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2-10. I spent many sad days after the doctor diagnosed my case as stomach cancer. One day, a Christian friend of mine visited me and told me that anyone attending a revival meeting at his church would be healed of any kind of disease. To me, an atheist at that time, the healing of disease by God’s power seemed too good to be true. On the last day of the meeting, everyone came up to the minister to receive the laying on of his hands. While he laid his hands on me, he told me to repeat some inapprehensible words and asked me if I believed in Jesus Christ’s healing power. Even though I didn’t truly believe in my heart, I was upset and answered yes. And right at that moment I felt something hot like electricity running through me. I could feel my whole body quivering and I felt that my cancer was cured. I decided to believe in the Lord on the spot and after that, a great happiness and peace came into my heart and I began a new life. I also devoted myself to spreading the gospel. I think that the Holy Spirit caused all these things and I believe that He dwells in me. Don’t you think of it the same way?

You have really had an amazing experience. I have heard many confessions from people who dedicated their lives to the Lord after experiencing God’s answers to their prayers. However, I would like to ask you if this amazing supernatural experience could be the definite proof that you received the Holy Spirit.
As a matter of fact, many Christians nowadays would answer “Yes” to the question above. When Western Christianity was in decline amid the growth of materialism, the so-called Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement arose, and Christianity revived tremendously, especially in the under developed or developing countries. 
As a result, many Christians fell under the influence of the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement, which stresses the importance of supernatural experience. Those who lead revival meetings sometimes obtain worldwide fame as Evangelical revivalists. Furthermore, because they have surprising testimonies of their own and express their own faith through their experiences, their followers pursue experience-based faith like them.
However, the Bible says “No” to the question above. Of course, the Holy Spirit has the ability to give us supernatural experiences. However, because He is the Spirit of truth (John 15:26), we can receive the Holy Spirit only through the word of truth.
Peter received the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost and confidently preached the gospel saying, “God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36). Then the Jews who heard this said to Peter and the other Apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37) He answered them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call” (Acts 2:38-39).

In other words, God clearly said that He would give the Holy Spirit as a gift to the righteous who received the remission of sin by believing in Jesus Christ’s gospel.

The only proof of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in one’s heart is the word of truth.
Have you received the remission of sin through the gospel of the water and the Spirit? If so, you can be assured that the indwelling of the Holy Spirit has already taken place in you. 
However, no matter what amazing experiences you may have had or no matter how many wonders you have performed, you have definitely not received the Holy Spirit if you still have sin in your heart. The reason is that you don’t have the witness of the remission of sin based on the word of truth. Just as darkness can’t be found in the light, the Holy Spirit can neither come on a sinner nor dwell with sin. 
Therefore, the true indwelling of the Holy Spirit only happens to people whose sins are completely washed away by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. God wants all people to hear the truth and to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Now you can receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. 
I have received numerous other questions besides these and you can find all the answers to them by having faith in Jesus’ baptism by John and His blood on the Cross. Now everyone who believes in Jesus can receive the Holy Spirit, which God promised to pour out of on all in the last days. We give thanks to the Lord. Hallelujah!
This book contains a great deal of information on the Holy Spirit. This book will help you answer your questions. If you want to know more about the gospel of the water and the Spirit, please refer to the author’s first two books of his Christian Book Series.
Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit? Seoul: Hephzibah, 1999.
Return to the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit. 
Seoul: Hephzibah, 1999.
God wants you to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and wait for the Lord’s Coming. If you believe in God’s words together with the author, you will receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and give glory to the Lord.
The New Life Mission


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