠিয়েছেন৷ আমাদের আশা এই যে সেগুলির মাধ্যমে, আপনারা সবাই একে অপরের সাথে ঈশ্বরের যে অনুগ্রহ আমাদেরকে জল ও আত্মা হতে জন্মগ্রহণ করতে সক্ষম করেছে তা ভাগ করে নেবেন৷ আমরা আপনার পোষ্টটিকে অনুমোদন করলে তবেই আপনার পোষ্টটি দেখা যাবে৷

একটি বার্তা পোষ্ট করুন
মোট 289
  • সংখ্যা 124

    Our LORD Who Becomes the Righteousness of God

    I have just finished reading Our LORD Who Becomes the Righteousness of God 1 and 2. and it was such a refreshing book that speak the truth and showed me that the doctrines of predestination, justification and sanctification that is taught in most churches is 100% wrong and will not save you. The only teaching that will save us is the GOSPEL OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT. I thank God for showing me truth of the true gospel that can save us .

    • bryan rowe
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/04/20217
  • সংখ্যা 123


    We must know that Jesus is the true God,who has saved us with the gospel of the water and the spirit.

    • Zambia
    • 05/04/20214
  • সংখ্যা 122


    Time is running short. Whoever has ears, listen to what the spirit of God is telling the churches.

    • melly 
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/04/20215
  • সংখ্যা 121

    Serving God

    I thank God for loving me and saving me out Satan's hands and making me his son. (Jn 1:12)

    • Levi Kituyi
    • Kenya
    • 05/04/20215
  • সংখ্যা 120

    I am trully born again by water and the spirit.

    I was a christian for as long as I can remember but a lot of things confused me as far as christian is concerned.I didn't know if I'll go to heaven.I comforted myself by thinking eventually I'll be born again,I had a wrong concept about the holy spirit and I highly respected people who spoke in tounges and perfomed miracles at some point I wanted to be like them.But I was drowning deep in confusion.Then the big question hit me.What does it mean to be born again? I couldn't find the answers unti I read Paul C Jong's book,The first edition hit home. It opened my eyes and I needed more, my heart found peace and I knew, THIS IS IT! I learned how God judged His Only Son instead of me.I came to understand the terbanacle,the high priests,John the Baptist. I was not intrested before to read and understand the book of Levitikus,it was confusing.I never thought it had so much important facts about our salvation,the reminission of my sins. I didn't know it had conection with the baptism of Jesus,let alone Jesus. I wondered how am I gonna get to heaven with all the sins I commit everyday,that made me to give up and told myself I will never make it to heaven.Its only for the rich pastors who speak in toungues and perfom miracles. But Now I know I have a chance,I won't stand in shame before God, I am Rightous. I want my children to learn about the gospel of the water and the spirit,that's is the very best I can do for them,to be born again by the water and spirit. Thank you Paul C Jong for this revelation God bless you. I know God loves me and He judged His son for me. 

    • Leonard 
    • South Africa
    • 05/04/20214