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संदेश पोस्ट करे
कुल 303
  • नंबर 33

    Review on books read so far.

    I have read "Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit" also the first book of the second series and am now on the second book of the first series..I am so impressed with books read so far.  I am a very avid Bible reader and know beyond doubt the books that are being given away on this site line up with the Bible.  If anyone doesn't think so, they don't know the Bible, or their mind hasn't been opened to the understanding --or they just don't pay attention to what they read!! I would be willing to go out on a limb to say these books are true!! I praise the Lord for them!! I had asked God why there isn't a church around me that teaches the truth as it is in the Bible, and then I found this website!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

    • Kelli Lacy
    • United States of America
    • 05/01/202199
  • नंबर 32

    Have you Truly been Born Again of Water and the Spirit

    Thank you alot, you have really let me see the truth and the way to everlasting life.

    • 05/01/202185
  • नंबर 31

    to thank everyone

    hello brothers and sisters in christ our lord.i just want to thank everyone for all the hard work you do in jesus name.i have been out with an illness for awhile;but now i am able to get back to work and help save some more lost souls.i am still reading paul jongs books;and still giving them to others to a co-worker i have given these books to lots of churches here in abilene ;texas;and to others;telling them all about GOD.not long ago i met a young man who was down on God;on drugs and mad at the whole world.after a little work ;patience;and with Gods love and help;i have gotten him in church;and in touch with really makes me feel proud to know he is headed in the right path;and getting to know God.keep up the good work'and GOD bless each one of you..and now i have to order some more books...thank you david livingston

    • david 
    • United States of America
    • 05/01/202187
  • नंबर 30

    Help me to understand the true meaning of the water and spirit's gospel.

    It is first time that I'm writing a review to a book. Hope, by the blessing of our Lord I'm up to the standard.   I came to recognize our Lord and was saved on September 2008. I/ we were born and raised in an Indian Hindu family. I'm now 37 years old. A friend visiting from USA opened our eyes (me an my younger brother) to our Lord Jesus and to the wonderful gospel of our Lord - Water and Spirit. The true gospel that I believe wash all my sins and saves me from darkness and a certain death for ever.   Ever since, I was introduced to our Lord, I have been searching for books on our Lord. One day in my quest for writings on our Lord Jesus, I fell to this site. Here the "fail safe way to the holy spirit" book was being advertise as a free give away. I was attracted to it. I said to myself let try ordering it as I have nothing to lose, but to gain. And, I'm thankful to the new life mission team for sending me same without delay. I got same in less that 15 day from the day I receive their email confirming same posted. Thank you very much NLM.   I started reading same. I'm a very slow reader. I took more than 1 month to complete reading it. While reading same I realized what actually I was missing to get more closer to our Lord and to know His plan for me. I'm very thankful to Rev. Paul C Jong for such a wonderful publication. I'm looking forward with much interest to read all his publication one by one or as my request for new books are accepted.   Reading the above book show me the true ways to our Lord and I think I was saved by being tempted to join one of the charismatic branch found in my locality. Now I know how to recognize the true gospel from that of the being from the dark side.   Thank you New Life Mission for such a wonderful job.   Last month my younger sister visited us from UK for her holiday. My younger brother who is now 29 years old introduced her to our Lord. She showed lots of interest in our Lord and the gospel of the water and spirit. I know that even she is now saved, by the blessing of our Lord.  I think I'll be giving her your web link. And hope same will be beneficial to her as it has been to me.

    • Bobby Neermaull
    • Mauritius
    • 05/01/202188
  • नंबर 29

    Is The Age Of The Antichrist,Martyrdom,Rapture And The Millennial Kingdom Coming?

    I have writing reviews on this series now for some time now, and would like to conclude it now. However, I have come to conclude that we have returned to the period of Noah when the Lord called him to construct the Ark (Gen.6:14) because the Lord was to remove sins from the world to begin again with Noah and his family. This time the Lord will remove sins from the world to establish the Millennial Kingdom, the New Heaven and Earth where there shall be no sin. It is therefore correct to say that this time is like that of Noah. In the time of Noah the Lord looked for those who would believe God and enter the Ark to be saved. In this time our God is looking for His children who believe that Jesus is the son of God who came by water and blood to fulfil all the righteousness of God so that believers could be translated into the Kingdom of God sinless by the faith of the gospel of water and the Spirit which our Lord Jesus preached when He was here, and has given this gospel to the whole world in the Bible-the word of God.   In Revelation 19 it is quite clear that only the righteous ( those who walk by the faith of the gospel of the Water and of the Spirit) can wait in hope for Christ to return.   In this chapter three things are obvious:-   1      the raptured saints praise in the air for bringing the judgment of of the great plagues to this world.   2       the proclamation for the coming of the marriage supper of the Lamb.   3        the Lord's descent from Heaven with His Army.     The reason why the saints praise our God in the air is because of the judgment of God upon the unbelievers who tormented and martyred the saints whilst on the earth (Rev.19:3-5). The judgment is for ever (Heb.9:27).   The problem in this world is because the majority of people believe they are here to bask in all the blessings that the Lord has given to the world without the knowledge of God. They do not know that the natural life is a tremporary life, without the knowledge that God wants all men to participate in the eternal blessings and life with God prepared for men before the foundation of the world.   It is amazing to realize that many who call themselves the servants of God have failed to discriminate between the forgiveness of sins and the remission of sins from the heart. Those who do not know the difference between the forgiveness and the remission of sins have not been able to receive the free gift of the Holy Spirit ( Acts 2:38) To receive the free gift of the Holy is only possible by correctly believing the forgiveness of sins by the faith of the gospel of the Water and the Spirit to recieve the remission of sins from the heart throughout the life of the beliver on this earth. This only possible through understanding of the hidden message of the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It is important to understand the words of Jesus in Jn.3:5 This word which our Lord spoke is implied that a true beliver is one who receives the remission of sins by the gospel of the Baptism of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Ghost. These are kind of believers who shall be praising the Lord in the after their rapture after resurrection.   In this chapter of the series we get to learn that those who are clothed in white are the saints who were clean and bright - sinless and are as bright, depicting the righteous acts of the saints. These are those who received the remission of sins from their hearts through faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit whilst on the earth; they took the time to set their future right and decided to believe the word of God through understanding and received the remission of their sins. This means that whether we are going through difficult or good times in this world, we must fear God and look into His word to understand the will of God, to obey His commands so that we could come into the blessing of eternal life with God. This chapter talks of the voice of great multitude ( Rev.19:4-5; 6-9) in praise and worship of God. This an indication there will many who will realize the needs to repent and come into the true gospel of the righteousness of God and receive the remission of sins to enter into the kingdom of God.   We the true believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit are the bride of Jesus - the true church of God. Here the true church now in the air continue in praise for the marriage supper of the Lamb, and His wife- the church has made herself ready. This means that the church became ready because of faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit that brought about the remission of sins and the free gift of the Holy Spirit.   The Marriage means union with Jesus when He returns to the earth. That is. He will accept and live with those who have been born again of the fith of the gospel of the Water and the Spirit. He will build His Millennial Kingdom and New Heaven and Earth to live with the saints forever and ever.   There are many in this world who believe that they can enter into the Millennial Kingdom and the New Heaven and Earth by their good works and charity works. However, to take part in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus, we have to obey the words of God that enables us to enter this eternal blessings of God. This means that we must believe that Jesus Christ is the one who fulfilled all the righteousness of God according to the will of God. This is only possible through understanding of the word of God which are given in the following scripture:- Mt.3:15, 11:11-14. In looking at the above scripture refer to 1Pet.3:21 and JN.3:5. This scripture about the born again life of the spirit of man cannot be ignored if we have the hope of making it to the kingdom of God.   Now from Rev.20:1-15 clealy show the judgment of God on Satan and those who worship him. In this chapter we see that Satan shall be imprisoned in the bottomless first before Christ and the saints inherit the millennial Kingdom of God for a thousand years after which Satan shall be ealised for a little while.   We see in this chapter all peoples that were in this world whatever were the circumstances of their death shall be resurrected from death to face the judgment of God.   We are told that the Lord and those who on thrones shall judge but the righteous from the book of life for their rewards; and the unrighteous shall judged from the books of their deeds of sins contained the books before their eternal condemnation into the everlasting fire of hell.   But we are told that aftr Satan is released for a little while, he will again try to stand against the Lord and His saints. From this it appears that after the first resurrection of those who slept in Christ there will still be unbelievers on the earth. We are also told that Gog and Magog will gather from the four corners of the earth to the battle. The passage tells us that they surrounded the camps of the camp of the saints and beloved city. The bible told in this chapter that fire came down out of Heaven and devoured them.   The bible has told us in this chapter that the Devil waqs cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophets are.   From this chapter of Revelation all true christians ought to rejoice, for though we who still remain will go through the troment and martyrdom, we place our hopes on Jesus who has saved us through Hus Baptism and death on the cross - the faith of the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/01/202191
The New Life Mission

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