መጽሐፎቻችንን ያነበቡ ሰዎች ተከታዮቹን ግምገማዎች ልከዋል፡፡ በእነርሱ በኩል ሁላችሁም ከውሃና ከመንፈስ ዳግመኛ እንድንወለድ ያስቻለንን የእግዚአብሄር ጸጋ እርስ በርሳችሁ እንደምትካፈሉ ተስፋችን ነው፡፡ ልጥፍህ የሚታየው የእኛን ይሁንታ ሲያገኝ ብቻ ይሆናል፡፡
መልዕክት ለጥፍReceiving the Holy Spirit is a heartfelt desire of every Christian. This is because the Scripture says that if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him (Romans 8:9). As a result, many have become desperate to receive the Holy Spirit at all cost and by all means. And the Devil knowing this, has deceived people to believe that they can receive the Holy Spirit through fasting, prayers, and the laying on of hands from the so called “Anointed Ministers” even if they have sin in their hearts. Therefore, the Book “The Fail-safe Way for You to Receive the Holy Spirit” written by God’s servant Rev. Paul C. Jong, seeks to correct this mistaken notion and beliefs perpetuated by the Christian Charismatic Movement whose influence has blinded many people from knowing the right way of receiving the Holy Spirit according to the Word of God. Also, the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity who is Holy. Therefore, before we can receive Him in our hearts, our sins must be blotted and forgiven once and for all by believing in both the baptism and the the blood of Jesus before we can be qualified to receive Him as a gift from Godl. The book explains that, the Holy Spirit works within God’s Word, and that He comes upon us according to God’s Word of promise just as the Apostle Peter preached to the people on the Day of Pentecost as it is written, “Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call” (Acts 2:38-39). This shows that, whoever wish to receive the Holy Spirit must first and foremost desire to receive the forgiveness of his sins by believing that Jesus indeed took away all our sins by being baptized in River Jordan to fulfill all righteousness for us, and that believing in this qualify us to receive the gift of the Holy Sprit in a gentle and peaceful manner according to the will of God. The book emphasizes the fact that, seeing visions, dreams, prophesying, and speaking in tongues is not the evidence that one has received the Holy Spirit. This is because how God spoke in various ways in the past to our fathers and prophets is different from the way He speaks to us in the present dispensation. Now God speaks to us through His written Word of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-2). We must therefore rely solely on the Word of God and nothing else. Even when it comes to the speaking of tongues, the book teaches us that God is doing this through His servants who are translating His written Word into many languages of the world. This is the main purpose of tongues and its interpretation. I can confidentially say that this book is a blessing to all Christians, for it will save anyone who read from all the lies of the Devil, and to know that there is a fail-safe way for us to receive the Holy Spirit. May God bless Rev. Paul C. Jong and the entire fraternity of the New Life Mission for publishing such a wonderful book absolutely for free. Eric Aboadwe Ghana
NDALANDIRA KUKHAZIKIKA KWA MZIMU WOYERA NDI MPHAMVU YA UTHENGA WABWINO WA MADZI NDI MZIMU Ndisanawerenge Mabuku a Rev. Paul C Jong, ndinali ndi uchimo mumtima mwanga ndipo Mzimu wa Mulungu sanali ndi ine zonse chifukwa cha machimo anga. Koma pambuyo powerenga Mabuku a Paul C Jong amene mungawapeze popita pa www.bjnewlife.org, ndakhulupilira mwa Yesu moonadi popanda kusankha kwachiwiri. Motero mwa chikhulupiriro changa mu ubatizo wa Yesu, imfa ndi kuuka, ndalandira Mzimu Woyera mumtima mwanga ndipo tsopano machimo anga onse asowa motheratu. Ndipo pokhulupilira mu uthenga wabwino wokongola umenewu wa madzi ndi Mzimu, ndaphunzira kuti zonse zimene anthu amaganiza zokhudza kulandira Mzimu kudzera mu kuika kwa manja kudzera mwa abusa awo, kulankhula m’malilime komanso kupemphera modzipereka zonse ndi bodza. Chifukwa chakuti pali njira imodzi yokha imene wina angalandilire Mzimu Woyera ndipo iyi si ina koma pokhulupilira mu Uthenga Wabwino wa Choonadi wa madzi ndi Mzimu. Ndi pokhulupilira mu Uthenga Wabwino umenewu kuti ife timayandikira pafupi ndi Mulungu, pakuti Uthenga Wabwino umenewu umachotsa uchimo onse m’mitima yathu, ndipo Mzimu wa Mulungu amadza kudzakhala mumtima WOPANDA UCHIMO, icho ndi chifukwa chake Yesu Kristu wapanga kukhala chotheka kupanga machimo onse adziko lapansi kusowa kudzera mu ubatizo Wake umene analandira kuchokera kwa Yohane Mbatizi ndipo chifukwa cha chimenechi, kwa ife amene amene takhulupilira mu ubatizo Wake Iye watilola ife kulandira kukhazikika kwa Mzimu Woyera kamodzi kokha monga kubadwanso kwathu ndipo ndi mwazi Wake wa pa Mtanda, ife talandira chikhululukiro chamuyaya cha machimo. Aleluya! Zikomo Mulungu pakuti ndamvetsetsa ngakhale kwambiri zokhudza kukhazikika kwa Mzimu Woyera powerenga Buku 3 la Rev. Paul C Jong, lotchedwa kuti NJIRA YA WABWINO KWA INU KUTI MULANDIRE MZIMU WOYERA. Pakuti ilo limasonyeza mokwanira molandilira Mzimu Woyera ndi zipatso zake. Ndikupereka mathokozo anga onse kwa Mulungu chifukwa cha uthenga wabwino wa Choonadi wa madzi ndi Mzimu kudzera mwa Mtumiki Wake Rev. Paul C Jong. Mulungu apitirize kumudalitsa iye nthawi zonse ponditsogolera ine kwa Mulungu m`choonadi ndi mu Mzimu kudzera m`Mabuku ake (www.bjnewlife.org). Ame!Brenda Tembo, Zambia
REVIEW ON EBOOK3I HAVE RECEIVED THE INDWELLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT BY THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL OF THE WATER AND THE SPIRIT.Before reading Rev. Paul C Jong’s Books, I had sins in my heart and the Spirit of God was not with me all because of my sins. But After reading Paul C Jong’s Books which you may find by visiting www.bjnewlife.org, I have come to believe in Jesus truthfully without any second choice. Thus by my faith in Jesus’s baptism, death and resurrection I have come to receive the Holy Spirit in my heart and now all my sins have completely disappeared. And by having believed in this beautiful Gospel of the Water and the Spirit, I have learned that all what people think about receiving the Spirit through the laying on of hands by their pastors, speaking in tongues and praying ardently is all a lie. Because there is only one way by which one can receive the Holy Spirit and this is none other by believing in the Gospel truth of the Water and Spirit. It is by believing in this Gospel truth that we are drawn near to God, for this Gospel removes all sin from our hearts, and the Spirit of God comes to dwell in a SINLESS heart, that’s why Jesus Christ has made it possible to make all the sins of the world to disappear through His baptism received from John the Baptist and because of this, to us who have believed in His baptism He has permitted us to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit once and for all as our regeneration and by His blood of the cross, we have received permanent forgiveness of sins. Hallelujah! Thank you God for I have come to understand even more about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit by reading Rev. Paul C Jong’s Book 3, called the THE FAIL SAFE WAY FOR YOU TO RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT. For it demonstrates fully about how to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and its fruits. I give all my thanks to God for the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit by His Servant Rev Paul C Jong. May God continue to bless him always for directing me to God in truth and Spirit through His Books(www.bjnewlife.org). Amen!Brenda Tembo, Zambia
MONGA CHIMODZI KUCHOTSERA CHIMODZI ZIMAPANGA PALIBE (1-1=0) CHONCHO CHIKHULULUKIRO MU UTHENGA WABWINO WA MADZI NDI MZIMU CHIMAPANGA MTIMA OPANDA UCHIMO. Ndisanakhulupilire mu uthenga wabwino wa Choonadi wa madzi ndi Mzimu (Yohane 3:5), ndinali kwenikweni Mkristu wochimwa, amene ndidakhulupilira mwa Yesu koma ndidali ndidakali ndi uchimo mumtima mwanga, ngakhale ndidakhulupirira m’mwazi wa Yesu mwakhama, ndidali ndidakali ndi uchimo mokhazikika mumtima mwanga. Kodi ndi chikhulupiliro chosokonezeka komanso chotsutsa bwanji chomwe ndidali nacho!Koma pambuyo powerenga Buku la REV. PAUL C. JONG lotchedwa BWERERANI KU UTHENGA WABWINO WA MADZI NDI MZIMU, Ndakhulupilira mwa Yesu molondola, pamene buku limeneli BWERERANI KU UTHENGA WABWINO WA MADZI NDI MZIMU, la Rev. Paul C. Jong tsopano lasandutsa chikhulupiriro changa kukhala chikhulupiriro cholondola komanso choyera m`Machitidwe olungama a Yesu Kristu omwe ndi njira Yake yokha yomwe Iye anatipulumutsira ife ku machimo athu onse, kapena machimo adziko lapansi monga Yohane anachitira umboni mu (Yohane 1:29) ngakhale, kudzera mu ubatizo Wake, imfa ndi kuuka zimene zalola mtima wanga kukhala opanda uchimo komanso oyera. Motero sindinenso Mkristu wochimwa, ngakhalenso wokhulupilira wachinyengo monga kale. Tsopano chikhulupiriro changa chabodza chokhulupilira mwa Yesu monga Mpulumutsi wanga koma kukhalabe ndi uchimo mumtima mwanga chasowa motheratu zonse chifukwa cha uthenga wabwino wa madzi ndi Mzimu, omwe uli m’buku limeneli. Tsopano ndimakhalira kupereka mathokozo kwa Mulungu chifukwa cha Mtumiki Wake Rev. Paul C. Jong polemba buku lapadera lotero ngakhale, BWERERANI KU UTHENGA WABWINO WA MADZI NDI MZIMU pakuti ilo landipangadi ine kusanduka kukhala mwana wa Mulungu wopanda uchimo, popanda mphamvu zanga, ntchito ngakhalenso mapemphero anga akulapa. Aleluya!Tsopano ndamvetsetsa motheratu kuti UBATIZO WA YESU NDI MWAZI KUCHOTSERA UCHIMO MUMTIMA MWANGA ZIMAPANGA MTIMA OPANDA UCHIMO, MONGA MOMWE CHIMODZI KUCHOTSERA CHIMODZI INDEDI ZIMAPANGA PALIBE. ALELUYA! MULUNGU ADALITSE NTCHITO YAKE YA CHILUNGAMO YA UBATIZO WAKE, IMFA NDI KUUKA.Brenda Tembo, Zambia.
I knew how much I suffered until I read this book by Rev. Paul C. Jong titled "Return to the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit." Before reading this book my heart was burdened by my sins, I knew that God will judge those who have sins and send them to hell, and I have already concluded that I would never be able to make heaven just seeing how easily I fall back to my sins. But after reading this book, my suffering was gone I became a righteous man who has no sins.During those days of my suffering, I once went to the pastor of my former church for help. I told him that I was beginning to doubt the very salvation I was happy about and celebrating in his church a few weeks ago. I told him that I don`t believe that my salvation was complete. He told me not worry that my salvation was sure, and laid his hands on my head and prayed for me. But his words and prayers were just a temporary solace, so even as was on my way leaving his house to our house, I knew that nothing has actually changed in my heart as my sins still remained intact.Then, the cousin I was living with had a copy of this book by Rev. Paul C. Jong. For a long time the book has been with us, and it has become dirty and dusty. And one day, while sweeping the house, I swept out the book. I read the book, I came to realize that Jesus Christ, the Son of God left His throne and came to this world in human flesh, was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River to have all my sins passed onto His head as the Lamb of God. That`s what He meant when He told Nicodemus that we must be born of water and the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5). He was crucified on Cross because of the sins He accepted with His baptism. At that moment I believed in this truth, the sins in my heart disappeared. I became a righteous man and a child of God, who has an absolute conviction of going to heaven.I could not have been saved without coming across the gospel of the water and the Spirit which Paul C. Jong preached in this book. I thank God for raising him and using him to fulfill His will to spread the gospel of Jesus`s baptism and His bloodshed on the Cross all over the world.Immediately after receiving the remission of my sins through this book, I preached it to my family that I was living with, I was joyfully hoping that they would believe in the good news that I have found and share in my joy by receiving the same true salvation as mine. But surprisingly they rather stood against me, and told me that I have fallen into heresy and evil spirit, and even snatched the book from me.However I was never restricted from holding onto my new faith, I couldn`t leave the gospel of the water and the Spirit that has wiped out all the sins of my heart. So I started to write about the gospel of the water and the Spirit on sheets of paper to print and share with people around me. After finishing writing, I took it to cyber cafe for printing, but the cost was too high for me to afford. So I left it undone, and rather started searching the internet to see if there is anyone who shares similar faith with me. That`s how I met The New Life Mission, the church of God that preaches the gospel of the water and the Spirit and joined them in unity to preach the gospel through the literature ministry and internet ministry.I thank God for raising His servant and church in this age and time so that everyone can get a chance to meet the gospel of eternal redemption.
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