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መልዕክት ለጥፍ
ጠቅላላ፤ 289
  • ቁ.179

    My testimony through the gospel of water and spirit.

    I wish to talk to every person who may come across my posts but l wish to say this to someone, it's my testimony through the gospel of water and spirit, l was given this book like three years ago, l used to go to church and not only one, l have given my life to Christ so many times, l could watch someone praying and l would desire to be like her, l really desired to know the right way to serve God but l have never come across the right way to worship God, in truth and in spirit, l was really looking for sympathy from people in order to appear good before men but little did l know that Jesus knew very well that l was weak and by myself l could not have kept the law, l never got someone to tell me that God love is greater than anything in this world, of which l really grateful for the person who wrote this books, l fell joy which l cannot explain to you, l fell at peace, l used to be condemned by the devil, it's very easy to lose your salvation, especially if you listen to people, if you allow their words to find a place in your heart, l used to judge others but now that l understand what it's really to be born of gospel of water and spirit l will never judge anyone because, l was once a master of sins and God saved me and for all, l have learnt the heart of human beings according to the Bible it's very true that what comes out of man it's what's defiles a man and for sure through this books I’m no longer the same, l have testified more than twice but it's not than I’m immature or mad but it's because I’m so happy to have realized that Jesus really valued me, people cannot understand you but if you give Jesus your heart he will understand you..... I tried to live by law but the more l tried l sinned more but since l meet this gospel and l have realized how special I’m before God its has really changed me......May God give me the strength not to point a finger to anyone and may he always give me the strength to overcome the enemy, l will never trust in people but Jesus. Maureen Kaburu, Kenya    

    • Maureen Kaburu
    • Kenya
    • 05/06/202199
  • ቁ.178


    I was born again in the year 1991; but after reading the book-HAVE YOU TRULY BEEN BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT?, I got born again AGAIN. The book changed my concept and understanding of being born again. It made me to understand the righteousness of God. The book made me to understand the importance of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.   I read the book with my friends, and the unbelievers that read the book with us each of them wants a copy of it. Some of them now attend bible study which we now teach from the book.   (2)The book –THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF CHRIST revitalized my belief and energized me to do more work of spreading the gospel of water and Spirit through the instrumentality of the knowledge I gained from the book. The book opened my eyes to the true knowledge of triune God---God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. I can confidently teach on them now.   (3)The book- THE FALL-SAFE WAY FOR YOU TO RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT is an eye opener to me. It showed me that for us to receive the Holy Spirit, all we need to do is to believe the true gospel of water and spirit and have faith in the gospel of water and spirit. Then, cleanse ourselves from all our sins through faith. It showed me that it is not through fasting and praying that one receives the Holy Spirit hence it is a free gift of God to those who believe. It made me know that speaking in strange tongue is not an evidence of the dwelling of the Holy Spirit contrary to what we have been taught. I found this to be the gospel truth. Those who I taught the gospel truth are now coming back to me with joy and testifying of the dwelling of the Holy Spirit in their lives.   The new knowledge and understanding I got from the books of Rev. Paul C. Jony have revolutionized my Christian life and improve the ministry of reconciliation God has committed into my hands.   After reading the books, I understand that a person might have received water baptism, speak in tongues, preach the gospel and yet not truly born again.   No wonder many so-called born again Christians are being tormented by sin.   I thank God for using Rev. John shin to make the books reach me. May God reward him abundantly.   God bless Rev. Paul .C. Jony for these wonderful revelations   Thanks, yours in his vineyard Christopher Ubani   CHRISTOPHER UBANI, Nigeria

    • Nigeria
    • 05/06/202197
  • ቁ.177


    WHO CAN OVERCOME THE WORLD   In 1john 5:5-6 we have a chalenging question and an answer.   This quedtion is from the book titled ARE YOU TRUELY BORN AGAIN OF WATER AND THE spirit? The answer is very clear from scriptures. In John 3:3-5 Jesus ask nicodemus to be born of water and the spirit. In John 1:13 the bible says that we are not born of flesh but by God. In 1john 5:1-12 the bible says that Jesus came by water, blood and spirit. And when you believe in all the elements then you will overcome the world. We have victory because of these elements. In mark 16:15-16 Jesus said we have to preach the and baptize people with water. When we follow all of this then we are children of God. Romans 8:1-2 says that there is now thefore no more condemnation for any one in chtist Jesus  because the law of the spirit has set us free from the law of sin and dead. And when we are in chtist Jesus, we now have the love of God as recorded in 1corinthians 13:1-3. No one can try to overcome the world without the love of God. And to have this fellowship,  we must believe in his blood, baptism and his death on the cross that gave us victory.

    • Pastor Diang Rene
    • Cameroon
    • 05/06/202196
  • ቁ.176

    Jesus christ the lamb of God

    After reading the book titled have you truely been born again of water and the spirit, i had an understanding which i will love to share with every one. When adam sined in the garden of eden, sin spread from him into the life of every human born in this world. Be you a black or white that nature was transfered into us. Genesis 5:1-3, romans 5:12-14. This made us to have alot of problems because we have sin in us even before we were formed in our mothers womb. We then grow with sin in our hearts. In romans 7:14-23 apostle paul said he can not do what ever he loves to do because he has been sold as a slave to sin. In mathew 15:18-20 and mark 7:21-23 in these scriptures Jesus made us to undertand that we have sin from within and not from outside. For God to solve the problem of sin he had to follow the same procedure which he has put in place. When we read hebrews 9:22 we can see that sins can not be forgiven without the shading of blood quoting from the law of moses recorded in leviticus 16. Wben God send his son to come and die for our sins as recorded in John 3:16, 1timothy 1:15. The first rime John saw him,  John address him as the lamb of God that takes away the sins of tbe world.John 1:29. This was to say that God has sent a lamb without blemish to be offered as a sin offering for our sins. Now Jesus had to bring up the new standard for redemption by being baptized by John. During the baptism of Jesus, John laid hands on Jesus making him a scapegoat that takes away curses and a sin offering. The blood of Jesus was shared on the cross to redeem us from the curse of the law. For the law states that curse is any one who dies on the cross. The same scripture says that Jesus on the cross blooted out all unfavorable writings and ordinances that were against us. Making us free. In hebrews 9 and hebrews 10 animals were killed every year to cover sins. But in 1john 5 Jesus came by blood and waterbl to redeem us once and for all. Thanks to paul c.jong who has opened our eyes with this revelation that any one born of water and the spirit is free from all sins past, present and future. As we are now preaching this new revelation which the apostles preach in the book of acts and at one point it was changed, we pray that God should give us grace to contine the work..

    • Evangelist Pama Rene Ndoh
    • Cameroon
    • 05/06/202198
  • ቁ.175

    The Truth Is Very Clear And Simple

    Mankind are chaotic. Because they don't know what God did for themselves. Darkness was on the face of the deep, and this means people are destined in hell. This is the fundamental figure of the human beings.    We can know God through the written Word of God.    Earth here means human being's heart. Water here means the Word of God. Knowing that God created heaven and earth is knowing God. If we believe in the Word of God and believe in what God did, we realize that we have no sin in our hearts. About 2000 years ago, Jesus took away all the sins of the world once and for all by being baptized by John the Baptist at the Jordan river. And He shed His blood on the Cross for paying the wages of all the sins of the world once and for all. On the third day, He was resurrected from His death.    God opened the gate of Heaven to the righteous through His Word. God gives us forgiveness of sin, makes us the righteous. And we have no sin in our hearts, and the Holy Spirit is dwelling in our hearts. This is proof that God is alive.   Knowing God is no emotion. Knowing God is very reasonable. It's not logical, it doesn't affect your feelings, it's about believing based on evidence. Please don't forget the grace of God. Believing in God unconditionally is an emotion. Some people say they feel hot within their hearts when they pray. This is emotion. Emotions always change. We must believe in God through the Word of God. Because we met God, the Holy Spirit can reject Antichrist when the Antichrist appears. The life of faith can never be emotional. The life of faith is to do in rational. Admitting the Word of God and following is the life of faith.   All our own thoughts and our ideas that come from our flesh are dirty. Our faith in the Word of God can dominate our emotion and our own thoughts. Faith is clear and simple. The Truth is clear and simple. It's not complicated.

    • Yusuke Higashikawa
    • Japan
    • 05/06/2021104