

បើសិនអ្នកគឺជាសហការីម្នាក់ ហើយចង់បង្ហោះសារ និងរូបថត នៅលើ "សារពីសហការី" សូមចុចប៊ូតុង "បង្ហោះសារ" ហើយចូល។ ការបង្ហោះរបស់អ្នកនឹងត្រូវបានគេមើលឃើញ បន្ទាប់ពីយើងយល់ព្រម។

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    God`s Divine Election

    • Ern Huang
    • Malaysia
    • 01/27/202497
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    The Devil`s deception on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit has been made naked by faith in the Gospel of Water and the Spirit:

    All people around the world who are in Christianity and are not born again of Water, blood and the Spirit are not clear in this topic on the indwelling owing to their ignorance of Salvation given by God.Reverend Paul C Jong`s book on the Holy Spirit gave me a crystal clear way for one to have both the indwelling and the work of the Holy Spirit in His/her life.Before becoming born again of Water and the Spirit, I trusted my mother so much for both my faith and spiritual growth, because she was among my leaders in the church. She taught us on how to judge whether one is elect or not. Her qualifier was mainly on dreams. She told us that if one doesn`t dream, it means he/she is dead in the spirit. But also we used not to be sure somehow because in our area there is a woman known of dreaming what in most cases comes to pass. But this woman was a Catholic and always found of stealing people`s chicken, goats and other things in the village. So that could give us some doubt at home but nevertheless, since this was strongly emphasized by all leaders, we had to agree to it but in confusion!I lived a life of devotion more than my other siblings. Moving with my mother everywhere she could go for prayers, fastings, crusades, conferences whenever there was ability. Many people were wondering what kind of child I was, because they could see that God was with me. But i used to suffer a lot with demons tormenting me mostly in dreams and causing illnesses.After growing up, I really desired the fullness of the holy Spirit but I couldn`t manage to speak in tongues. I desired a lot to speak in tongues and tried many times to learn how to do it, but it didn`t work out. But still I thought that I was an elect as I was told by my mother.My second earnest desire was to be used mightily by God to perform miracles and wonders because this was considered to be concrete evidence that one possesses the Holy Spirit. So as taught by my leaders, I could everyday pray that God uses me in the future mightily. I Even vowed not to sleep with any woman as a sign of devotion such that I maintain the presence of God in me.My life was really full of confusion concerning the Holy Spirit.I tried keeping the law, occasion prayers and fasting, daily prayers of repentance, offering money to the power, doing the work of evangelism, thinking that these were the works of the Holy Spirit and I was seeking to excel in them. But this Holy Spirit, which could be extinguished with sin, could give me much suffering to maintain him.But the truth is, I couldn`t get the indwelling of the Holy Spirit because I still had sins in my heart and I had not even heard teachings concerning sins in my heart. I wasn`t born again from my sins that`s why the Spirit of God couldn`t come and leave in me.   Acts 2:37-40  [37] Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”  [38] Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of *Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  [39] For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” A Vital Church Grows  [40] And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, “Be saved from this perverse generation.”   *Ephesians 1:13-14  [13] In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,  [14] who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory . Prayer for Spiritual Wisdom  By reading Paul C Jong`s book on the Holy Spirit, I came to understand the above scriptures clearly. No one who is still a sinner can receive God`s Holy Spirit, Even if he/she climbs from earth to the sky or donates large sums of money or repents or performs wonders. The Holy Spirit is Holy, He only comes to hearts which have been freed from sin by believing in the baptism (which took away all our life long sins John1:29) and the death of Jesus Christ for our sins. Onyege Emmanuel Uganda

    • Onyege Emmanuel
    • Uganda
    • 01/09/2024177
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    I praise the Lord!!!

    I thank the Lord from the bottom of my heart for opening the door to preach the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit to these hungry souls as they invited me to teach and preach them the Truth of the Water and the Spirit! First of all, God plowed their hearts by exposing the 12 Kinds of Sins in their hearts inherited from common ancestors Adam and Eve and their fundamental nature and true evil selves and then secondly, God taught them about the true remission of sins from their hearts by explaining to them about the Law of Sacrificial System, mentioned in the Book of Leviticus and the Law of the Spirit of Life, that is the Gospel of the Water, Blood and the Holy Spirit!May God bless them in continuing to learn the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit and make them believe with all their hearts and receive the remission of all their sins in their hearts! Amen!Shyam Marak, India

    • Shyam Marak
    • India
    • 01/08/202472
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    We Must Become the Lost Sheep Before Our Shepherd Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ is looking for His lost sheep, and He has commanded us, the believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit in this age and time, to help Him find them. But when we rather find those who are not lost, we have to plow their hearts first because unless people know about their fundamental sinful nature, Jesus Christ will not call them even if He wants to do so.In the parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15:1-7), one out of the hundred sheep was lost, found, and delivered by the Lord. To you, my online friends, I want to ask you a question. Which one are you? Are you the lost sheep or one of the ninety-nine just sheep who need no repentance?Those who are lost sheep before Jesus Christ are those who know that they are sinners who deserve to be cast into hell for their sins. They are the ones who mourn over the sins they commit while living in this world and seek the salvation of God. But ninety-nine sheep who were not lost are the sinners who do not know about their sins and the judgment of their sins. In other words, they are the self-righteous people.If the Shepherd leaves ninety-nine sheep in the forest to look for one lost sheep, what will happen to the ninety-nine sheep? They will all die of hunger or be destroyed by ravenous wolves. Jesus Christ will not save those who think they are righteous even if He wants unless they plow their hearts first. When we, the believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, meet those who are not the lost sheep, we have to let them know about their sins and the law of God because Jesus Christ is looking for those who know how sinful they are and wants to save them with His baptism at the Jordan River and His blood of the Cross. Jesus Christ does not mind pushing the sheep who were not lost into the ocean and casting them into hell if they ever become an obstacle to the salvation of one lost sheep.So then, have you become a lost sheep before our Shepherd, Jesus Christ, the Son of God? Jesus Christ is looking for you with the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Visit The New Life Mission website and download free Christian books of Rev.Paul C. Jong to learn more about the gospel of the water and the Spirit through which Jesus Christ saves His lost

    • Ndubuisi Okorie
    • Nigeria
    • 01/02/202487
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    It took one year for me to understand the Gospel of the water and the Spirit from serial book 1, "Have You Truly Born Again Of Water and the Spirit?" Thus, in 2021, from January to December, I did not get anything from it. Fortunately, in 2022, God opened my spiritual eyes, and I understood the message and gained my salvation through my faith. For, after reading that book, I believe that not only the blood of Jesus is my salvation, but that Our God clothed the image of person, and received baptism from John the Baptist to wash us from all the sins of the world, paid off in full all the judgment of all our sins on the Cross with His blood of His death. After that, I took a little Miles and read books entitled "Sermon Those Who Become Our Corwokers (V)” and Paul C. Jong’s Spiritual Growth series 3: The Epistle from John (1)” respectively in 2023, but in my country Malawi and the city I lives, I have never heard such a beautiful Gospel. I think the only thing that made me find it difficult to understand was that it sounded strange to me. Thus, it made me start preaching that Gospel, and now about 20 people gathered as God`s church. I believe God will multiply us like sand, though it is difficult to preach, for many who hear my Gospel preached reject it, and few accept it.

    • Mayeso Josopha
    • Malawi
    • 01/01/202482