
किताब के बारे में समीक्षा

जिन लोगों ने हमारी किताबो को पढ़ा है उन्होंने निम्नलिखित समीक्षा भेजी है। यह हमारी आशा है की उनके द्वारा, आप सब एक दूसरों के साथ परमेश्वर के अनुग्रह को बाटेंगे जिसने हमें पानी और आत्मा से नया जन्म पाने के लिए सक्षम बनाया है। आपकी पोस्ट को हमारे द्वारा स्वीकार करने के बाद ही देखा जा सकता है।

संदेश पोस्ट करे
कुल 289
  • नंबर 39

    The Tabernacle: A dettailed portrait Of Jesus Christ (1)

    It is important to believe that the construction of the Tabernacle was given to Moses on mount Sinai. We must believe that this was the dwelling place of God among the people of Israel as they traveled to the prtomise Land - Cannan. Its construction is as given by the Lord in Exodus 27:9-21.   The Tabernacle consisted of the Outer Court surrounded White Linen hangings suported by 60 Pillars in Bronze sockets and Capitas and tent Pegs; the Holy Place and the Holy of Hollies with the Mercy Seat. The Holy Place and the Holy of Hollies were seperated by a Curtain. Into this Holy of Hollies went the High Priest once a year to offer the blood of the Sacrifice on the Mercy Seat for the remission of the sins of Israel observing all the requirements of the offering according to the Law of faith.   The fence of the Tabernacle measured 100 Cubits in length: about 45m (150 ft.) The width of it was about 50 Cubits : approx. 22.5m (75 ft). The gate of the Tabernacle was woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread and the fine woven linen. Now entering the gate we would find the Altar of burnt offering, then the Laver and then the Sanctuary ( Tabernacle ). The tebernacle ( Sanctuary ) was built with 48 boards all over laden with Gold and 9 Pillars.   God dwelt inside the Tabernacle built with 48 boards, and manifested His presence to the people of Israel with the pillar of cloud by day and that of Fire by night above the Tabernacle. Inside the Sanctuary wher God dwelt, the glory of God filled the place.   Inside the Holy place, there were the Table of showbread, the lampstand, and the alter of incense. Inside the Holy of Hollies were the Ark of the Testimony and the Mercy Seat. These places were out of bounds to the common man; only the priest and the High priest could enter the places according to their ministries in the Tabernacle. This is telling us only those who have the faith of Gold in today's age in the gospel of the water and the Spirit can live their lives with God while serving Him.   What then is the spiritual message about the Sanctuary to the true church of God? The brilliance of the inside of the sanctuary and all the utensils overlaid with Gold point to the nature of the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit we give back to God in return for the faith of His righteousness for the remission of sins. The sanctuary is the true church of God, and believers of the gospel the water and the Spirit are found in such church because of the remission of sins from the heart of such believers.   In beginning this series I have reached the point of realising that to walk with the Lord in righteousness, we must belong to the church that teaches the truth of the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit, for this is the righteousness of God to forgive the sins of mankind and to give the remission of sins committed throughout believers lives on this earth due to the weaknesses of man ( see  Rom.8:1-4). The Sanctuary is the true church of God: the church or the family that believes and walk by the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. As we get to follow the significance of the materials and the colours used in the construction of the Tabernacle we could understand the righteousness, Holiness and the Power of God to save mankind because of His love and mercy. Above all, we get to grasp the gospel of Jesus Christ as in Jn.3:5; " Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."  

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/20217
  • नंबर 38

    My introduction to new life mission by

    I AM 74 YR.OLD,BUT FOR THE LAST YR.I HAVE TRULY BEEN BORN AGAIN, TROUGH THESE MISSION BOOKS,SO NOW I AM SINLESS THANKS TO JESUS BAPTISM WHO BECAME THE LAMB OF GOD,that takes away the sins of the world. that's why he then had to pay the penalty, of shedding HIS precious blood as he did by being CRUCIFIED, saving us  from eternal hell, as we were born to live our entire life as sinners,therefore we were destined to go to hell, but GOD gave to everyone who believe in the true gospel a new life, free of sin, and an everlasting life with HIM IN HEAVEN. please i was a miserable sinner and was thinking of suicide, as i was so disappointed with my past life, but as i said GOD CALLED ME, AND SHOWED ME THE WAY TO SALVATION. and now i am saved, thanks to the books, from new life mission, MY GOD BLESS ALL OUR PASTORS AND LEADERS TOO, LETS PRAY FOR THE WHOLE WORLD, SO MORE PEOPLE GET TO KNOW ABOUT GOD BAPTISM AND AS IT IS TOLD, IN THE HOLY BIBLE,PREACHED BY PAUL. PETER, JOHN. MATHEW, AND ALL THE APOSTLE, WHO WITNESSED WHAT THEY HAD SEEN WITH THEIR OWN EYES, FOLLOWING JESUS. GOD BLESS US, WITH THE GOSPEL TRUTH OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT. JOSEPH GALEA FROM MALTA 

    • Joseph Galea
    • 05/01/20215
  • नंबर 37

    Sermon's on The Song Of Solomon.

    This book, "Are You Now Living As The Object Of God's Affection?", has really opened my eyes to realize how very much God loves ME! Wow! I never really thought about God's love for us before, but now I know He really does love even ME! As with many, I have been through many hurts in my life and I had put a wall up around my heart, and I didn't realize this wall until reading this book! The wall is coming down now, and I will read and re-read, "Are You Now Living As The Object Of God's Affection?" The more I read the more the wall will come down, and with God's love in my heart I know He will protect my heart! Hallelujah! How very amazing is His love for all!!

    • Kelli Lacy
    • United States of America
    • 05/01/20215
  • नंबर 36

    Books In General

    I am now reading the 13th book of Paul Jong's that I have read, "Wisdom of The Primitive Gospel".  This, as well as all of the books, are an excellent way for one to learn and understand the Bible as God intended! These books flow into my mind like water and are, without a doubt, most definitely written under the anointing of God's Holy Spirit. 

    • Kelli Lacy
    • United States of America
    • 05/01/20214
  • नंबर 35

    Is the Age of the Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture , Millennial Kingdom Coming?

    The series entitled, "Is the Age of the Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture and the Millennial Kingdom Coming?" Are totally awesome, and filled me with such joy!  I must share these! Kelli Lacy

    • Kelli Lacy
    • United States of America
    • 05/01/20216