
ساتھی کارکُنوں سے ویڈیو پیغامات


  • Loren Simons
  • United Kingdom
  • 01/29/2024 7751


Today I will be reviewing Paul C. Jong`s English Book number 8 titled;

`Is the Age of the Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture and the Millennial Kingdom Coming? Part Two.

To most people who were brought up outside the Christian faith or maybe are not familiar with the Book of Revelations, this title can seem overwhelming.

As I first read the book, I had a vague awareness of Revelations and had heard the word Antichrist before, but the other words in the title I read about for the first time in this book.

But fear not. With all the books of The New Life Mission, the author walks you through the subject matters clearly, using scripture and subtitles to break down each Topic in a way that you can digest and take into your heart with ease.

Before this title I had already completed reading the previous books, numbers 1 to 7 and I encourage you to do the same.

The books are numbered on the back from 1 to 65 and they are written specifically in this order to help guide the reader to strengthen their faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

So by the time I read book 8 I had a foundational understanding of the Gospel of the water and the Spirit. Therefore, I was able to read this book without fear as I now had joy in my heart because I believed in the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

I believed how Jesus had washed away all my sins through His water baptism, shedding His blood on the Cross and rising from the dead again and I was eager to learn and couldn`t believe I had so many more books to read on the topic of my salvation.

The motive for writing this book is stated at the beginning.
The author says that firstly he wants to accurately point out and bear witness to all the biblical truth that awaits this world at the end times; to explain in detail everything about the Antichrist, the mark of 666, the Martyrdom of the Saints, their Rapture and the Millennial Kingdom and the New Heaven and Earth.
And secondly to deliver the believers from the deceitful, false doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture that is leading them to destruction.

Here we can see the love of God that wants His children to be forewarned about the deception that is spread throughout the world regarding God and His Plan of Salvation, but especially about His second coming.

If we have received the remission of our sins and are not aware of what the end times entail, then we can lose our faith when tribulations begin.

We will think that God does not love us and question why the world is experiencing all these catastrophes. Whereas, God tells us that we will be here when the tribulations begin and when when the Antichrist emerges.

It may seem that all hope is lost, but we must endure and hold fast to our faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

The author says that the rapture of the saints will occur only after the plagues of the seven trumpets run their course, until the sixth plague is all poured; that is, the rapture will happen when the Antichrist emerges amidst global chaos and the born again saints are martyred and when the seventh trumpet is blown.

It is at this time that Jesus would descend from Heaven and the resurrection and rapture of the born again saints would occur.
(1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

After reading this book I was grateful to God for not only lovingly saving me from all my sins and giving me a new life in Christ, but also for revealing the mystery of the end times.

This book will inform you of exactly what awaits the world in the future and what we must do beforehand, whilst detailing how scripturally flawed the theory of pre-tribulation rapture is.

We must not believe in pre-tribulation Rapture.

It would be detrimental to our souls.

The world will face uncertainty and we must be able to withstand anything through our faith. It may not be easy and life can become difficult but we have faith in the water and Spirit that can, and must, overcome everything.

The author writes on Page 358,

"Nothing could be more foolish than placing one`s hope in such things of the flesh that would simply rot away and burn down to ashes.

But in contrast, those who place their hope in the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven that would neither rot away nor even burn down are the blessed ones.

Only those who are sinless can enter the Holy City of Jerusalem prepared by God.

The happiest people in the world are the ones who have heaven in their possession, whose sins have all been forgiven and cleansed away."

God bless your reading and understanding of these blessed, soul-nurturing, books.

They are written from God`s heart to yours and may you receive it as such.