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What Should We Strive To Believe And Preach? Part 2

  • Aneka Simons
  • United Kingdom
  • 02/15/2025 403

We should strive to believe and preach the Gospel that is prophesied and fulfilled in the Bible - the Gospel of the water and the Spirit.
Any other Gospel other than this is not the true gospel but only a man made doctrine.
Only the gospel of Jesus` baptism, death and resurrection is biblically true and therefore has the power to blot out all of a person`s sins from their heart and conscience once and for all.
Any gospel that does not lay empathise to the baptism that Jesus received to from John the Baptist will leave a person guilt ridden, trapped in their sins and separated from the Holy God.
Therefore, we must search out, lay hold of and treasure the gospel of God`s righteousness- the gospel of the water and the Spirit.
Praise be to God alone.

The New Life Mission

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