

អ្នកដែលបានអានសៀវភៅរបស់យើង បានផ្ញើការសង្ខេបសៀវភៅមក។ យើងសង្ឃឹមថា តាមរយៈការសង្ខេប​សៀវភៅទាំងនោះ អ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នានឹងចែករំលែកជាមួយគ្នាទៅវិញទៅ នូវព្រះគុណរបស់ព្រះ ដែលបានជួយ​ឲ្យ​យើង​អាចបានកើតជាថ្មី ដោយទឹក និងព្រះវិញ្ញាណបាន។ ការបង្ហោះរបស់អ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានគេមើលឃើញ បន្ទាប់ពីយើងយល់ព្រម។

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    The Primitive Gospel That Can Overcome The Sins of the World Page 351-352 "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? This is He who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth. For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness on earth: the Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three agree as one. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater; for this is the witness of God which He has testified of His Son.” We must believe that our God of righteousness is the God of faith. Therefore, since faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, Hebrews 11:1, then we must believe that God has given us this faith to overcome the all our personal sins of Mark 7:20-23 by believing the gospel of atonement of sins to defeat the Devil to live a victorious life through believing the gospel Word of atonement of sins fulfilled by Jesus. This means that if you believe in Jesus emotionally due to feelings while excluding the gospel Word of the “water” of the baptism of Jesus, you can not be saved from all your personal sins. For this reason, Apostle John said in 1 John 5:5-10 that the faith that overcomes the world is the faith placed in the water, the blood, and the Spirit. God the Father had placed all the wages of our sins to Jesus. This is because the wages of sin is death of the sinner; so God commanded that Jesus must bear the death of all men, for God loves all men without precondition, because all men are masses of sin. This why God Himself incarnated into the world in the body of Jesus, and accepted the sins of the human race through the baptism He received in the Jordan River, shouldered all the sins of the world on His body, shed His blood on the Cross, and in this way paid off all the wages of sins of mankind with His baptism and blood. For us to overcome this world, the sins we are born with, we must believe in the gospel of the baptism and blood of Jesus for the remission of sins from the heart. The only faith that enabled us the born-again to overcome this world is the faith that’s placed in the gospel Word fulfilled by the baptism and blood of Jesus, our assured Saviour. If you believe in the gospel of the baptism and blood of Jesus, the gospel of the atonement of the atonement of sins, then your faith will be approved by God; but if you otherwise have no faith in this gospel Word of the baptism and blood of Jesus, then you have not reached salvation yet. Both the baptism of Jesus and Hus blood were indispensable for the atonement of all the sins of the world that Jesus made on this earth, and therefore if you do not believe in either one of them, then far from being saved from all the sins of the world, you will fall into destruction. That is why we call the gospel of the baptism of Jesus and His blood on the Cross as the gospel of the atonement of sins. Almost all Christians believe in Jesus’ Cross alone, but for you to be truly born again, faith in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist is also absolutely indispensable.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/14/202330
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    The Blessings that follows the Obedience to God’s command

    The Blessings that follows the Obedience to God’s command This is illustrated in the following scripture: Now the LORD had said to Abram:“Get out of your country,From your familyAnd from your father’s house,To a land that I will show you.2. I will make you a great nation;I will bless youAnd make your name great;And you shall be a blessing.3. I will bless those who bless you,And I will curse him who curses you;And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”4. So Abram departed as the LORD had spoken to him, and lot went with him. And Abram was seventy -five years old when he departed from Harlan.Then Abram took Sarai his wife and lot his brother’s son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people whom they had acquired in Harlan, and they departed to go to the land of Canaan. So they came to the land of Canaan.”   We notice here that it was the obedience to the command given by God to Abram that led to the manifestation of all the promises given by God to Abram. At this point, his name had not been changed, so it was the beginning of the testing that would lead to finally his name being changed by a Covenant between God and him.Likewise, when we compare this to the Word of God in John 3:3-5, ‘Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.’” This means that unless one is born again, he cannot understand the righteousness of in the Kingdom of God or the righteousness of Jesus Christ.‘Nicodemus said Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?’”Here we realise that Nicodemus was not verse in spiritual truth; for the Lord was telling him that the soul needed to have a good conscience through being born spiritually of God from Heaven.Then the Lord answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.”Here the Lord has given a parable which all in this world must believe as Abram believed God, from the main passages above. We must believe into the heart, the Word of John 3:5 as it is written so that understanding of it will manifest as we look at the baptism of Jesus in Matthew 3:13-17, and to understand the doctrine of Christ in given through Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 3:21, “There is also an antitype which now saves us—baptism(not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” Here Peter tells us that the baptism of Jesus, resulted in us, by faith, were baptised into His death and resurrection, because as the Lord also was raised to life by the Father through the Spirit. For all New Testament churches must believe the Word of His power, John 3:5 in order to receive the understanding of the mystery of the salvation of the soul which God had finished before He rested kn the seventh day from His works. Likewise, our Lord finished all His works, and declared, “it is finished” and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God, with power and authority in Heaven and earth, and all of the Universe, and gave us the gospel of the water and the Spirit; for us to bring others in in all the nations to believe and to enter the Kingdom of God in the heart, in spirit, because Jesus has solved all the problems of sins in the heart such that we only need to accept the truth of the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and become the priests, saints, servants and the children of God.Returning to the main passages of the scripture, it was the obedience of Abram that preceded the Covenant of faith between God and him.We only have to ruminate in the blessings that we’re promised to Abram of which believers of the gospel of the water and the Spirit have also inherited, because of the obedience of Jesus Christ to wash away all the sin of the world with His water of His baptism and blood and give us the Holy Spirit that indwells our hearts; for He is our Helper and Comforter in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, and witnesses the truth in our hearts or conscience and leads us walk in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.Abram also was weak in the flesh as we are, though we are saved from the condemnation of sin; for in Romans 3:23, it written, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But Abram became the father of faith, through his obedience to the Word of God , despite his weakness as a men as we also are weak in the flesh but have received our sinless lives in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Because of our faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit we have become the priests of God, and are called to spread this gospel to all nations. We have inherited the same blessings shown shown in the main passages through our faith in the water and blood and the Spirit; for the Spirit witnesses the truth in our hearts, because the Spirit is truth. This blessings are not available to those who reject the truth of gospel of the water and the Spirit, because they are idol worshippers who walk in the ways and practice of Balaam.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 04/16/2023101
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    Are You Now Living as the Object of God’s Affection?

    I am currently reading the book 62 titled "Are You Now Living as the Object of God’s Affection?"This book has really enriched my heart. It has soaked my heart with God's love. While working in the vineyard, it's absolutely important that we grasp how much God loves us  and renew our strength always by this realization. This book is written mainly for the saints who believed in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and are labouring to preach this gospel all over the world.God's love for His workers is revealed clearly in this book. God wants us to always remain in His church, He never wants us to leave Him. Because we are lovely in His eyes, He wants to be looking upon us. Fellow saints, how much does God want us to remain in His church? When Solomon came to visit the vineyard, at that moment he saw the Shulamite woman on her horse about to leave the vineyard. He said to her "Return, return, O Shulamite;  Return, return, that we may look upon you!" (Song of Song 6:13)There are times when we are bound by weaknesses, feeling on own that we are too weak to follow the Lord, and want to leave God and His church. But God is telling us not to leave His church, He is saying that we should not go astray but remain in the vineyard. How many times did God use the word "return" in this verse? We can see how much God loves us and how much He wants us to remain with Him because are beautiful in His eyes.There is no love poet as beautifully written as the Song of Song. Who can describe his beloved with such wonderful expressions? I marvel at the words in this book of the Bible! This is amazing work of God! Even Romeo could not express his love for Juliet as such, nor does he love her as such. The love God has for His workers can't even be compared to any human love.If you believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and are working to preach and support its ministry, this book is written for you.Ndubuisi Okorie, Nigeria

    • Ndubuisi Okorie
    • Nigeria
    • 03/07/2023156
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    BOOK ONE REWIEW: Brenda Tembo ONE CAN ONLY BE BORN OF GOD BY ADOPTING THE TRUE FAITH FOUND IN THE GOSPEL OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT(JOHN 3VS5) Ebook one: HAVE YOU TRULY BEEN BORN AGAIN OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT? Through reading this book, I have come to understand some of the commonest problems in the lives of psuedo Christian believers of today and how they can be resolved through the gospel of the water and the Spirit. And to why the pseudo Christian believers are finding it hard to accept that only the gospel of the water, blood and the Spirit is the only gospel truth that has saved all mankind from sin. This gospel of Jesus’s baptism, His death on the cross and His resurrection is the gospel that has freed us from all our lifetime sins, the sins that we inherited from our fore parents Adam and Eve, the sins of the past years and days, the sins of yesterday, the sins of today and the sins that we shall commit in the hours to come so did Christ Jesus took all these sins once and for all and has made us to be blameless and pure in our hearts before God our Creator as referred in (Hebrews10vs10).But the biggest problem of the psuedo Christian believers of toaday is that; 1. The psuedo Christian believers of today are failing to know their true selves. Which makes them stubbornly to continual living a pretentiously and hypocritical lives before themselves and others and even before God.  2. The psuedo Christian believers of today have captivated themselves in the deception of the devil of offering consistent prayers of repentance following the works of the law as the way to believe in God. Which simply gives them an assurance that their sins can only be forgiven by offering consistent prayers of repentance wherever  they commit sin and trying to do and to be good. To which even when they offer these they still remain as sinners. 3. The psuedo Christian believers of today, are afraid of change and  they lack knowledge about change. That is why no matter how many years they have lived as Christians they are still in their old nature(Sinful) which add up even more impact to their failure to believe in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit which is the gospel that brings upon regeneration of within and thus also remains believing in the blood of Jesus alone and striving much to try to live by the law not knowing that they are been arrogant before God and creating for themselves a path  going to hell.  So through reading this book=Have You Truly Been Born Again Of The Water And The Spirit. I believe that you will come to know and understand that,It is the only book on earth among the Christian books published by variety Christian believers that has completely revealed the true nature of a human being and how we humans can be United with God in accordance to His word. Through  Mark 7vs20-23 the complete nature of a human being is revealed. It reads;For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,7:22thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness.7:23All these evil things come from within and defile a man.”Hallelujah!!This is my true self, my own nature that I cannot deny! And with such a nature I am bound for hell that only the grace of God do I need to be rescued from such an evil nature with a terrible destination. It has also clearly revealed how precious it is for one to know his or her true self through the word of God by having faith in the beautiful  gospel of the water and the Spirit. Because without the word of God we humans we only live hypocritical and pious lives with so many mistaken illusions about ourselves and others. Thinking, if I can only do this good for God it is the way for me to be loved by God not knowing that such pious lives will definitely lead you to hell. This book has clearly shed light on how sinful we are as human beings and we can only come to know this once we understand the purpose of the law of God in our lives. Romans 3vs20 clearly reveals the purpose of the Law in our lives It reads; For no one is put right in God sight by doing what the law requires, what the law does is to make people know that they have sinned. Hallelujah!!This is the evidence that we humans can never live by the perfect law of God but it is a mirror that brings back the reflection of our nature. Yes indeed by the Law of God is the knowledge of sin. We are such terrible sinners who are destined for nothing more than the wrath of God. Hence, anyone who tries to crawl up to God by their dead works of the law they are under a curse…(Galatians 3vs10) The word of God is so definitely that one can only come to God through faith in the righteous Acts of Jesus Christ even His baptism( where he took away the sins of the world), His death on the cross to pay the wages of our sins and His resurrection by which we are justified once and for all times. Thus by realizing who we truly are through the law of God and to what our Lord Jesus Christ has said about the nature of man in Mark 7:20-23 then can we come to understand and believe the gospel of the water and the Spirit that has set us free from sin once and for all by a single lamb of God Jesus Christ, who accepted our sins through the method of laying on hands had John the Baptist who stood as our representative laid His hands to pass the sins of the entire humanity upon the righteous body of our Lord Jesus Christ, confirming to 2Corinthians 5vs21 Which state 21. Christ was without sin, but for our sake God made him share our sin in order that in union with him we might share the righteousness of God. AMEN! So because of our sins that Christ received from His baptism led Him to die on the cross thus paid the wages of our sins once and for all times. That through Him we may all be forgiven from sin and it wage(death). And By His resurrection we have been justified from the old sinful nature into a new righteous garment of God our Creator. Therefore having been saved from our sins there is no longer sacrifice needed to atone for our future and present daily sins that we commit because all these sins He took as the Lamb of God at his baptism. So if one continues to try to cleanses his daily sins by offering prayers of repentance he is definitely calling his own hell, because he is trying to replace back that which was taken and was paid for, not knowing that he is in total deception of the devil leading to eternal destruction. But I do believe that there is still hope to such a person once he comes to know himself as a great sinner who cannot help but to sin throughout his life and seek for God to save him, then can God save such a person by letting him know the perfect secret of our salvation, that Jesus Christ took all his sins through His baptism he received from John, His death on the cross to pay the wages of sin and through His resurrection to give him the newness of life. Such a person comes to receive the perfect and greatest gift from God even the True Faith in gospel  of the water and the Spirit which constitutes eternal life that is a life free from sin and death. Just as we who believe in this precious gospel have received the precious gift if life. Hallelujah!!Nevertheless if you’re still struggling to meet the Lord through your consistently prayers of repentance and your dead works following the law. I urge you to read this book so that you gain the understanding to why God gave us the law and obtain the true faith found in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and receive the remission of your sins by believing in Jesus’s baptism, His crucifixion and His resurrection as the remission of all the sins of humankind and the law of salvation based on the infinite and unconditional love of God. Amen!!Stay blessed. Brenda Tembo, Zambia

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 12/13/2022228
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    Book Review of Book 1, titled - “Have You Truly Been Born Again Of Water And The Spirit?”

    Book Review of Book 1, titled - “ Have You Truly Been Born Again Of Water And The Spirit? ”Written by – Paul C. Jong Hi! I am Shyam Marak from India. And here I would like to do a book review on one of the spiritual book series by Rev. Paul C. Jong, that is on the gospel of being born again of Water and the Spirit. And this is the book that I am doing a review and as you can see, the title of the book is “ Have Truly Been Born Again Of Water And The Spirit? ” written by Rev. Paul C. Jong and also on the back side of the book, it reads – “ The Message In This Book Washed Away All My Sins! ” So, this is the first book of our time and this last age to preach the true gospel of water and the Spirit, in which all the early Christians and all the Apostles of Christ believed in and preached in strict accordance with the Bible. Now, the contents of the book has two parts: Part one is of – Sermons, which has a total of 8 sermons and Part two is of – Appendix, which include Testimonies of Salvation, Supplementary Explanation and Questions & Answers. So, the book starts with sermon 1, that says - “ We Must First Know about Our Sins To Be redeemed.”So, Sermon 1 talks about the importance of first knowing exactly what our Sinful Human Nature is and to know what is in the heart of all Human Being and to first obtain the correct knowledge on our Sinful Existence and our Fundamental Human Nature through the written words of God, so that by recognizing and knowing our true fundamental sinful nature, we would long for His grace and salvation and completely depend and rely on Him to be redeemed from all our sins and become born again through our faith in the Word of Truth of the Gospel of Water and the Spirit. Now, Sermon 2 speaks that-  “ Human Beings Are Born Sinners.”In Mark 7:20-23, Jesus said that since all human beings are born as descendants of Adam, all people are inherited and born with the 12 Kinds of Sins in their hearts, such as evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. And all these evil things that come from within human heart that makes a person sinner. Therefore, when we really look at ourselves through the written words of Jesus, it is evident that we are merely masses of sin, or a person is only a ‘seed of evil’ who cannot help but can only bear the fruits of sin from the day of our birth till to the day of our death and eventually to be thrown as a seed of evil into the eternal fires of hell. And that’s what our destiny was. And Sermon 3 says that- “ If We Do Things by the Law, Can It Save Us? ”Here, Sermon 3 teaches and reveals the truth about the purpose and the reason why God gave us the Law. The reason God created the Law and has given us the 613 Articles of the Law was to make us realize how completely sinful we are and to save our souls from such sin. Romans 3:20 states, “By the law is the knowledge of sin.” Therefore, we know that God’s reason for giving us the Law was not to force us to live by it but it has been given to you to recognize yourself as a sinner with evil in your heart and it shows that you are a lump of sin. And it tells us our inability to live by His Law and that we are too weak to completely obey the Law in its entirety and that we should all end up in hell according to His just Law, so that by recognizing the impossibility of being saved from hell without Jesus, we would long for God’s grace to be redeemed from all our sins. Sermon 4, talks about “ The Eternal Redemption.”In John 8, there is a story of a woman who was caught in the act of adultery and we see how Jesus saved her and how she received the grace of God. When the scribes and Pharisees dragged the woman who had been caught in the act of adultery before Jesus and set her in their midst asking Jesus to stone her to death, we see that Jesus stooped down twice and wrote on the ground with His finger. So, what was Jesus been writing on the ground? This means God, who created us, writes our sins in two different places. So, according to the Book of Jeremiah 17:1, first, God writes our sins on the tablet of our hearts and secondly, God writes our sins on the horns of the altars, meaning our sins are recorded on the Books of Works or the Book of Judgment. Dear friends! We see that Jesus didn’t condemn the woman because Jesus had already taken away all her sins through His baptism at the Jordan River, and she was already redeemed. Now, Jesus, not the woman, had to be judged for her sins on the Cross. And Sermon 5, teaches and reveals about the secret hidden truth about “ The Baptism of Jesus and The Atonement of Sins.”The Gospel of Heaven always starts from the testimony of John the Baptist. And that’s why we can see that all the four Gospels start from the point of the coming of John the Baptist. So, John the Baptist was the last High Priest of the descendant of Aaron and the representative of all mankind. John the Baptist was a servant of God whose mission was to pass all the sins of the world onto Jesus through the baptism and to bear witness to Jesus in order for all of mankind to repent and be washed of their sins by believing in the gospel of redemption.So, Hebrews 1:9, says that the law was a shadow of the good things to come. The law in other words, the sacrificial system, was a shadow of the good things to come. The sacrifices of the Old Testament, of sheep and goats, revealed to us that Jesus Christ would come and take away our sins in the same manner in order to blot out our sins. Therefore, the complete and eternal Being, the One without blemish, the Son of God, had to come to earth.And when we read Matthew 3:13-17, we can see that Jesus went to Jordan and was baptized by John the Baptist. But when John tries to prevent Him, Jesus said to John, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” In the Old Testament, when a sacrifice was offered to God, either the sinner or the high priest laid his hands on its head and passed on the sins. ‘To lay one’s hands on’ means ‘to pass.’So, when John the Baptist baptized Jesus, it was the same as the laying on of hands in the Old Testament. The New Testament is the reality while the Old Testament is its shadow. When a sinner laid his hands on  a lamb in the Old Testament, his sin was passed onto the lamb and the lamb was to be killed due to the sins. Likewise, when John laid his hands on Jesus’ head, all the past, present and future sins of the world were passed on to Jesus at the Jordan River and in this way, all the righteousness of God was fulfilled for all human being and that’s why the Bible says, that the very next day John the Baptist testified, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” Sermon 6 tells that “ Jesus Christ Came by Water, Blood and the Spirit.”The Apostle John said in 1 John 5:6-8, that the correct faith is to believe in “the witness of the Spirit, the water and the blood.” The complete faith that leads us to true salvation is the faith in Jesus Christ, “who came by water and blood – Jesus Christ.” And Sermon 7 testifies that “ The Baptism of Jesus Is The Antitype of Salvation For Sinners.”The Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 3:21, said “There is an antitype which now saves us, namely baptism, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” Here, we can see that the Apostle Peter declared water, which means the baptism of Jesus, to be “an antitype which now saves us.” And finally Sermon 8, tells about “ The Gospel of the Abundant Atonement.”In John 13, the words Jesus spoke while washing His disciples’ feet are recorded and it talks about the perfect salvation that Jesus had fulfilled for His disciples. While washing their feet, Jesus told them about the wisdom of the gospel of His baptism through which all men could be washed off from all their sins. Jesus washed His disciples’ feet to show that He had already taken away all our daily sins and even the future sins through His baptism and that is why He took the judgment for them on the Cross. The book in conclusion, reveals the secret truth hidden in the gate of the court of the Tabernacle. The  gate of the court of the tabernacle is described in Exodus 27:16. The materials used for the gate of the court of the tabernacle were blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen thread. These four materials symbolize the blueprint of God’s salvation, by which He would save all those who believed in His Son, through the baptism and the blood of Jesus and in His being God. Therefore, Blue yarn symbolizes the Baptism of Jesus. Scarlet yarn symbolizes the blood of Jesus. Purple yarn symbolizes His Divinity – the status of Jesus as King and God. And the fine linen thread means that He saved all of us without exception from all our sins. And finally, here I am very glad to recommend this book to each and every one of you living out here today, to reach out to and read this book with the Bible, so that you too also can be able to find out the amazing discovery of ‘the secret of salvation’ revealed in this book, so that you will be able to know the truth and be set free from all your sins. With faith in the Gospel of the water and the Spirit, I thank the Lord! Halleluiah!

    • Shyam Marak
    • India
    • 09/25/2022204