
পুস্তক সমলোচনা

যেসব মানুষেরা আমাদের বই পড়েছেন তারা নিম্নলিখিত সমলোচনাগুলি পাঠিয়েছেন৷ আমাদের আশা এই যে সেগুলির মাধ্যমে, আপনারা সবাই একে অপরের সাথে ঈশ্বরের যে অনুগ্রহ আমাদেরকে জল ও আত্মা হতে জন্মগ্রহণ করতে সক্ষম করেছে তা ভাগ করে নেবেন৷ আমরা আপনার পোষ্টটিকে অনুমোদন করলে তবেই আপনার পোষ্টটি দেখা যাবে৷

একটি বার্তা পোষ্ট করুন
মোট 289
  • সংখ্যা 119

    The Forgiveness and the Remission of Sin

    There is a very serious misbelieve of the word of God with regards to the confession of sin and praying for the forgiveness of sin. I listened to a teaching by a very large denomination which generated a serious misunderstanding between a very dear friend and me. To quote the words of the teacher as I heard it, " the word of God says if we confess our sins, he will forgive us." This scripture is not fully quoted. The quotation should be as in 1Jn.1:8, " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins , and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."   The main issue is this, my dear friend has told me that it is taught that after confessing one's sins, one must ask for the forgiveness of the sins.    This is not what the scripture teaches. If we looked at 1JN.2:12, it says " I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name's sake." Now if believers sins are forgiven them for the Lord's sake why do believers have to pray for the forgiveness of sins. It therefore shows the teacher has not understood the forgiveness of sins when Jesus fulfilled all the righteousness of God in the Baptism which Jesus received from John the Baptised by the Laying on of hands in the river Jordan. This teacher has not understood that John the Baptised was the last High Priest of the old Testament who was sent to prepare the Lord as the sacrificial Lamb of God for the remission of the sins, the redemption of mankind.   Now let us return to letter of John in 1Jn.1:5-10, In verse 5, John tells us that the message which they have received from the Lord Jesus, and declare it to the church, is that God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all. This means that God is the truth and the revealer of all things according to His righteousness. That He reveals the hidden things of darkness and also His righteousness. Here John tells the church that our God is not a wicked God for He is Holy. Therefore in,   6 He went on to tell the church that if members say that they have fellowship with God and walk in unrighteousness, then those members are lying and are not truthful: and in    7 In this verse John is really saying that if the church is led by the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth is God, the members of the Holy Catholic (the Universal) church of Christ will have fellowship one with another ( the communion of saints), and the blood of Jesus His son cleanseth all the members of the church from all sin. This verse is telling the believers that when we are born of the faith of the righteousness of God ( the water and the Spirit), we commune with the Saints and our hearts are free from the body of sins because we have the remission of sins because of the blood (Life of Jesus) that was shed on the cross for the redemption of mankind. This grace of Believers comes about because we believe that Jesus fulfilled all the righteousness of God in the Baptism which He received from John the baptism. It was at the Jordan that God forgave the past present and future sins of the mankind. This is the believe and the confession of the righteous works of our Lord that brings about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the born again experience to enable the believer to enjoy the benefits of the cross, the remission of sins. In,   8 In this verse John is telling the church that no one should say that he/she has no sin, because if we say this, we are deceiving ourselves, and not walking in the truth of the gospel. In order words no one on this earth, Christian or non-Christian can say they have no sins, because of our insufficiencies. Then came,   8 Here I believe John is explaining to the church how we can acknowledge our sins before God truthfully, according to His righteousness. My dear friend's teaching is that we should mention all our sins one by one to the Lord, and then ask for forgiveness. This is not what John is saying. The church is made to understand that all of mankind cannot stop sinning. Here John is telling us that our confession should be to admit before God that as human we have sins, and this is the truth. He is telling believers in not so many words that our daily confession to God should be to admit that we have sins. In order words we should have an attitude of thanksgiving for the forgiveness of our sins and the remission of our sins because of the blood of Jesus that was poured out for our redemption, for Jesus was the propitiation for our sins. In,   This verse    9 is the crux of the matter for the church that has not understood the Grace of our Lord in His Baptism, and the Cross and Resurrection from the dead. This misbelieve that the cross of Jesus brings about the born again experience is delaying the manifestation of the Holy Catholic Church (The Holy Universal Church of Jesus Christ). Therefore, in,   10 John is telling us that members of the church should not say that they have not sinned, because if we do, we make God to be a liar, and His word is not in us, that if we say we have not sinned, it means we do not have Jesus in us, in order words we would not have had the born again experience.   To summarise 1Jn1:9, John is telling the church that the members should always make a confession of faith, and in this case he is telling the church that we should admit before God that we do sin. If we do not admit that we have sins we have misbelieved the gospel and we sin against God by making Him a liar because such persons do not have Jesus in the heart, and are not born of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Therefore, we should always, even daily admit before God that we do sin. Therefore we should walk faithfully before Him by thanking Him for forgiving us our sins in His righteousness and giving us the remission of sins, past present and future because of His son who came by water and blood, not water only but water and blood through the gospel of the water and the Spirit. A-men. 

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/04/20215
  • সংখ্যা 118


    Once again God has enabled his Servant Rev Paul C. Jong to write another powerful book which is a “must-read” for any truth-seeker. This new book is a blessing to both those who are born again and to those who are yet to born again. The book is a spiritual nourishment for the born again to strengthen themselves in the God-giving true gospel of the water and the Spirit. For those who do not yet know nor understand the gospel of the water and the Spirit, God has made it possible for every sinner to receive the remission of sins through this book. This remission of sins is received once and for all, and its effectiveness is everlasting.   The books teaches that, belonging to a particular denomination is not what saved us, but we see many Christians who boast of the long history of their own denomination without even knowing how Jesus has saved them. The preachers of these denominations and the preachers of today have a hard time preparing their sermons because they themselves do not have the true faith, and they have not received the remission of sins either. Therefore they end up stealing other people’s sermons from time to time committing plagiarism. And even though the Lord Jesus came looking for us repeatedly to give us everlasting life, many people prevented Him with denominational and doctrine obstacles. As a result, they lost the opportunity that comes only a few times in their lifetime.    Through this book, God is giving sinners the opportunity to drink the water of life flowing in this book. But before we can drink this water of Life, the author explains that unless we see our true selves properly and clearly as sinners before God, we cannot really understand or grasp what it means when the Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” By failing this self-recognition, we will not be able to comprehend just how great God’s love really is. And so it is absolutely important for us to know and realize who we really are in God’s sight, for which purpose the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ and blotted out all our sins.   Rev. Paul C. Jong makes it clear that knowing our own weaknesses and insufficiencies and at the same time comprehending God’s love for us are mutually related. This is similar to medicine, for no matter how good a medicine may be, if we don’t realize that we are desperately in need of it to cure our ailment, then the medicine has nothing to do with us. Thus unless we realized we are sin-sick souls, the Doctor of spirits (Jesus Christ) cannot heal our souls since we don’t realize our own spiritual condition of deprivation. And it is only when we believe with our heart that Jesus Christ has indeed blotted out all our sins with the gospel of the water and the Spirit can we receive the remission of sins. It is only then can we practice the righteousness of God despite our insufficiencies because our heart is not cleansed and purified.   Like Nicodemus, we see many learned clergymen in this world who are trying to lead others even as they themselves are ignorant of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. During the days of Jesus, Nicodemus was one of the 70 members of the Sanhedrin, which in today’s terms would put him as a legislator. And religiously speaking, he was a Pharisee and a Jewish leader. And even though he was erudite enough to teach the people of Israel in all things, he himself did not even know how to be born again of the water and the Spirit. The author explains this as a lesson for the Christian leaders, revivalists, pastors and those who are leading various missionary organisations of today to humble themselves and to realize that, their faith has been misled just like Nicodemus. This is because no religious faith is recognized in the Kingdom of God. So Christians need to think about how they can wash away the sins that are in their heart now by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit as a necessity.   As Christians, the author emphasized that if we want to do God’s work, then we must not believe blindly in just the blood of Jesus on the Cross whiles excluding the work of John the Baptist. Doing so is not a biblically sound faith, and this is not doing God’s work. When we preach the gospel, we are not doing God’s work unless we preach about what John the Baptist did, how he was sent by God, and how God passed all the sins of mankind to Jesus through him. Anyone can claim to be preaching the gospel of the water and the Spirit. But only when we preach about what Jesus and John the Baptist can we really say that we are preaching the gospel of the water and the Spirit.   For the born again Saints who have received the remission of sins, Rev Paul C. Jong admonish us to fight against Satan, fight against ourselves, defend our faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit until the day the Kingdom of God comes, and we must live a life of faith that glorifies God before we go to see the Lord face to face. Whether we are struggling, weary, sad, in pain or joyful, we must defend our hearts’ faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. This is because unless we keep our hearts, we cannot stand before God. We need the righteousness of the Lord everyday even after receiving the remission of sins by faith. Our duty therefore is to spread the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and the Lord is pleased with us when we carry out the Lord’s command to preach the gospel and spread it for people to receive the blessing of the remission of sins.

    • Eric Aboadwe
    • Ghana
    • 05/04/20217
  • সংখ্যা 117

    The Ministries Of Our Lord, Jesus Christ the Annointed of God

    The most difficult and worrying thing which I have noticed is the truth that many people in the world who are "Christians" is the misunderstanding of the cleansing by Jesus Christ, the sins of the world in His baptism. But then the Lord speaks to all living in parables, but only the called are able to understand the parables according to the words of God in Mtt.13:10-11.   Let us see this extract from a very large denomination preaching God's Kingdom to the public:- " What is the condition of the dead?: 'Humans are made from dust.(Genesis 2:7, 3:19) We are not spirits living in a body of flesh. We are Physical creatures, so no part of us survives death. When we die, our brain dies too, and our thoughts perish. Thus, Lazarus said nothing about his experience of death because the dead are unconscious. Read Psalm 146:4: Ecclesiastes 9:5,6,10.   God does torment people with fire after death? Since the Bible shows that the dead are unconscious, hellfire is clearly a false teaching that slanders God. The very idea of tormenting people with fire disgusts him. Read Jeremiah 7:31."   We can see from the above quote by a very large religious group that they do not know that we men are spiritual men, we have spirits within us, the spirit Soul which is precious to God after death, and that this soul of man God requires it to be free of sin before we leave this realm and that's why the Lord came to give born again believers the remission of sin whilst we are still in this world and not of the world.   This brings me to believe that the ministries of Jesus should be divided into the following:-   His ministry of Baptism His ministry of the Cross His ministry the Resurrection His ministry of the Word, (the Bible), Logos, and  The ministry of the Holy Spirit.   To put simply without going through all the scriptures we immediately see the order of entering into the Kingdom of God in this world and receiving everlasting life according to the scriptures, Jn.3:16. Therefore in Jesus is believing, putting our faith in all His ministries that worked our salvation.   This is how I have come by the grace of God to understand the teaching of the Newlife mission.   1 His ministry of Baptism, this is the work, faith that washes away my sins and the sins of the world through believing. It is the faith that gives me the spiritual circumcision of the my heart, the spiritual man inside. It is where the old man is given to Jesus by John the Baptist by the laying on of hands to fulfil the old testament practice for the remission of sins. Here it is clear that if one does not believe in the work of the baptism of Jesus, one's sins will remain intact in he spirit Soul, the living Soul. If this be the case, then there will be no communion with the Father. No communion of saints no serving of God in the Holy Spirit, I e, not walking in the Spirit to be led by God.   2 His ministry of the Cross is the work of the cross where His blood, life, was shed for the remission of sin, the body of sin. This work is where the Lord bought us over from the world so that believers could not be sinners again in despite their weaknesses to commit errors, or to sin. To benefit from this grace we must first believe in his ministry or work of His Baptism. Why is it so? It is because He washed the sins of the world away once for all time, and the world have continued to sin since that baptism till now without believing in this work. However, many church goers have misbelieved the message of salvation, so misbelievers have to return to the true message to be converted and to enjoy the grace of the Cross. We must understand that there is a difference the forgiveness of sin and the remission of sin. The forgiveness of sin was accomplished once by Jesus in His Baptism. we need to believe His forgiveness came because of His baptism, but to remain sinless came because of the work of the remission of sin by His life, the Cross.   3 His ministry of the Resurrection from the dead. This ministry of raising the dead I believe the Father performed by the power of God, the Holy Spirit to convict or assure believers and people in the world that Jesus is the Lord of Life. because He was able to lay His life down and to take it up again according to the scriptures. We need to have this faith that as the Lord rose from the dead, that all who have died shall rise from the dead on the last day. The difference being that those who died in Christ shall rise to everlasting life with Jesus, and the dead without Christ shall also rise to life of condemnation in Hell according to the scriptures.   4 His ministry of the Word of God. The Bible is the word of God. We need to humble our self to believe God's. This is the work God has given to all men words. If we do not believe in Jesus, the Word of God we cannot be saved. When I go out to preach the word of God, unbelievers claim that the Bible was written by men. The scriptures tell us that the Apostles were inspired by God to write the word of God contained in the Bible through God the holy Spirit. we believe that the Holy Spirit is the man of truth, and He does make decision by Himself according to the scriptures. If we do not believe the word of God in this life, then this will be a clear case of Blasphemy. The word of God has told us that blasphemers shall not be forgiven of this sin.   5 The ministry of the Holy Spirit has been fulfilled by Jesus because He promised to send us the Comforter, Jn.15:26-27. To receive the Comforter, The Holy Spirit, we need to do the will of God to receive the fullness of God especially of the Holy Spirit. We need to have the comforter in order to have the communion of the Father, the communion of saints and the witness in earth of the heavenly things. For the scriptures tell us that " There are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. There are also there are three that bear witness in earth, the Water, the Blood and the spirit. We can see here that if we do not have faith in the Water, the Baptism of Jesus, His blood on the cross, our human spirit, the living soul cannot receive the witness of the record of the things in Heaven contained in the Holy Scriptures.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/04/20217
  • সংখ্যা 116


    Thank and to God be the glory Amen 

    • Nkole Chomba
    • Zambia
    • 05/04/20216
  • সংখ্যা 115

    Jesus is my saviour!

    I have read the two books written by Rev.Paul. C Jong titled Have you truly been born again of water and the spirit & When can a christian have an intimate conversation with the god. It was only after reading these books I realized the truth and learnt the correct gospel of the water and the spirit. How Jesus took away all the sins of this world and suffered for our sins and through his baptism and crucifixion is well mentioned and described in these books. This shows the great love of our God towards us and how he saved us from our sins who are born sinners. When life becomes hard it is only our faith in God can save us and his blessings will protect us from evil, so we the born again should do the will of the God and follow the correct path as the righteous to receive his eternal love and blessings. I am thankful to Rev.Paul. C Jong and all of the members of this wonderful ministry for delivering the gods message to the whole world for free of charge and for renewing my soul by beleiving in the gospel of the water and the spirit. I am truly born again.

    • Indra 
    • Sri Lanka
    • 05/04/20215