
किताब के बारे में समीक्षा

जिन लोगों ने हमारी किताबो को पढ़ा है उन्होंने निम्नलिखित समीक्षा भेजी है। यह हमारी आशा है की उनके द्वारा, आप सब एक दूसरों के साथ परमेश्वर के अनुग्रह को बाटेंगे जिसने हमें पानी और आत्मा से नया जन्म पाने के लिए सक्षम बनाया है। आपकी पोस्ट को हमारे द्वारा स्वीकार करने के बाद ही देखा जा सकता है।

संदेश पोस्ट करे
कुल 289
  • नंबर 84

    the value of a blessing;

    Its through the Baptsim of the water and the spirit that any one can be justified,therefore be comfirmed of christ Jesus, whereby you are unlimited to sonship because you are led by the spirit of God in your day today living and therefore you are nolonger of the world /flesh but under open heaven operations by the kingdom of God and there fore you are blessed to stay blessed.Deut 28 and revelation 22

    • FTIM 
    • Uganda
    • 05/03/20213
  • नंबर 83

    The Relationship Between The Ministry of Jesus and that of John the Baptist

    The essence of this review is to show that John the Baptist was the Messenger of God acording to the will of our Father in Heaven. Primarilly to assume the office of the last high Prist of the old Testament to fulfil once and for all the offering for the Atonement for sin, to pass the sins of the world to our Lord Jesus and to close the old Testament Era so that our Lord Jesus was to open the New Testament Era. Therefore, by Our Father's will, and the agreement of the Goghead John was the messenger of God sent to fulfil the Aaronic office of the High priest to offer the righteous sacrifice, Jesus Christ the Son of God, an ATONEMENT for the sins of the mankind once and for all.   The office of the High priest was given to Aaron by God. Also John the Baptist, the son of Zacharias, one of the priest from the division of Abijah. We can see here that John's father was from the division of Abijah. Zacharias was one of the grandsons of Aaron the high priest. By the division of Abijah, his descendants which is the descendant of Aaron the High Priest. Aaron's descendants preformed thier duties in the temple as High priest and some as common priests. God had given this ministry of serving as priests only to the descendant of Aaron. The evidence of this can be found in 1 Chronicles 24:1-19.There is no doubt here that God sent John the Baptist to be the last prophet and High Priest of the Old Testament period to fulfil all the righteousness of God in the Law and the prophets, and to close the old Testament period for the Lord to begin the New Testament period according to the will of God.   The question now is, What was the Day of Atonement all about. The answer to this can only be none other than the day in which the High Priest was to offer the yearly sacrifice for the remission of the sins of the nation of Israel. This scene is described in Leviticus 16:29-34. On reading this passage of the bible, we must note that it begins by saying, " This shall be a statute forever for you." We believe that the word of God is truth and does not change. therefore, if the Old Testament period was closing, how do we see the word of God being a statute for ever? It is in christ Jesus, because He is the messenger of the Covenant for ever, He was our Eternal sacrifice and became our Everlasting High Priest and Saviour. Saviour.   I believe that on the day Jesus was Baptised by John the Baptist by the laying on of hands on Jesus' head, thus passing the sins of the world to Jesus' Head sginalled the passing away of the old Testament period and the beginning of the New Testament period of the Grace of God.This is the reason why God sent John the Baptist to be born into the division of Abijah, the descendants of Aaron.   In the gospel of Lk.1:5 it says "There was in the days of Herod, the King of Judea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the division of Abijah. His wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth." This passage tells us that Zacharias and Elizabeth were Aaron's descendants. Their son John the Baptist therefore was certainly inherited the office of the High priest according to the will of God. The important to note here and to believe is that this same John the Baptist baptised Jesus Christ and passed the sins of the world unto our Lord Jesus. This moment in the Jordan river was the birth place and the beginning of the Gospel of the water and the Spirit. The gospel mystery of this faith began here. For those who are truly seeking to participate in the Kingdom of heaven should at this point throw away their man-made faith of the blood of Jesus only and humble themselves to receive this faith into the center of their hearts to become sinless in their hearts. John the Baptist who inherited the office of the High Priest was the representative of mankind who baptised Jesus. He fulfilled the office of the High priest of the old Testament. John the Baptist was was God's servant raised according to the providence of redemption in Jesus Christ. It was the will of God that He was born into the house of Aaron to fulfil the office of the last High priest of the old Testament on the earth. He therefore ministered as the High priest of all humankind, and prepared the way for the Lord to bring all peoples in this world who beleive His gospel of the faith of the water and the Spirit to God.We must examine the role of John the Baptist in depth, and be able to come a clear understanding the connection of his ministry with that of our Lord Jesus. Only in this way can come to believe in the ministry of Jesus Christ who came to save us fron all the sins of this world. Many so called beleivers only think of Jesus as the saviour of mankind, but when it comes to Elijah to come, who is mentioned in malachi chapter 4 in the old Testament are ctually being indiferent. It is absolutely necessary for christians all over the world to turn to the bible in humility to seek help from the Lord to receive understanding of the relationship between the ministry of the Lord and that of John the Baptist. If there were no connection between the ministry of Jesus and that of John the Baptist, there would be no need for us to be interested in his ministry anymore.However, there is a good reason for every christian to understand the ministery of John because it is intimately link to that of Jesus.   The truth and is very sad that those who claim to be christian in this en time have eradicated the sins in their hearts because they fail to understand that unless they undrstand the link between the ministry of Jesus and that of John are not able to believe in Jesus according to the scriptures and their sins are still intact in their hearts, spirits. Also they fail to understand that the death of Jesus on the cross after His baptism was for the remission of the lifetime sins mankind is comitting sins since the beginning of the New Testament age which began after the Baptism of Jesus. For this lack of understanding they are not able to beleive that the Lord washed away all the sins of mankind in the Baptism He received from John the Baptist. As the last High priest of the old Testament, John the Baptist fulfilled his ministry by baptising Jesus.   We shall look more deeply into Jhon's ministry in the next review.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/03/20213
  • नंबर 82

    The Relayionship Between The Ministry Of Jesus and that of John the Baptist

    There are many Ministers in the world now who believe to championing the will of God to save the human race through the gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ. However when we examine the preaching of this Gospel of the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, there is a clear and indusputable truth that many are not following the truth of the Bible, especially if Ministers do not know that it is impossible to lead a soul to the Father through Jesus Christ without the knowledge of the link between the Ministry of Jesus Christ and that of John the Baptist.   The Bible clearly tells us that both Jesus and John the Baptist testified of each other's Ministry. If these testimonies of our Lord and John the Baptist were not necassary they would not have been admissible in the Holy Bible. I therefore call on true Ministers who have been called by the Father through Jesus Christ His only begotten son from the dead to teach and to preach etc and to spend more time in their prayers, if they are truly born of the faith of the Water and the Spirit to petition the Father in the name of Jesus, to give them understanding of the "Relationship Between the Ministry of Jesus and that of John the Baptist" instead of concentrating their efforts on material prosperity and Miracles etc etc in order to lead seekers of the Kingdom of God to receive the remission of sins from their hearts, spirits through perfect faith, because the Kingdom of God in the hearts of men can only be attained by perfect faith according to John 3:5, " Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit; he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God."   Let us look at all that the Father has spoken relating to our Lord Jesus and His prophet John the Baptist. " The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As it is written in the prophets: 'Behold, I send My messanger before Your face, who will prepare Your way befor you.'" Here we see the Father addressing His Son Jesus that He was sending a messenger, His prophet to prepare the way before Jesus arrives into this world. I believe that if we are to receive the Revelation from God, we must discard our preconceived idea about the word of God and open our hearts, spirits to receive the truth from the Father through His Son Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Now this word of God was prophesied by the prophet Micah 3:1" Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me; and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts." This messenger is none other John the Baptist. Here the Father clearly tells us that it was necessry for John the Baptist to come into this world before our Lord Jesus, hence he was six months ahead of Jesus. All bible student know this fact that John was six months before Jesus Christ our Lord. Again let us look at Matt.11:10-11. The word of God in Mark 1:1-2 is confirmed here, "For this is he of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, who shall prepare thy way before thee. 'Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist; Nothwithstanding, he that is least in the Kingdom of heaven is greater than he. It is clear that the purpose for John the Baptist coming to this earth before Jesus was to fulfil the role of the High Priest of the old Testament and to pass the sins of the world to Jesus in order to fulfil the Levitical law for the remission of sins. Because of time this review shall be continued in the next one.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/03/20214
  • नंबर 81

    You are great heroes

    It was really good to read the book"HOW CAN A CHRISTIAN HAVE AN INTIMATE CONVERSATION WITH THE LORD" It touched my heart and gave it to other students in my campus and they have changed, now the gospel of water and spirit is leading them and working within their lives.

    • Daniel Turikumwe
    • Rwanda
    • 05/03/20214
  • नंबर 80

    The Elementary Principles of Christ

    This book: The Elementary Principles of Christ, actually contains the elements of truth in the bible. The analysis of the apostles creed (confession of faith in the father, son and the holy Spirit) is inspiring.   I understood from this book, that Jesus is God who incarnated Himself into a man to save us. No matter how human beings have no righteousness and no matter how many sins committed. If we realize and believe that Jesus fulfilled all righteousness by taken upon our sins with His baptism and paid for ours sins with His blood. That we can all be saved from all our sins.   Furthermore, no matter how ardently we give prayer of repentance, leaving the word of God aside, cannot enable us enter heaven. The remission of sin received not from God's word of being born again of water and the Spirit is not salvation.

    • Pst. Chiwuike
    • Nigeria
    • 05/03/20213