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  • ቁ.49

    Distributor of the book

    please i would like to partner with you and begin distributing those books to our nation because their so good and can help our young generation Pastor, Bavunana George Willy 

    • Bavunana George Willy
    • Uganda
    • 05/02/202110
  • ቁ.48

    Jesus came so that we can have life in plenty.

    I am a born again christian and Christ Jesus is my personal savior and Lord.He changed my life and He has always protected me from every hardship that has come my way.I'm very much interested to be part of you and work for the Lord our God.

    • Lewis Juma Munyasia
    • Kenya
    • 05/02/20215
  • ቁ.47

    please lets check out on facebook

    dear brethen in the gospel ofthe water and the spirit its my sincere prayer that many of us work together on facebook many people are much close freinds on facebook and we can easily preach the true gospel to them without any hinderance thanks so much

    • Mukane Onesimas
    • Uganda
    • 05/02/20214
  • ቁ.46


    I have a christian bookshop and Library  I think your books are helpful us. 

    • neville Perera
    • Sri Lanka
    • 05/02/20215
  • ቁ.45

    The Tabernacle: A dettailed portrait Of Jesus Christ (1)

    I want to bring the review of this series to a conclusion so as to move on. The series on the Tabernacle is the best christian publication I have read which crystalises the truth about the works of Jesus to save the mankind from the bondage of sin. The series has enabled me to see with clear undestanding how the message of the salvation of the Soul should be taught to sinners for them to understand and believe that the Lord has already blotted out all the sins of the mankind for the forgiveness of the sins of all belivers through His baptism, and His death on the cross was for the remission of the sins that are past. This series is teaching us to know this one thing, that without puting our faith on the Baptism of Jesus where sins of the world were passed on to the Lord by John the Baptist by the Laying on of hands would mean that we do not accept the Law of the remission of sins given by the sacrificial system which God gave to Moses for the people of Isreal. This means that the love of God revealled by our Lord Jesus on which the Law hangs would be negated, and we would be regarding God to be a liar (God forbid). Therefore the series has enabled me to see that accepting only the cross of Jesus and prayers of repentance as the basis for our salvation or to gain the born again experience is subtracting and adding to the word of God, and leads to actual sin against God.   The Altar of burnt offering is of great significance to all believers, because it was the place of judgment and condemnationin which the Israelites were locked in because of their sins. The materials of the Altar of sacrifice were overlaid with bronze signifying judgment. Any Israelite who broke the 613 articles of the Law besides the ten commanments had to offer an unblemished sacrfice for the remission of sin. They had to bring the offering to the altar of sacrifice, placed their hands on the head of the sacrifice before blood was drawn and springled on the four Horns of the Altar and on the offender, with the rest of the blood poured on the ground below the alter of sacrifice. This was the faith that enabled sinners to abide in the camp of the Israelites. All Israelites walked in this faith looking to the time when the Lord would come to fulfil the Law of the remission of Sins. Every sacrifice offered on the Alter of burnt offering was pointing to the Lord Jesus. This Altar of Burnt Offering was given to Moses by God according to Exodus 27:1-8.   There was another vesel that was placed between the Altar of sacrfice and the Tabernacle of Meeting, the Laver. This Vesel was made of Bronze, again signifying judgment (Exodus 30:17-21. The Laver was filled with water for the priests to wash their hands and feet before entering into the sanctuary to perform their services. The Laver is to help us to believe that we are ceansed of all our sins by believing that our Lord Jesus took our sins once and for all times in the baptism which He received from John the Baptist by the laying on of hands. He not only cleansed us from our past sins, also from our actual sins which we comit daily due to our weaknesses. In the Bible we know that water stands for the word of God. But the most importance of water is the Baptism of Jesus. Eph.5:26 says,"that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word," and John 15:3 says, "you are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you."   Today, I have started again reading Revelation,and was meditating on the words of Jesus to the seven churches in Asia Minor. I came to realize that although these words of our Lord were addressed to the messengers (the Apostles), it is because of what was happenning in those seven churches. It means these words of Jesus was also addressing the end-time churches in our times (Rev.2:1-3:1-22). The Lord commended some of the churches, and also highlighted the errors of some them. IN all He emphasised that they must repent, else He would come quickly and removed their Lampstands (the churches). The churches which did not compromise with the world the Lord encouraged them to hold on to their faith and go through all the tribulations they suffered. I came to the realization that without the faith of Gold given to believers through having faith in the righteousness of God ( the Baptism, the Spirit and the Blood of Jesus) it would be impossible to make it to the end in the face persecution and tribulation.   I am so thankful to the Lord for raising the Newlife Mission to preach the word of truth to the Nations. I would like also to encourage readers of this review to know that there will great trials that this world will experience of which what we are seeing now is the tip of the icebgerg. Only by walking in the faith of the water and the Spirit can the Helper, the Holy Ghost strenghten believers to abide in the Lord. I recommend believers to do all that is possible to understand the series on the Tabernacle and other series to enable them to stand firm in the faith of the righteousness of God.   The Lord Jesus is our perfect Saviour who came to fulfil all the righteousness of God for the mankind. We must have faith in the three works of Jesus and in the word of God to be saved from condemnation. He is the One who came by Water and Blood.A-men.

    • Samuel Akpabio
    • United Kingdom
    • 05/02/202134