
کتابی جائزے

جن لوگوں نے ہماری کتابیں پڑھی ہیں اُنھوں نے مندرجہ ذیل جائزے بھیجے ہیں۔ یہ ہماری اُمید ہے کہ اِن کے ذریعہ ، آپ سب خُدا کے فضل کو ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ بانٹیں گے جس نے ہمیں پانی اور رُوح سے نئے سرے سے پیدا ہونے کے قابل بنایا ہے۔ آپ کی پوسٹ صرف ہماری منظوری کے بعد ہی نظر آئے گی۔

پیغام پوسٹ کریں
کُل 289
  • نمبر 154

    The Elementary Priciples of CHRIST, Chapter 1

    WHO ARE THE APOSTLES:-   The Creed is associated with the Apostles and,the 12 disciples which Jesus appointed and we should know who they were. Apostles in Greek is " apostolos ", meaning a representative delegate entrusted with a mission, reserved for the twelve disciples as stated above. However, it was applied to other eminent christian teacher such as Barnabas; Acts 14:14.   Qualifications and duties of the Apostles:-   1 Those directly called by Christ to spread the gospel of the water and the Spirit ( Mark 3:13; Luke 6:13; Galatians 1:1 );   2 Those who lived with Christ and witnessed his work on the earth, his disciples; ( Acts 1:21 - 22; 1 Corinthians 9:1 );   3 Those filled with the Holy Spirit received Power to do the work commanded by Christ; (Acts 15:28; 1 Corinthians 2:13; 1 Thessalonians 4:8; 1 John 5:9-12);   4 Those who were given Power by Jesus Christ to perform miracles and to bear witness to the gospel of water and the Spirit on this earth. God gave grear Power to the Apostles so that Christ may be revealed through them as the Saviour (Acts 9:40; 2 Corinthians 12:12; Hebrews 2:4).     5 Those who received special calling and blessings from God (Acts 9:15; 2 Corinthians 1:1; Galatians 2:8). The Apostles were given the authority to forgive peoples' sins, ignoring their authority will lead to one's destruction.     Do Jews Believe in God as the Father of Creation?     The Jews believe in God, the creator of the Universe who rules over the life and death of mankind and the rise and fall of Nations, as their Father. they know him as ELOhim or Jehovah; in the New Testament he is Jesus Christ as God.   Jesus called God as "God the Father (John 6:27)," "Our Father who is in Heaven (Matthew 6:9)," "The Holy Father (John 17:11)," and "My Father (John 20:17)," He appealled to His disciples to believe His teaching.     In christianity we true meet and believe in God, Jesus Christ in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Christians must know who is God in whom they believe.     Christians Believe in God as the Father of ALL Mankind.     Christians believe that God is the only creator of the mankind; He is both the source and the nurturer and He saves and nurtures the Saints through His Holy Catholic church. Christians believe that since God is creator of mankind, He is the Father of all mankind. Therefore, all mankind are brothers and sisters only by physical to physical extent. Now for all to partake of the spiritual fraternity we must believe in the Triune God through the gospel of the water and the Spirit. True peace in this world is found in God when we believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit which He has given to us through His only begotten Son. Worshipping and worrying about the Ancestral lineage instead of serving the true God is selfdestroying because of pride and fleshly lusting after the things of this world which result in hatred, covetiousness, jealousy, conflict and wars.   We must realize that all the things we see and have are good because God has provided them. This is the the meaning of Psalm 100:3; "Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. God knows how our bodies function; Because he feeds us with appropriate products for the four seasons available for the nations to enable our bodies to function correctly.   We ought to be amazed at the internal workings of the organs in the body to transport the blood in our bodies that carries all the neutriente to all the organs in the body to give them life as the word of God told us in the scriptures over 3500 years ago (Leviticus 17:11), that life is in the blood. The scientists have estimated that blood circulates round the body for a distance of 675 Km a day without rest for 365 days in a year. How can this be? It is the Father that works in the innrmost mystries of life that we do not know. All the things which mankind takes for granted, such as the air and water are provided by our Heavenly Father; Gen.48:15, "And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day." And Isaih wrote; Isa.1:2-3, "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me; The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider."   These scriptures show us that it is God who feeds and nourishes our Souls. God nurtures and he is the Father of mankind.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/06/202141
  • نمبر 153

    The Elementary Priciples of CHRIST, Chapter 1

    In Believing Who our God is , we must do it according to what the God of truth says in the Bible because the Bible is the word of God, for God the Holy Spirit inspired the Apostles to write the word of Truth for the mankind to know the truth.   Consider the NAME OF GOD:     And God said unto Moses, " I AM that I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."; Ex.3:14.   The common name by which God reveals Himself to the mankind is 'YAHWEH'. The Jewish people held the name of God as a Sacred name and were very careful to invoke the name of God. The Jews gave great respect to the name of God; they later gave the name of God as 'ADONAI'. THE meaning of the name is 'Lord Of All'.     The name Adonai reveals the character of God as:-     1 One that exists.   2 One that is the Lord of Life.   3 One that always was, always is; and will exist for ever by Himself.     Believers ought to confess God; the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit.     The name of the son of God the Father is Jesus Christ; this name 'Jesus Christ' means; " He who saves his people from their sins."     THE APOSTLES' CREED AND ITS BLESSINGS OF FAITH:     The Apostles' faith is the unadulterated that should have been handed down to us sufficiently after their deaths in written text; but are contained in the Epistles to the church of the true God, hence we are struggling to share and spread their faith. The Apostles' creed was made after the passing of Apostolic Age; it is the statement of the appostles' faith recorded by the generation after them. It is the faith in the works of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Believers who are baptised must have the faith that confesses the following beliefs:-     1 that Jesus' baptism has cleansed all of our sins.     2 that through the blood of Jesus on the cross, all our sins were accordingly judged.     3 that Jesus was sent by His father as the saviour of sinners.   Therefore when we believe that we are redeemed by the baptism of Jesus and his blood of the cross we receive the Holy Spirit from God.   However, before a believer could be baptized, the following questions must each be answered with a 'YES'and confessions of each made with the mouth the words of the the questions.     1 " Do you believe that when Jesus was baptized by John all your sins were placed uopn his shoulder instead."     2 " Do you then believe that Jesus having shouldered your sins, by being baptized by John, shed His blood on the cross? Those who answered 'YES' and confessed with the mouth the words of the above questions were baptized in the name of the Father,and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.     Believers must place their faith in the Triune God by confessing with the mouth; " I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of Heaven and earth." The Apostles only baptized those who confessed the above as their faith, in the name of the Father and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. The true christian faith was granted to those who believed in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. This is how God's church was built on the foundation of the twelve disciples' faith.     THE ORIGINS OF THE APOSTLES' CREED:-     It can be found in the Edict of Milan of 313 A.D. signed by the Roman Emperor Constantine to bring the outlawed true christian faith to the official, state religion of the Roman Empire; which enabled significant and growing interest in christianity among among all Romans. The Apostles' creed provided the standard of faith for young believers who wanted to be part of God's church. The Apostles' creed came into being through those who came into christanity after the Apostolic Age, and was handed down to us by the various religious councils after being compiled and revised; which resulted in it being watered down in today's christianity which is different from the true faith, and needs to be reinterpreted through the faith of the gospel of water and the Spirit. In order to spread this true faith troughout the world it is neccesary to understand and believe how the Lord took the sins of the world upon Himself and make them disappear, and how He has given mankind eternal life.   The difficulties here stems from the fact that there so many religions and deities associated with the various religions, all different from the deity of the christian God. However, the deities of the various religions are of human construction, whilst deity of the christian God exists by Himself. To believe in the christian God, one must abandon all the false gods of the man-made religions. Without abandoning these false gods and deities, believing in God Almighty who created the heaven and the earth, all efforts to serve the true God is fruitless. This religious confusion is caused by lack of the knowledge of the Creator God and His name.   This confusion is evident in Buddhism where they are still worrshipping buruhung in conjunction with the christian God; but there is no benefit in this act of man because there is no true faith in this man-made religion. It is not possible to meet the true God of christianity; God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit if we try to believe in the false gods and the true God of Christianity. Hence in Mongolia we find that christianity is non-ecxistent because of lack of true faith in God of who created the Heaven and earth, the true God of christianity, the Father,the son and the Holy Spirit. we must preach and spread the gospel of water and the Spirit throughout the world in order to enable the world to have the knoeledge of the Triune God, the creator of Heaven and earth so that people do not perish; but to receive everlsting life from God. We cannot serve the true God and man - made gods; because man - made gods are idols which God hates.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/06/202110
  • نمبر 152

    The Elementary Priciples of CHRIST, Chapter 1

    The three confessions in the Apostles' Creed:-   They believed in God the Father Almighty, creator of Heavens and the Earth; Gen.1:1; " In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."   They confessed that Jesus Christ the Son of God, had given them the remission of sins;   They confessed Jesus was conceived of the Holy Ghost.   To have the same faith as the Apostles, we must confess that we believe in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. For us the Father is God, Jesus Christ is God and the Holy Spirit is God. Hence the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the Almighty God. So our faith is anchored on one God. Therefore, the three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is fundamentally and completely one and, we build the foundation of our faith on this truth.     Scriptural Evidence ( From the old Testament):-   God is One; Deut.6:4; " Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:   God exists in several persons; Gen.1:26; " And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."     Gen.11:7; "Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech."     From the New Testament:-   The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit exist as separate persons as evidenced by the Baptism of Jesus to show the beginning of his ministry, Matt.3:16-17; " And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:"     "And lo a voice from heaven, saying. This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased."     The Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit revealed Jesus to the world in the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. This scene showed that Jesus is the son of God and that the Holy Spirit works with Him, and the Father declared Him to be His " beloved Son in whom He is well pleased." Here in his baptism, Jesus took upon himself the sins of the whole world, this is how the Father fulfilled His righteousness through His Son. therefore by Jesus fulfilling the righteousness of God in his baptism, thus taking upon himself the sins of the world is the reason why he died on the cross. This truth is affirmed by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit exist as separate persons, but are the same God for us.     Matt.28:19; " Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and of the Holy Ghost:", also reveals to us that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one God, as Jesus commanded the disciples, thus supporting Trinity. So believing in God means that we believe in one God as the united entity of three persons.     God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit of the true Christianity is in the faith of the gospel of water and the Spirit is the self existent God who is different from any other deities. Jesus is not only a prophet as other religions claim. Those who do not believe that God is the Father, son and the Holy Spirit are those whose human spirits, the hearts are not born again of God who is a Spirit because it is God who can give birth to the human spirit. As a result of not being born again by God, they can not realize this truth because they do not understand the gospel of the water and the Spirit; Jn.3:5; " Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." Such people approach the concept of the Trinity with their human rationality and logic and cannot understand it because they do not have God, the Father, son and the Holy Spirit in their hearts. However, for us who are born again of God, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is our one God in whom we place our absolute faith.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/06/202111
  • نمبر 151

    Elementary Principles of Christ: Intrduction

    The Holy Church of God is the Holy Universal Church of God built on the faith of the Apostles in the gospel of water and the Spirit. This faith is indispenseable with if the church of God is to help Souls to first establish this foundation of faith. We need to understand that any believer in Jesus who has not met and understood this gospel of water and the Spirit (Jn.3:5) is unfortunately an Idol worshiper because from Adam to now and into the future in this world, before the new heaven and the new Earth were born evildoers ( Isa.1:4; Isa.14:20; Isa.31:2)   The Apostles' creed is a sumarry of the Apostles' faith. The Apostles believed that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit created all creatures, the Universe and this Earth. They believed that Jesus Christ, the Son of God saved all of the mankind by coming into this world in the flesh, as man, by his baptism and crucifixion. They believed that he gives resurrection and eternal life in the Kingdom of heaven to those with the correct faith.   This criteria is supported by the early church and the Apostles in Heb.6:1-2; that is we have to accept that the Apostles preached the word of God concerning repentance from dead works, faith towards God, the doctrine of baptisms and the laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead and eternal judgement as the Elementary Principles of CHRIST. It is imperative that we observe that the Apostles spread the doctrine of the gospel as they associated, " the laying on of hands of the sacrificial system with the baptism that Jesus received. Hence Jesus commanded the disciples; "Go therefore, and make disciples of nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matt.28:19). This is to make disciples of those who believe in the three persons ( The Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit), Therefore, the faith of the Apostles was establish in the gospel of the water and the Spirit." When we observe the faith of the present day's christianity, we see that it is far removed from the Apostles' faith. disappointingly, the christianity of the present times does not exhibit the faith of the baptism of Jesus which should not be dispensed with so that we can experience the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The worse is that even theologians and preachers have abandoned this faith and , some deny the divinity of Jesus.   The Apostoles' faith is a valueable teaching for those of us who believe in God. We must understand the righteousness of God and return to the true faith. We can all walk in this righteous faith in the gospel of water and the Spirit in which the Apostles also walk.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/06/20219
  • نمبر 150

    Book: Return to the Gospel of Water and the Spirit

    I read this months ago, and was skeptical at first. As I read more this made sense: John the Baptist was a descendant of Aaron and had to be the one to lay our sins upon the Lord Jesus for sin in accordance to O.T law. I'm thankful to New Life Mission for making Paul C. Jong's books available. I do believe the gospel of water and the spirit: That our sins were laid upon our Lord at the time of his baptism, and that he died to pay the penalty for our sins.

    • Jack Mort
    • United States of America
    • 05/06/202112