
လုပ်‌ဖော်ဆောင်ဖက်များ ထံမှသတင်းစကား

အကယ်၍ သင်သည် လုပ်ဆောင်ဖက်တစ်ဦးဖြစ်၍ သတင်းစကားဖြစ်စေ၊ ဓါတ်ပုံဖြစ်စေ "လုပ်‌ဖော်ဆောင်ဖက်များ ထံမှသတင်းစကား"ထဲတွင် ထည့်သွင်းကြော်ငြာလိုပါက "သတင်းပေးပို့ခြင်း"ခလုတ်ကိုနှိပ်ပြီး ဝင်ရောက်ပါ။ ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ အတည်ပြု ပြီးနာက် သင်တင်ခဲ့သောအရာများမြင်တွေ့ပါလိမ့်မည်။

စုစုပေါင်း 268
  • နံပါတ် 113

    These books changed my Christian faith.

    These books changed my christian faith and enabled me to know that we must walk with God to receive knowledge and revelation of God through understanding the doctrines of Christ which reveals the truth righteousness of God in the law and the prophets and in the parables of God contained in the four gospels of Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour as the Holy Spirit delivers the truth to the  heart of believers of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Samuel Akpabio, UK

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/07/202166200
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    The only way one can be cleansed of all sin

    It takes a long time for us to obtain the correct knowledge of our human nature, and there are so many of us who will never find this out until the day they die. In order to truly know ourselves, we must first receive the remission of sins. Sin is inherent in the hearts of all people and it does not go away by trying not to commit sin, being careful or by countering sinful behaviour with God works/repentance prayers. Jeremiah 13:23, "Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil." The only way one can be cleansed of all sin is for one to pass their sins onto Jesus, the lamb of God through faith in His baptism from John the Baptist. (Leviticus 16:21=Matthew 3:13-15) One who can be redeemed knows that he/she is a mass of sin. He/she truly believes that Jesus took away all our sins by being baptized in the Jordan River and that He paid the wages of sins when He died for us. For your FREE Christian audio or ebook visit Aneka Simons, UK    

    • Aneka Simons
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/07/202165860
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    How can sinners become the followers of Christ who is sinless?

    I posed this question to a large congregation today. 'How can sinners become the followers of Christ who is sinless?' They answered. 'We are sinners like anyone else. No one is righteous. But we are forgiven.' They could not answer the question posed to them, but with guilty consciences admitted that they will always be defiled sinners. But how can you be forgiven and still remain in your sin, makes no sense? The only reason Christians remain in their sin is because they were taught a gospel that EXCLUDES the righteousness of God. Such a gospel is rife among Christians. But when they realize how they were duped and cast away their thoughts, and, meet the true gospel which reveals the righteousness of God we are preaching, then only will they be made sinless and righteous at once. Its really not that hard but for their thoughts. Many believers around the globe are waking up, as from a swoon, casting away their dodgy faith and thoughts, and, coming to know this gospel that reveals the righteousness of God, the majestic gospel which has been laying in the Bible forever, but they were too blind to see it. God is making it possible for every person on the earth to meet this glorious gospel, and its for absolutely Free, even shipping. He is causing miracle upon miracle. Why not shake off that which is holding you back, and join us in Gods Holy Church? Phil Grahn, Australia

    • Phil Grahn
    • Australia
    • 05/07/202167157
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    Now a days Coronavirus fear is everywhere, many people are dying everyday, whole world is in turbulence but believers should have faith instead. The LORD expects us to use reasonable means to protect ourselves, but He will do the rest. If we go beyond reasonable means, then we are trusting ourselves and our means, rather than trusting Him. Many fearful things are happening; and it is all a warning from the Almighty, and it’s a widespread foretaste of what is ahead for our end-time generation. But word of God says And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28) rather  its very fear full if a man die without being Born of water and the spirit, as it is written And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, (Hebrew 9:27) God says You will not fear the terror of night nor the arrow that flies by day,nor the pestilence (deadly disease)  that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. (Psalm 91:5-6) We are highly privileged and blessed to be a child of God by born of water and the spirit, Let us help others to be the same.   May God Bless us! In Christ Michael Sg Coworker INDIA

    • Michael Sg
    • India
    • 05/07/202167975
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    Be strong and keep your faith

    To all coworkers all around the world. Be strong always keep your faith and be sure to finish the race for the reward of heaven. We might face circumstances on sharing gospel but we must not stop and lose hope coz God is with us. The world need us coz we are the only one in this world that preaching true and ginuine gospel that leads to salvation of humankind. God bless us all Jhona Sis from the Philippines

    • Joanalyn Gonzales
    • Philippines
    • 05/07/202164655